गम्यते यदि मृगेन्द्रमन्दिरं लभ्यते करिकपालमौक्तिकम् ।
जम्बुकालयगते च प्राप्यते वत्सपुच्छखरचर्मखण्डनम्
॥ १69१
yadi mrugendramandiram labhyate karikapalamauktikam ।
cha prapyate vatsapuchcharacharmakhandanam II
If one ventures into an abode of the King of all animals
(Lion), one may get a pearl from the skull of an elephant. But if one goes to a
dwelling of a jackal, one will get only pieces of the tail of a calf or hide of
an ass.
क्षमावतामयं लोकः परश्चैव क्षमावताम् ।
इह संमानमृच्छन्ति परत्र च शुभां गतिम् ॥ १69२
Kshamavatamayam lokah parashchaiva kshamavatam ।
Iha sammanamruchchanti paratra
cha shubham gatim II
This world belongs to the forgiving, also the other world. Those
who are
forgiving are honoured and respected here and in the next
इतो हास्यतरं लोके किंचिदन्यन् न विद्यते ।
यत् तु दुर्जन इत्याह सज्जनं दुर्जनः स्वयम् ॥ १69३
hasyataram loke kincidanyan na vidyate ।
Yat tu durjana ityaha sajjanam
durjanah svayam ॥
is nothing seen in this world more ludicrous than that people,
are themselves wicked, should call the good men bad.
शोचन्ति जामयो यत्र विनश्यत्याशु तत्कुलम् ।
यत्रैतास्तु न शोचन्ति वर्धते तद्धि सर्वदा ॥ १694
Shochanti jamayo yatra vinashyatyashu tatkulam ।
Yatraitastu na shochanti vardhate taddhi sarvada ॥
A family with unhappy ladies perishes quickly.
A family with happy ladies always prospers.
पुष्पे गन्धं तिले
तैलं काष्ठेऽग्निं पयसि घृतम् ।
इक्षौ गुडं तथा देहे पश्यात्मानं विवेकतः ॥ १695
Pushpe gandham tile tailam kashte agnim payasi ghrutam ।
Ikshau gudam tatha dehe
pashyatmanam vivekatah ॥
Discover the fragrance in a flower, oil
present in sesame seeds, fire hidden in a piece of wood, ghee in milk and
jaggery in sugarcane and likewise discover the presence of the supreme soul in
अल्पमपि क्षितौ क्षिप्तं वटबीजं प्रवर्धते ।
जलयोगात् यथा दानात् पुण्यवृक्षोऽपि वर्धते ॥ १696
Alpamapi kshitau
kshiptam vatabijam pravardhate ।
Jalayogaat yatha danat punyavruksho api vardhate ॥
Just as a small banyan seed planted on the ground grows with water,
Similarly, a man’s tree of virtue also grows with charity.
सर्वद्रव्येषु विद्यैव द्रव्यमाहुरनुत्तमम् ।
अहार्यत्वादनर्घ्यत्वादक्षयत्वाच्च सर्वदा
॥ १697
Sarvadravyeshu vidyaiva dravyamahuranuttamam
sarvada ॥
Among all things, knowledge is the supreme entity
because it cannot be stolen, it is priceless and is
हृदयानि सतामेव
कठिनानीति मे मतिः ।
न मनागपि ॥ १69८
satameva kathinaniti me matih ।
na managatpi ॥
my considered opinion the conscience of the virtuous person is tough.
is not at all affected by the sharp criticism by the wicked.
रत्नाकरोऽम्भोधिरित्यसेवि धनाशया ।
दूरेऽस्तु वदनमपूरि क्षारवारिभिः ॥ १699
Ayam ratnakaro
ambhodhirityasevi dhanashaya ।
Dhanam dure astu vadanapuri
ksharavaribhih ॥
Thinking that the sea is full
of gems, I did service in the hope of riches.
Money remained at a distance
and my face was full of salt.
द्वेष्यो न साधुर्भवति
न मेधावी न पण्डित: ।
प्रिये शुभानि कार्याणि द्वेष्ये पापानि हि ॥ १7००
Dveshyo na sadhurbhavati
na medhaavi na panditah ।
Priye shibhani karyani
dveshye papani hi ॥
A hated person is never seen as good, wise or learned. One finds everything good in the person one likes and evil in the person one hates.