अधोदृष्टिर्वदेत्कृत्वा पापं प्राप्तः सभां नरः ।
तस्माद्यत्नात्परिज्ञेयाश्चिह्नैरेतैर्विचक्षणैः ॥ १476
papam praptah sabham narah ।
Tasmadyatnatparijneyashchihnairetairvicakshanaih ॥
If, in a court, a man speaks with his eyes fixed
to the ground and
refuses to make eye contact, then he is surely
guilty of the crime.
उद्यतेष्वपि शस्त्रेषु दूतो वदति नान्यथा ।
सदैवावध्यभावेन यथार्थस्य हि वाचकः ॥ १477
shastreshu duto vadati nanyatha ।
Sadaivavadhyabhavena yatharthasya hi vacakah ॥
A messenger will speak inspite of talk of weapons
against him.
Well protected by the king, he will speak the truth
not otherwise.
आत्मपितृमातृगुणैः प्रख्यातश्चोत्तमोत्तमः ।
गुणैरात्मभवैः ख्यातः पैतृकैर्मातृकैः पृथक् ॥ १47८
prakhyatashcottamottamah ।
Gunairatmabhavaih khyatah paitrukairmatrukaih
pruthak ॥
person may become well known by the good qualities of himself, his father and
mother. It is best if he becomes famous by his own qualities rather than depending
qualities of his father or mother.
चैतन्यः शश्वतः शन्तो व्योमातितो निरञ्जनः ।
बिन्दुनादकलातीतस्तस्मै श्रिगुरुवे नमः ॥ १479
Shashwatah shanto vyomatito niranjanah ।
Bindunaad kalatitah tasmai shri Gurave Namah ॥
My Salutations to that
reverential teacher, who is verily the eternal consciousness, which is of the
nature of peace. He transcends space & time, the concept of zero, the
primordial sound and all parts.
मुहूर्तमपि चेद्विज्ञः पण्डितं पर्युपासते ।
क्षिप्रं धर्मं विजानाति जिह्वा सूपरसं यथा ॥ १4८०
chedvijnah panditam paryupasate ।
dharmam vijanati jivha suparasam yatha ॥
An intelligent
person, even if he is with a learned person for a short while,
dharma just as the tongue can taste pulses immediately.
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