Friday, 30 September 2022

 आत्मानमात्मना वेत्सि सृजस्यात्मानमात्मना ।

आत्मना कृतिना च त्वम् आत्मन्येव प्रलीयसे ॥ 46


Atmanamatmana vetsi srujasyatmanamatmana
Atmana krutina cha tvam atmanyeva praliyase


You are yourself capable of creating yourself by yourself,

you know yourself and you are dissolved in yourself.


दुर्जनस्य हि सङ्गेन सुजनोपि विनश्यति I

प्रसन्नमपिपानीयं कर्दमैः कलुषी कृतं II 47

Durjanasya hi sangena sujanopi vinasyati I

Prasannamapi paniyam kardamaih kalushi krutam II


Association with the wicked can destroy even a good man.

Just as pure water will be contaminated by association with mire.


चलन्ति गिरयः कामं युगान्तपवनाहताः ।
कृच्छ्रेऽपि न चलत्येव धीराणां निश्चलं मनः ॥


Chalanti girayah kamam yugantapavanahatah
Kruchchre api na chalatyeva dhīranam nishchalam manaḥ

Struck by the winds, mountains move willfully during the apocalypse. But even in difficult times, the mind of the steadfast remains unperturbed.


दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतत् देवानुग्रहहेतुकम् ।
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः ॥


Durlabham trayamevaitat devanugrahahetukam

Manushyatvam mumukshutvam mahapurushasamshrayah


Three things are difficult to obtain in this world and depend on the mercy of the Lord.

Human birth , Desire for salvation and the company of great people.


विशन्ति सहसा मूढा येऽविचार्य द्विषद्बलम् 
खड्गधारा परिष्वङ्गं लभन्ते ते सुनिश्चितम्  49


Vishanti sahasa mudha ye avicarya dvishadbalam 
Khaḍgadhara parishvangam labhante te sunishchitam 


Fools who embark on war hastily without knowing enemy’s strength

are sure to get the embrace of their swords.

Thursday, 22 September 2022

 यो यत्र कुशलः कार्ये तं तत्र विनियोजयेत् ।

कर्मस्वष्टकर्मा यः शास्त्रज्ञोऽपि विमुह्यति ॥ 4


Yo yatra kushalah karye tam tatra viniyojayet 
karmasvadrushṭakarma yaḥ shastrajno api vimuhyati 


Only those who are experts in the work should be entrusted with the responsibility. Those without experience, even though experts in theory get bewildered in practical situations.


मदोपशमनं शास्त्रं खलानां कुरुते मदम् l
चक्षुः प्रकाशकं तेज उलॊकानामिवान्धताम् ll 4


Madopashamanam shastram khalanaam kurute madam

Chakshuh prakashakam teja ulokanamivandhataam


Scriptures help one to overcome pride but the wicked develop pride instead.

Similar to an owl which runs away from light and hides in a dark place.


दातृत्वं प्रियवक्तृत्वं धीरत्वमुचितज्ञता l

अभ्यासेन न लभ्येयुश्चत्वारः सहजाः गुणाः ll 4८३

Datrutvam priyavaktrutvaṁ dhiratvamuchitajnata

Abhyasena na labhyeyushchatvarah sahajah guṇah


Generosity, speaking kindly and agreeably, fortitude. wisdom and knowledge of what is proper are qualities some people innately have, which cannot be acquired through practice.

पापं प्रज्ञा नाशयति क्रियमाणं पुनः पुनः ।

नष्टप्रज्ञः पापमेव नित्यमारभते नरः ॥ 44


Papam prajna nashayati kriyamanam punah punah

Nashtaprajnah papameva nityamarabhate narah


Wrong deeds destroy one’s discretion if one keeps doing them again and again.

Without discretion and judgement, one will keep committing sins.


सामैव हि प्रयोक्तव्यमादौ कार्यं विजानता ।
सामसिद्धानि कार्याणि विक्रियां यान्ति न क्वचित् ॥

Samaiva hi prayoktavyamadau karyam vijanata

Samasiddhani karyani vikriyam yanti na kvachit


It is practical to explain everything related to the work to be done properly in the

beginning itself. The works accomplished by conciliation never get impaired.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

 अधोदृष्टिर्वदेत्कृत्वा पापं प्राप्तः सभां नरः ।

तस्माद्यत्नात्परिज्ञेयाश्चिह्नैरेतैर्विचक्षणैः ॥ 476


Adhodrushtirvadetkrutva papam praptah sabham narah


If, in a court, a man speaks with his eyes fixed to the ground and

refuses to make eye contact, then he is surely guilty of the crime.


उद्यतेष्वपि शस्त्रेषु दूतो वदति नान्यथा ।
सदैवावध्यभावेन यथार्थस्य हि वाचकः ॥


Udyateshvapi shastreshu duto vadati nanyatha
Sadaivavadhyabhavena yatharthasya hi vacakah


A messenger will speak inspite of talk of weapons against him.

Well protected by the king, he will speak the truth not otherwise.


आत्मपितृमातृगुणैः प्रख्यातश्चोत्तमोत्तमः ।

गुणैरात्मभवैः ख्यातः पैतृकैर्मातृकैः पृथक् ॥ 47


Atmapitrumatrugunaih prakhyatashcottamottamah
Gunairatmabhavaih khyatah paitrukairmatrukaih pruthak


A person may become well known by the good qualities of himself, his father and mother. It is best if he becomes famous by his own qualities rather than depending on

the qualities of his father or mother.


चैतन्यः शश्वतः शन्तो व्योमातितो निरञ्जनः ।

बिन्दुनादकलातीतस्तस्मै श्रिगुरुवे नमः ॥ 479


Chaitanya Shashwatah shanto vyomatito niranjanah
Bindunaad kalatitah tasmai shri Gurave Namah

My Salutations to that reverential teacher, who is verily the eternal consciousness, which is of the nature of peace. He transcends space & time, the concept of zero, the primordial sound and all parts.


मुहूर्तमपि चेद्विज्ञः पण्डितं पर्युपासते ।

क्षिप्रं धर्मं विजानाति जिह्वा सूपरसं यथा ॥ 4 

Muhurtamapi chedvijnah panditam paryupasate

Kshipram dharmam vijanati jivha suparasam yatha

An intelligent person, even if he is with a learned person for a short while,

understands dharma just as the tongue can taste pulses immediately.