Wednesday, 10 May 2023

 असंपत्तौ परो लाभो गुह्यस्य कथनं तथा ।

आपद्विमोक्षणं चैव मित्रस्यैतत् फलत्रयम् 6

Asampattau paro labho guhyasya kathanam tatha I
Apadvimokshanam chaiva mitrasyaitat phalatrayam

Support at adverse times, help in private affairs and getting one out of

dangerous situations — these three are the fruits reaped of a good friend.


पूरोत्पीडे तडागस्य परीवाहः प्रतिक्रिया

शोकक्षोभे च हृदयं प्रलापैरेव धार्यते 6८२

Poorotpide tadagasya parivahah pratikriya I

Shokakshobhe cha hrudayam pralapaireva dharyate II


When water in a tank is raising above the top, breaking the edge and letting water flow is the right thing to do. Similarly when the mind is full of sadness, crying out loudly will provide relief.


वृद्धकाले मृता भार्या बन्धुहस्ते गतं धनम् ।
भोजनं च पराधीनं तिस्रः पुंसां विडम्बना: ॥

Vruddhakale mruta bharya bandhuhaste gatam dhanam I

Bhojanam cha paradhinam tisram pumsam vidambanah II


Death of a wife in old age, wealth being taken away by relatives and dependence on others for getting one’s daily meals, these three things make life of a man painful.

यस्मात्तु लोके दृश्यन्ते क्षमिणः पृथिवीसमाः ।
तस्माज्जन्म च भूतानां भवश्च प्रतिपद्यते ॥ १

Yasmattu loke drushyante kshaminah pruthivisamah I
Tasmajjanma cha bhutanam bhavashcha pratipadyate II

Because there are people present in this world forgiving like

mother earth, creatures are born and enjoy prosperity.


विषस्य विषयाणां हि दृश्यते महदन्तरम्

उपभुक्तं विषं हन्ति विषयाः स्मरणादपि ॥ १65

Vishasya vishayanam hi drushyate mahadantaram I

Upabhuktam visham hanti vishayah smaranadapi II

There is a great difference between the objects of desire and poison. Poison kills the one who consumes it, but the objects of desire consume the very person who thinks of them.


मृत्योर्बिभेषि किं मूढ भीतं मुञ्चति किं यमः

अजातं नैव गृह्णाति कुरु यत्नमजन्मनि ॥ १66


Mrutyorbibheshi kim mooddhah bhitam munchati kim yamah I

Ajatam naiva gruhnati kuru yatnamajanmani II


O Fool! Why are you afraid of death? Yama does not spare those who fear death.  Death does not touch the unborn. Strive towards liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.


मुक्तिमिच्छसि चेत्तात विषयान्विषवत्त्यज ।
क्षमार्जवं दयां शौचं सत्यं पीयूषवत्पिब ॥

Muktimichchaasi chettata vishayanvishavatyaja I

Kshamarjavam dayam satyam piyushavatpiba II


If you wish to have freedom from this materialistic world, get rid of attachment to sensory pleasures as if they are poison and adopt qualities like forbearance, uprightness, cleanliness and truthfulness like a drink of nectar.

दयाङ्गना सदा सेव्या सर्वकामफलप्रदा ।
सेवितासौ करोत्याशु मानसं करुणामयम् ॥
Dayangana, sadaa sevya sarva kama phalapradaa I
Sevitasau karotyashu manasam karunamayam II

Kindness gives fruits of all actions and should be practised all the time.

One who practices it diligently will find his mind overflowing with compassion.


अपि मानुष्यकं लब्ध्वा भवन्ति ज्ञानिनो न ये ।

पशुतैव वरा तेषां प्रत्यवायाप्रवर्तनात् 69


Api manushyakam labdhva bhavanti jnanino na ye
Pashutaiva vara tesham pratyavayapravartanat

Even after having acquired human birth, there are those who do not become wise, it is far better that they are born as beasts, for then they will do no mischief to others.


स जीवति यशो यस्य कीर्तिर्यस्य स जीवति ।
अयशोऽकीर्तिसंयुक्तः जीवन्नपि मृतोपमः ॥

Sa jivati yasho yasya kirtiyasya sa jivati

Ayasho akirtisamyuktah jivannapi mrutopamah II

Only the one who has attained reputation and fame in life is said to be living.

A disreputable and ill-famed person, though alive, is like a dead body.


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