सद्भिरेव सहासीत सद्भिः कुर्वीत सङ्गतिम् ।
सद्भिर्विवादं मैत्रीं च नासद्भिः किञ्चिदाचरेत् ॥ १7०१
Sadbhireva sahasita
sadbhih kurvita sangatim ।
maitrim cha nasadbhih kinchidacharet ॥
One should keep the company of good people, one should be friendly with good people.One should argue or be friendly only with good people only. One should not have nothing to do with evil-minded people.
सर्वे वेदा न तत्कुर्युः सर्वे यज्ञाश्च भारत ।
सर्वे तीर्थाभिषेकाश्च तत्कुर्यात् प्राणिनां दया ॥ १7०२
veda na tatkuryuh surve yajnascha Bharata I
Sarve tirthabhishekashcha tatkuryat praninam Daya ॥
O Bhārata! He who cannot study the scriptures, do yajnas, travel to holy
places or do
abhisheka can at least be compassionate towards other beings.
उपसर्गे अन्यचक्रे च दुर्भिक्षे च भयावहे l
असाधुर्जनसंपर्के यः पलायति स जीवति ll १7०३
anyachakre cha durbhikshe cha bhayavahe l
Asadhurjanasamparke yah palayati sa jeevati ll
times of retreat, when in others’ territory, in famine, in fear
in association with evil doers – he who runs, survives.
सर्वदुःखानामप्रतीकारपूर्वकम् l
सा तितिक्षा निगद्यते ll १7०4
sarvadukhanamapratikarapurvakam l
Chintavilaparahitam sa titksha
nigadyate ll
should be one’s response to all sad things.
them without worry, sadness and forbearance.
अधमे संगता लक्ष्मीर्नोपभोगाय
कस्यचित् ।
कर्दमे पतिता छाया सहकारतरोरिव ॥ १7०5
Adhame sangata lakshmirnopabhogaya kasyachit l
Kardame patita chaya sahakarataroriva ll
A clear reflection of a mango tree can be enjoyed only if seen in clear water. Such a reflection won’t be experienced in mud. Similarly, wealth associated with the lowest is not for enjoyment by anyone else.
आत्मानं च परं चैव त्रायते महतो भयात् ।
क्रुध्यन्तमप्रतिक्रुध्यन्द्वयोरेष चिकित्सकः ॥ १7०6
Atmanam cha param chaiva
trayate mahato bhayat l Krudhyantamapratikrudhyandvayoresha
chikitsakah ll
One who does not react against a person
whose anger is greatly evident
saves himself and others from great
fears. He will the physician of both.
अहो बत विचित्राणि चरितानि महात्मनां ।
लक्ष्मी तृणाय मन्यन्ते तद्भारेण नमन्ति च ॥ १7०7
Aho bata vichitrani charitani mahatmanam l
Lakshmi trunaya manyante tadbharena namanti cha ll
How strange
are the lifestyles of noble and righteous persons. They treat wealth as
insignificant as a blade of grass and if per chance they are wealthy they
do not yield under the pressure of their wealth.
शुभां विद्यामाददीतावरादपि ।
अमित्रादपि सद्वृत्तं बालादपि सुभाषितम् ॥ १7०८
shubham vidyadaditavaradapi l
sadvruttam baladapi subhashitam ll
A good person
will learn something even from a lowly placed person.
Learn good
conduct from an enemy and good words even from a child.
संयोगानां प्रियैः सह ।
अपथ्यानामिवान्नानां परिणामोऽतिदारुणः ॥ १7०9
Apataramaniyanam samyoganam priyaih
saha l
Apathyanamivatranam painamo atidarunah
The result of pleasant
associations with loved ones in the present may turn
out to be very painful in
the future, like the result of pleasant but unhealthyy foods.
परस्परस्य मर्माणि ये
भाषन्ते नराधमाः।
त एव विलयं यान्ति वल्मीकोदरसर्पवत् ॥ १7१०
Parasparasya marmani ye bhashante naradhamah l
Ta eva vilapam yanti valmikodarasarpavat ll
Those, who are meanest among men,
speak out about other’s shortcomings,
meet their destruction like a
snake that has entered inside an anthill.
अर्थे सर्वे समारम्भाः समायत्ता न संशयः ।
स च दण्डे समायत्तः पश्य दण्डस्य गौरवम् ॥ १7११
Arthe sarve samarambhah samayattaa na samshayah I
Sa cha dande samayattah pashya dandasya gauravam II
Wealth makes all activities possible, without any doubt,
which in turn is possible because of fear of punishment.
इत्थं सुबुद्धिरल्पेन देव यत्नेन बोध्यते ।
न कृच्छ्रेणापि महता निर्विचारमतिः पुनः ॥ १7१२
subuddhiralpena deva yatnena bodhyate I
krucchrenapi mahata nirvicharamatih punah ॥
true is it, Lord, that a wise man is instructed with little effort, but one
mind is void of discernment is not instructed even with great exertion.
ब्रह्मघ्ने च सुरापे च चौरे भग्नव्रते तथा
निष्कृतिर्विहिता सद्भिः
कृतघ्ने नास्ति निष्कृतिः ॥ १7१३
Brahmaghne cha surape cha chaure
bhagnavrate tatha I
Nishkrutirvihita sadbhih krutaghne nasti
nishkrutih ॥
For the killer of a brahmana, a person who drinks
wine, a thief or
for one who violates a solemn vow, the
learned have prescribed expiation.
but for the ungrateful, there is no salvation.
मत्तः प्रमत्तश्चोन्मत्तः श्रान्तः
क्रुद्धो बुभुक्षितः ।
लुब्धो भीरुस्त्वरायुक्तः
कामुकश्च न धर्मवित् ॥ १7१4
pramattashchonmattah shrantah kruddho bubhukshitah I
Lubdho bhirustvarayuktah
kamukashch na dharmavit ॥
An arrogant, negligent, frantic, tired, angry, starved,
greedy, timid,
over hasty and lustful person does not understand his own
न विद्यया नैव कुलेन गौरवं जनानुरागो धनिकेषु सर्वदा
कपालिना मौलिधृतापि जाह्नवी प्रयाति रत्नाकरमेव सत्वरम्
॥ १7१5
Na vidyaya naiva kulena gauravam jananurago
dhanikeshu sarvada I
Kapalina maulidhrutapi jahnavi prayati
ratnakarameba satvaram ॥
People do not appreciate one’s good education or one’s good
family. Importance is always given to the rich. Even though Shiva caught holy
Ganga in his head, she runs with haste towards the ‘Storehouse of Jewels’, the
यथाग्निः पवनोद्धूतः सुसूक्ष्मोऽपि महान् भवेत् ।
तथा कर्मसमायुक्तं दैवं साधु विवर्धते ॥ १7१6
Yathagnih pavanoddhootah susukshmo api mahan bhavet I
Tathaa karmasamayuktam daivam sadhu vivardhate ॥
Just as a small fire becomes big with the help of air,
with the help of effort one’s destiny gets stronger.
इङ्गिताकारतत्त्वज्ञो बलवान् प्रियदर्शनः ।
अप्रमादी सदा दक्षः प्रतीहारः स उच्यते ॥ १7१7
balavan priyadarshanah ।
Apramadi sada dakshah pratiharah
sa uchyate ॥
He who is
able to read the meaning of hints and other outward signs, is strong,
good-looking, infallible in judgement and ever skillful, is appropriate to
become the doorman of the royal palace.
अकामस्य क्रिया काचिद् दृश्यते नेह कर्हिचित् ।
यद्यद्भि कुरूते किन्चित्तत्तत्कामस्य चेष्टितम् ॥ १7१८
kriya kachid drushyate neha karhichit ।
kurute kinchittattakamasya chestitam ॥
Work done without some desire behind it is not discernible.
Whatever work is done always has some desire behind it.
वाणी रसवती यस्य यस्य श्रमवती क्रिया ।
लक्ष्मी: दानवती यस्य सफलं तस्य जीवितम् ॥ १7१9
rasavati yasya yasya shramavati kriya ।
danavati yasya tasya jivitam ॥
The life of a person who speaks affectionately,
who works
wholeheartedly, who donates some part of wealth
in charity, is fruitful.
आदौ न वा प्रणयिनां प्रणयो विधेयो
दत्तोऽथवा प्रतिदिनं परिपोषणीयः ।
उत्क्षिप्य यत्क्षिपति तत्प्रकरोति लज्जां
भूमौ स्थितस्य पतनाद्भयमेव नास्ति ॥ १7२०
Adau na va pranayinam pranayo vidheyo
datt athava pratidinam pariposhaniyah ।
Utkshiprya yatkshipati tatprakaroti lajjam
bhumau sthitasya patanadbhayameva nasti ॥
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