मधु पश्यति मूढात्मा प्रपातं
नैव पश्यति ।
करोति निन्दितं कर्म नरकान्न बिभेति च ॥ १6०१
pashyati mudhama prapatam naiva pashyati ।
Karoti ninditam karma narakanna bibheti cha ॥
imbecile sees the honey, not the danger of falling down while reaching for it,
despicable deeds and is not afraid of going to hell either.
घृष्टं घृष्टं
पुनरपि पुनश्चन्दनं चारुगन्धम्
छिन्नं छिन्नं
पुनरपि पुनः स्वादु चैवेक्षुकाण्डम् ।
दग्धं दग्धं
पुनरपि पुनः काञ्चनं कान्तवर्णम्
प्रकृतिविकृतिर्जायते नोत्तमानाम् ॥ १6०२
ghrushtam punarapi punashchandanam charugandham
chchinnam punarapi punah svadu chaivekshukandam ।
dagdham punarapi punah kanchanam kantavarnam
pranante prakrutivikrutijayate chottamanam ॥
A piece of sandalwood spreads its aroma even
after being rubbed again and again, Sugarcane tastes sweet even after being cut repeatedly,
gold keeps shining brightly even after being melted again and again,
noble people never give up their good nature even in the face of death and other
वित्तेन रक्ष्यते
धर्मो विद्या योगेन रक्ष्यते ।
मृदुना रक्ष्यते भूपः सत्स्त्रिया रक्ष्यते गृहम् ॥ १6०३
Vittena rakshyate dharmo vidya yogena rakshyate ।
Mruduna rakshyate bhupah
satstriya rakshyate gruham ॥
Observance of proper codes of conduct is
possible by having wealth, knowledge gets preserved by constant application, a
king gets guarded by tender behaviour and a household gets protected by a
virtuous woman.
कामधेनुगुणा विद्या ह्ययकाले फलदायिनी
प्रवासे मातृसदृशा विद्या गुप्तं धनं स्मृतम्
॥ १6०4
Kamadhenuguna vidya hyakale phaladayini ।
Pravase matrusadrusha vidya guptam dhanam smrutam
Learning is like Kamadhenu. Like her It yields
in all seasons.
Like a mother, it feeds you on your journey. Learning
is a hidden treasure.
अधीत्येदं यथाशास्त्रं नरो
जानाति सत्तम: ।
कार्याकार्यं शुभाशुभम् ॥ १6०5
yathashastram naro janati sattama: ।
Dharmopadeshavikhyatam karyakaryam
shubhashubham ॥
One who
acquires a knowledge of the principles of duty by the study of scriptutres and
understands what is good and what is bad, is a learned man.
शुद्धाचारसमन्वितः ।
जिज्ञासु: सत्यवादी च विद्यार्थी प्रियदर्शन: ॥ १6०6
Vinayanvitasvantah shuddhacharasamanvitah ।
Jijnasuh satyavadi cha vidyarthi priyadarshanah ॥
A student who is inherently courteous, with clean habits,
eager to learn and truthful is a great sight to a teacher.
स्वयं कर्म करोत्यात्मा स्वयं
तत्फलमश्नुते ।
स्वयं भ्रमति संसारे स्वयं तस्माद्विमुच्यते ॥ १6०7
Svayam karma karotyatma svayam
tatphalamashrute ।
Svayam bhramati samsara svayam
tasmadvimuchyate ॥
The Soul within a person performs all day to
day actions itself and it alone faces all consequences of such actions. The
Soul alone keeps wandering about in this worldly life and it ultimately gets
liberated itself from it.
परोपदेशवेलायां शिष्टा: सर्वे भवन्ति वै ।
विस्मरन्तीह शिष्टत्वं स्वकार्ये समुपस्थिते ॥ १6०८
Paropadeshavelayam shishtah
sarve bhavanti vai ।
Vismarantiha shishtatvam
svakarye samupasthite ॥
People become correct & proper when giving
the advice to others in distress.
But they forget that very attitude while they
themselves are in difficulties.
आयुः पुमान् यशः स्वर्ग कीर्तिं पुण्यं बलं श्रियं I
पशुसुखं धनं धान्यं प्रप्नुयान्मातृ वन्दनात् II १6०9
Ayuh puman yashah svarga
kirtim punyam balam shriyam ।
Pashu sukham dhanam dhanyam prapunyatmaatru vandanaat ॥
One who serves his mother sicerely will be blessed with long life, honour,
heaven, fame, merit, strength,
prosperity; cattle, happiness, wealth, and grains.
अहिंसा धाम धर्मस्य दुःखस्यायतनं स्पृहा ।
सङ्गत्यागः पदं मुक्तेर् योगाभ्यासः पदं शुचः ॥ १6१०
Ahimsa dhama dharmasya dukhasyayatanam spruha ।
Sangatyagah padam mukter yogabhyasah
padam shuchah ॥
The abode of dharma is non-violence, the house
of sorrow is excess desire,
liberation is giving up of attachment and the path to purity
is the practice of yoga.
प्राप्ता जरा यौवनमप्यतीतबु धा यतध्वं परमार्थसिद्ध्यै ।
आयुर्गतप्रायमिदं यतोऽसौ विश्राम्य विश्राम्य न याति
कालः ॥ १6११
Prapta jara yauvanmapyatitabu dha
yatadhvam paramarthasiddhyai ।
yato asau vishramya vishramya na yati kalah ॥
men, youth would have been past, even if old age has set in,Strive for self
realization because though lifetime is partly gone, time will not move
शकटं पञ्चहस्तेन दशहस्तेन वाजिनम् ।
हस्तिनं शतहस्तेन देशत्यागेन दुर्जनम् ॥ १6१२
Shakatam panchahastena
dashahastena vajinam ।
Hastinam shatahastena
deshatyagena durjanam ॥
One should keep a distance of five hands from
a moving cart, ten hands from a horse and a hundred hands from an elephant.
But, in case of wicked or cruel people, it is advisable to leave the place all
to gather.
दुर्जनस्य हि सङ्गेन सुजनोपि विनश्यति I
प्रसन्नमपिपानीयं कर्दमैः कलुषी कृतं II १6१३
Durjanasya hi sangena sujanopi vinashyati ।
Prasannamapi paniyam kardamaih kalushi krutam ॥
Association with the wicked can destroy even a good man.
Just as pure water will be contaminated by association with mire.
न तेन
संगतिं कुर्यात् इत्युवाच बृहस्पति: II १6१4
Yasya na jnayate shilam na kulam na cha
smshrayah ।
Na tena samgatim kuryat ityuvacha
bruhaspatih ॥
Bruhaspati says do not be company to one whose conduct is
whose family background is unknown and it is not clear who gives
him support.
अवश्यं लभते जन्तुः
फलं पापस्य कर्मणः I
घोरं पर्यागते काले द्रुमाः पुष्पमिवार्तवम् II १6१5
Avashyam labhate jantuh phalam papasya karmanah ।
Ghoram paryagate kale druman
pushpamivartavam ॥
Just like trees that bear
seasonal flowers at appointed times,
man receives terrible fruits for
his sinful deeds, one day.
अग्निस्तेजो महल्लोके गूढस्तिष्ठति दारुषु ।
न चोपयुङ्क्ते तद्दारु यावन्नोद्दीप्यते परैः II १6१6
mahalloke guddhastishtati darushu ।
Na chaupayunkte tat daaru
yaavannodipyate paraih ॥
Fire energy in this world is
hidden inside wood,
but until
kindled by others it cannot be used.
अवृत्तिकं प्रभुं भृत्या अपुष्पं भ्रमरास्तरुम् ।
अंजली च सरो हंसा मुञ्चन्त्यपि चिरोषितम् II १6१7
prabhum bhrutya apushpam bhramarastarum ।
Anjali cha saro hamsa munchantyapi
chiroshitam ॥
Servants leave a master who does not support them, bees leave a tree
flowers, swans a tank without water, in spite of long association.
सा किं क्रिया या न हितानुबद्धा
किं जीवितं साधुविरोधि यद्वै II १6१८
Kim paurusham rakshati yo na vartankim va
dhanam narthi janaya yatysyat ।
Sa kim kriya ya na hitanubaddha kim
jivitam sadhuvirodhi yadvaih ॥
What is the use of
bravery when one cannot protect the weak, what is the use of the work If not for
welfare of others, why live when one is against gentle people.
आर्ये कर्मणि युञ्जानः पापे वा पुनरीश्वरः ।
व्याप्य भूतानि चरते न चायमिति लक्ष्यते ॥ १6१9
karmani yunjanah pape va punarishvarah ।
Vyapya bhutani charate na chayamiti
lakshyate ॥
all beings in virtuous deeds or in vicious ones, the all-pervasive God does
exist. The existence of this God is comprehended through the process of Neti, Neti
(not this, not this) through the negation process.
आदरेण यथा स्तौति धनवन्तं धनेच्छया ।
तथा चेद्विश्वकर्तारं को न मुञ्चेत बन्धनात् ॥ १6२०
Adarena yatha stauti dhanavantam dhanechchaya ।
chedvishvakartaram ko na muncheta bandhanat ॥
If the way one praises a richman in the hope of getting money,
Is adopted to praise the creator, who will not be released
from bondage?