Thursday, 29 October 2020

 तदेवास्य परं मित्रं यत्र संक्रामति द्वयम् ।

दृष्टे सुखं च दुःखं च प्रतिच्छायेव दर्पणे ॥ ७२६


Tadevasya param mitram yatra samkramati dvayam

Drushte sukham cha dukham cha pratichchayeva darpane


He is a real friend in whom both one’s happiness and sadness are

seen as soon as he is seen, just like a reflection in the mirror.


भये वा यदि वा हर्षे संप्रासे यो विमर्शयेत् ।

कृत्यं न कुरुते वेगान् न स सन्तापमाप्नुयात् ॥ ७२७


Bhaye va yadi va harshe samprase yo vimarshayet

Krutyam na kurute vegan na sa santapamapnuyat


When fearful or happy occasion arises, one who ponders over

and does not react in haste will have nothing to regret.


खलः सर्षपमात्राणि परच्छिद्राणि पश्यति ।

आत्मनो विल्वमात्राणि पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति ॥ ७२८


Khalah sarshapamatrani parachchidrani pashyati |

Atmano vilvamatrani pashyannapi na pashyati ||


A wicked person sees faults in others the size of a mustard seed.

However, he does not see his own faults even if they are size of a bilva fruit.


सन्ति पुत्राः सुबहवो दरिद्राणामनिच्छताम् ।

नास्ति पुत्रः समृद्धानां विचित्रं विधिचेष्टितम् ॥ ७२९


Santi putrah subahavo daridranamanichchatam

Nasti putrah samruddhanam vichitram vidhicheshtitam


Many children are born to the poor though they may not wish it.

Well-to-do seem to have none. Strange is the course of destiny.


लोभात् क्रोधः प्रभवति लोभात् कामः प्रजायते

लोभात् मोहश्च नाशश्च लोभः पापस्य कारणम् ७३०


Lobhat krodhah prabhavati lobhat kamah prajayate

Lobhat mohashcha nashashcha lobhah papasya karanam


From greed originates anger; greed gives rise to lust,

from greed come attachment and ruin, greed is the cause for sin.

Saturday, 24 October 2020

 कस्य दोषः कुले नास्ति व्याधिना को न पीडितः ।

व्यसनं केन प्राप्तं कस्य सौख्यं निरन्तरम् ॥ ७२


Kasya doshah kule nasti vyadhina ko na piditah

Vyasanam kena praptam kasya saukhyam niarantaram


Which family does not have defects, who is the man who has not seen sickness, who has not faced sadness, who has had eternal happiness?


दानं भोगो नाशस्तिसो गतयो भवन्ति वित्तस्य ।

यो न ददाति न भुङ्क्ते तस्य तृतीया गतिर्भवति ॥ ७२२


Danam bhogo nashastiso gatayo bhavanti vittasya

Yo na dadati na bhunkte tasya trutiya gatirbhavati


Charity, enjoyment and total loss are the three fates of wealth. 

One who does not give or enjoy wealth will suffer the third option.


आरभेतैव कर्माणि श्रान्तः श्रान्तः पुनः पुनः ।

कर्माण्यराभमाणं हि पुरुषं श्रीर्निषेवते ॥ ७२


Arabhetaiva karmani shrantah shrantah punah punah

Karmanyarabhamanam hi purusham shrirnishevate


Keep starting activities time and time again even if you are tired.

Because the Goddess of wealth favors men who are hard working.


हरिणापि हरेणापि ब्रह्मणापि सुरैरपि ।

ललाटलिखिता रेखा परिमार्ष्टुं न शख्यते ॥ ७२४


Harinapi harenapi brahmanapi surairapi

Lalatalikhita Rekha parimarshtum na shakhyate


Even Hari, Hara, Brahma or other deities cannot

wipe out the lines written on one’s forehead.


अर्थहिनोऽपि मधुरः शब्दो लोकप्रियङ्करः ।

वीणावेणुमृदङ्गादीन्यत्रोदाहरणानि नः॥ ७२५


Arthahino api madhurah shabdo lokapriyankarah |

Vinavenumrudangadinyatrodaharanani nah ||


Sounds even devoid of meaning are sweet to people.

Veena, flute, percussion are examples of this.

Monday, 19 October 2020

किन्तु मद्यं स्वभावेन यथेवान्नं तथा स्मृतम् ।

अयुक्तियुक्तं रोगय युक्तियुक्तं यथाऽमृतम् ॥ ७१६


Kintu madyam svabhavena yathevannam tatha smrutam

Ayuktiyuktam rogaya yuktiyuktam yatha amrutam


But alcohol by nature is like food, it is said. When used inappropriately it will lead to sickness, when used properly it is like nectar.


राज्ञि धर्मिणि धर्मिष्ठाः पापे पापाः समे समाः

राजानमनुवर्तन्ते यथा राजा तथा प्रजाः ७१७


Rajni dharmini dharmishtthah pape papah same samah

Rajanamanuvartante yatha raja tatha prajah


Rulers either follow dharma or they are wicked, so are people in equal measure.

People do what the kings do. As is the ruler, so are the ruled.


प्रत्यहं प्रत्यवेक्षेत नरश्चरितमात्मनः ।

किन्नु मे पशुभिस्तुल्यं किन्नु सत्पुरुषैरिति ॥ ७१८

Pratyaham pratyaveksheta narashcharitamatmanah

Kinnu me pashubhistulyam kinnu satpurushairiti


Every person must retrospect daily about his conduct.

Whether is was like that of a beast or that of a good person.


बुद्धिविहीने श्रोतरि वक्तुत्वमनर्थकं भवति पुंसाम् ।

नेत्रविहीने भर्तरि विलासलावण्यवत् स्त्रीणाम् ॥ ७१९


Buddhivihine shrotari vaktutvamanarthakam bhavati pumsam

netravihIne bhartari vilasalavanyavat strinam


In an audience of mindless people, speeches become meaningless

like a woman’s grace and beauty when the husband is blind.


काक आह्वयते काकान् याचको न तु याचकान् ।

काक याचकयोर्मध्ये वरं काको न याचकः ॥ ७२०


Kaka ahvayte kakan yachko na tu yachakan

Kaka yachakayormadhye varam kako na yachakah


A crow invites other crows to share food, a beggar does not.

Between the two, a crow is  better than a beggar. 

Thursday, 15 October 2020

 दधि मधुरं मधु मधुरं द्राक्षा मधुरा सुधापि मधुरैव ।

तस्य तदेव हि मधुरं यस्य मनो यत्र संलग्नम् ॥ ७११


Dadhi madhuram madhu madhuram draksha madhura sudhapi madhuraiva

Tasya tadeva hi madhuram yasya mano yatra samlagnam


Curds are sweet, honey is sweet, grapes are sweet, nectar is also sweet.

For anyone, sweet is that to which one’s mind is attached.


न गण्स्याग्रतो गच्छेत्सिद्धे कार्ये समं फलम् ।

यदि कार्यविपत्तिः स्यात् मुखरस्तत्र हन्यते ॥ ७१२


Na ganasyagrato gachchetsiddhe karye samam phalam

Yadi karyavipattih syat mukharastatra hanyate


Do not go to the front in a protesting crowd. If successful

all get credit. If the protest fails, the man in front gets killed.


गृहासक्तस्य नो विद्या नो दया मांसभोजिनः ।

द्रव्यलुब्धस्य नो सत्यं स्त्रैणस्य न पवित्रता ॥ ७१३


Gruhasaktasya no vidya no daya mamsabhojinah

Dravyalubdhasya no satyam strainasya na pavitrata


One who is fond of house and family will not be learned, meat eaters show no compassion. One fond of money will not speak the truth, one who is after women is not pure.


पतितोपि कराघातैरुत्पतत्येव कन्दुकः ।

प्रायेण साधुवृत्तानामस्थायिन्यो विपत्तयः ॥ ७१४


Patitopi karaghatairutpatatyeva kandukah

Prayena sadhuvruttanamasthayinyo vipattayah


A ball thrown down by a hand will bounce back up.

Misfortunes of good people are generally only temporary.

आढ्यो वाऽपि दरिद्रो वा दुःखितः सुखितोऽपि वा ।

निर्दोषश्च सदोषश्च वयस्यः परमा गतिः ॥ ७१५

Addhyo va api daridro va dukhitah sukhito api va

Nirdoshashcha sadoshashcha vayasyah parama gatih


Rich or poor, unhappy or happy, bad or good,

a real friend is the ultimate refuge.

Friday, 9 October 2020

 यावन्तः पृथिव्यां भोगा यावन्तो जातवेदसि ।

यावन्तो प्राणिनां भूयान् पुत्रे पितुस्ततः ॥ ७०६


Yavantah pruthivyam bhoga yavanto jatavedasi

Yavanto praninam bhuyan putre pitustatah


Whatever enjoyments are there on earth, whatever derived from fire, whatever

enjoyments there are for people, greater are the enjoyments of a father from his son.


अत्यादरो भवेद्यत्र कार्यकारणवर्जितः ।

तत्र शंका प्रकर्तव्या परिणामे सुखावहा ॥ ७०७

Atyadaro bhavedyatra karyakaranavarjitah

Tatra shanka prakartavya pariname sukhavaha


When there is excessive respect, it will be to get some things done.

Doubting such intentions and motives will lead one to be happy.


भेषज्यं तु यथाकामं पथ्यं तु कठिनं वदेत् ।

आरोग्य वैद्यमाहात्म्यादन्यथात्वमपथ्यतः ॥ ७०८


Bheshajyam tu yathakamam pathyam tu katthinam vadet

Arogya vaidyamahatmyadanyathatvamapathyatah


A doctor will prescribe medicines as he wishes and a strict diet. If one gets cured it will be because of medicines, if not, it will be because of not following the diet.


अकलितनिजपररूपः स्वकमपि दोषं परस्थितं वेत्ति ।

नावास्थितस्तटस्थन् अचलानपि विचलितान् मनुते ॥ ७०९

Akaltanijapararupah svakamapi dosham parasthitam vetti

Navasthitastatastan achalamapi vichalitatan manute


Not knowing real issues between one and another, one sees one’s own fault in others. One on a moving boat thinks people on the shore are moving even if they are stationary.


यः समुत्पतितं क्रोधं निगृह्णाति हयं यथा ।

स यन्तेत्युच्यते सद्मिर्न यो रश्मिषु लम्बते ॥ ७१०


Yah samutpatitam krodham nigrhnanati hayam yatha

Sa yantetyuchyate sadmirna yo rashnishu lambate


One who can control rising anger like a charioteer who controls

heaving horses with the reins is called a wiseman.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

 सा धर्मो यो दयायुक्तः सर्वप्राणिहितप्रदः ।

स एवोत्तारेण शक्तो भवाम्भोधेः सुदुस्तरात् ॥ ७०१


Sa dharmo yo dayayuktah sarvapranihitapradah |

Sa evottarena shakto bhavambhodhe sudustarat


Dharma is that which is compassionate and for the benefit of all beings.

Dharma is that which will enable one to cross the ocean of life with ease.


यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवं परिषेवते ।

ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति चाध्रुवं नष्टमेव हि ॥ ७०२

Yo dhruvani parityajya adhruvam parishevate

Dhruvani tasya nashyanti chadhruvam nashtameva hi


One who disregards the imperishable and goes after the perishable,

will miss the imperishable and will lose the perishable too.


अन्तर्गतं महाशल्यं अस्थैर्यं यदि नोदध्रुतम् ।

क्रियौषदस्य कः दोषः तदा गुणमयच्छतः ॥ ७०३

Antargatam mahashalyam asthairyam yadi nodadhrutah

Kriyoshadsya kah doshah tada gunamayachchatah


Till the wavering and fear in the mind is not removed, how can

we blame the medicine if it does not work to cure the disease?


निर्गतासु न वा कस्य कालिदासस्य सूक्तिषु ।

प्रीतिर्मधुरसार्द्रासु मन्जरीष्विव जायते ॥ ७०४


Nirgatasu na va kasya kalidasasya suktishu

Pritirmadhurasardrasu manjarishviva jayate


At the emergence of Kalidasa’s sayings, who is there who will

not rejoice like an eager bunch of honey laden flowers?


दूरस्थोऽपि न दूरस्थो यो यस्य मनसि स्थितः ।

यो यस्य हृदये नास्ति समीपस्थोऽपि दूरतः ॥ ७०५


Durastho api na durastho yo yasya manasi sthitah

Yo yasya hrudaye nasti samipastho api duratah


One who is far away is not far away if he is in one’s heart.

He who is not in one’s heart will be far away even if he is nearby.