Monday, 24 April 2023

 अप्रयत्नागताः सेव्या गृहस्थैर्विषयाः सदा ।

प्रयत्नेनोपगम्यश्च स्वधर्म इति मे मति ॥ 66


Aprayatnagatah sevya gruhastair vishayah sada l
Prayatnena upagamyascha svadharma iti me mathih ll

A householder should be content with what he gets without any effort due to providence, he should also enjoy riches and other possessions which he may acquire by exertion, 
this is svadharma of a householder according to me.


अनल: शीतनाशाय विषनाशाय गारूडम् ।

विवेको दु:खनाशाय सर्वनाशाय दुर्मति: 66

Analah shītanashaya vishanashaya garudam
Viveko dukhanashaya sarvanashaya durmatih

Fire puts an end to cold; emeralds destroy poison.

Sadness is reduced by correct judgement. Bad thinking annihilates everything.


ईक्षणं द्विगुणं भुयात्भाषणस्येति वेधसा

अक्षिणी द्वे मनुष्याणां जिह्वा चैकेव निर्मिता 66

Ikshanam dvigunam bhuyatbhashanasyeti vedhasa

Akshini dve manushyanam jihva chaikeva nirmita ll


Expectations should be twice of what is spoken.

That is why, God created one tongue and two eyes.

उत्साहः समयो लक्ष्मीः त्रयमेकत्रितं क्वचित् ।
नन्दति त्रयमेकत्रं स मनुष्यो सुदुर्लभः ॥

Utsahah samayo lakshmih trayamekatritam kvachit

Nandati trayamekatram sa manushyo sudurlabhah ll


Energy to act, suitable opportunity and adequate wealth are three things rarely found together. A person who manages to have these three things together is very rare.


यद्यदेव प्रसक्तं हि वितर्कयति मानव: ।
अभ्यासात्तेन तेनास्य नतिर्भवति चेतस: ॥
Yadyadeva prasaktam hi vivatarkayati manavah

Abhyasatteva tenasya natirbhavati chetasah ll


Whichever item, a man keeps thinking about constantly,

with such continued practice, his mind also gets oriented towards it.


अर्थं महान्तमासाद्य विद्यामैश्वर्यमेव वा ।
विचरत्यसमुन्नद्धो यः स पण्डित उच्यते ॥ 

Artham mahantamasadya vidhyamishvaryameva va
Vicharatyasamunnaddho yah pandita uchyate ll

He is wise who even after acquiring great wealth & learning and

control over others goes about his job without being conceited in the least.


विरला जानन्ति गुणान् विरला: कुर्वन्ति निर्धने स्नेहम्
विरला: परकार्यरता: परदु:खेनापि दु:खिता विरला:
॥ 667


Virala jananti gunan viralah kurvanti nirdhane sneham

viralah parakaryaratah paradukhhenapi dukhita viralah ll


Rare are people who can realise the qualities in others. Rare are people who have attachment towards the poor. One can rarely find anyone who is fully engrossed in someone else’s work, and rare are those who are sad at seeing some ones misery.


प्राप्ता जरा यौवनमप्यतीतं बुधा यतध्वं परमार्थसिद्ध्यै

आयुर्गतप्रायमिदं यतोऽसौ विश्राम्य विश्राम्य न याति कालः ॥ 66


Prapta jara yauvanmapyatitam budha yatadhvam paramarthasiddhyai

Ayurgataprayamidam yato asau vishramya vishramya na yati kalah ll


Having reached old age after youth is past, spend time on spiritual matters.

Death will not assume the you still have time left and come haltingly.


सकलापि कला कलावतां विकला धर्मकलां विना खलु ।
सकले नयने वृथा यथा तनुभाजां हि कनीनिकां विना ॥

Sakalapi kala kalavatam vikala dharmakalam vina khalu

sakale nayane vrutha yatha tanubhajam hi kanikam vina ll


All skills of artists do not qualify to be perfect unless they embody codes of conduct (Dharma), just like beautiful eyes of living beings are of no use without pupils. 


दण्डस्यैव भयादेके न खादन्ति परस्परम् ।
अन्धे तमसि मज्जेयुर्युदि दण्डो न पालयेत् ॥ 


Dandasyaiva bhayadeke na khadanti parasparam I
Andhe tamasi majjeyuryadi dando na palayet II

People desist from devouring each other only due to the fear of punishment.

If there was no punishment, people would have been immersed in the darkness of hell.


अनुष्ठानेन रहिता पाठमात्रेण केवलम् ।
रञ्जयत्येव या लोकान् किं तया शुकविद्यया ॥


Anushthanena rahita pathamatrena kevalam I
Ranjayatyeva ya lokan kim taya shukavidyaya

What is the purpose of parrot-like learning devoid of practice?

It may, at best, entertain people like a parrot.


कृते प्रतिकृतिं कुर्याद्विंसिते प्रतिहिंसितम् ।

तत्र दोषं न पश्यामि शठे शाठ्यं समाचरेत् ॥ 67

Krute pratikrutim kuryadvisite pratihimsitam I

Tatra dosham na pashyami shate shatyam samacharet II


React against one in the manner he acts. If he is cruel answer with cruelty.

I do not see any fault in giving back as you get.


यत्रोदकं तत्र वसन्ति हंसास्तथैव शुष्कं परिवर्जयन्ति ।
न हंसतुल्येन नरेण भाव्यं पुनस्त्यजन्तः पुनराश्रयन्ते ॥


Yatrodakam tatra vasanti hamsastatathaiva shushkam parivarjayanti I

Na hamsatulyena narena bhavyam punastyajantah punarashrayante II


Swans inhabit areas with availability of water. They abandon the place the

moment the place gets dry. Men should not behave like swans, leaving a place and returning to it again and again.


दम्भेन धर्मं कपटेन मैत्रीं सुखेन विद्यां परुषेण नारीम् ।
परोपतापेन समृद्धभावं वाञ्छन्ति ये व्यक्तमपण्डितास्ते ॥

Dambhena dharmam kapatena maitrim sukhena vidyam parushena narim I

Paropatapena samruddhabhavam vancchanti ye vyaktamapanditaste II


Practice of Dharma with arrogance, friendship by cheating, acquiring knowledge without any pains, wanting to have a woman by violence and desiring to get prosperous by exploiting others are certainly doings of illiterate people.


यथा तैलक्षयाद् दीपः प्रह्रासमुपगच्छति 

तथा कर्मक्षयाद् दैवं प्रह्रासमुपगच्छति 675

Yatha tailakshayat deepah prahrasamupagachati I

Tatha karma kshayaat daivam prahrasamupagachati II


Just as a lamp goes out when oil runs out, so will one’s

destiny not be rewarding when one’s effort is exhausted.


इच्छेच्चेद् विपुलां मैत्रीं त्रीणि तत्र न कारयेत् ।

वाग्वादमर्थसंबन्धं तत्पत्नीपरिभाषणम् ॥ 676

Ichchechched vipulam maitrim trīni tatra na karayet
Vagvadamarthasambandham tatpatniparibhashanam


If a man desires enduring friendship with another, three things he should never do: wordy warfare with him, money connection (lending or borrowing) and speaking pleasantly with his wife.

यच्छक्यं ग्रसितुं ग्रासं ग्रस्तं परिणमेच्च यत् ।

हितं च परिणामे स्यात्तत्कार्यं भूतिमिच्छता ॥ 677

Yachchakyam grasitum grasam grastam parinamechcha yat
Hitam cha pariname syattatkaryam bhutimichchata

A person seeking prosperity should eat only as much as he can comfortably eat. Having eaten that which can be digested well will be beneficial to him (don't bite more than you can chew.)


दह्यमानाः सुतीव्रेण नीचाः परयशोऽग्निना ।
अशक्तास्तत्पदं गन्तुं ततो निन्दां प्रकुर्वते ॥

Dahyamanah sutivrena nichah parayasho agnina

Ashaktastatpadam gantum tato nindam prakurvate


Mean lowly people who keep getting scorched with prosperity of others and being incompetent to achieve that position themselves, resort to activities of fault-finding.

किं भूषणं सुदृढमत्र यशो न रत्नं किं कार्यमार्यचरितं सुकृतं न दोषः।
किं चक्षुरप्रतिहतं धिषणा न नेत्रं जानाति कस्त्वदपरः सदसद्विवेकम् ॥


Kim Bhushanam saddruddhamatra yasho na ratnam

kim karyamaryacharitam sukrutam na doshah

Kim chakshurapratihitam dhishana na netram

janati kastvadaparah sadasadvivekam


Which is the definite ornament in this world? It is one’s reputation and not jewels. Which is one’s worthy act? Good deeds and not faults. With what can one see things clearly? It is one’s ability to understand and not merely eyes. Who else can provide you with judgement of good and bad things other than your own consciousness?


सुवृष्टे च यथा देवे सम्यक् क्षेत्रे च कर्षिते 

बीजं महागुणं भूयात् तथा सिद्धिर्हि मानुषी  6


Suvrushte cha yatha deve samyak kshetre cha karshite I

Bheejam mahagunam bhooyaat tatha siddhirhi maanushi II


A seed requires both good rains and proper tilling of the soil for good harvest.

Similarly, all achievements of human beings depend on both destiny and self-effort.

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