Thursday, 30 January 2020

अहो सुसदृशी वृत्तिर्मर्दलस्य खलस्य च ।
यावन्मुखगतं पिण्डं तावन्मधुरभाषणम् ॥ ४५६

Aho susadrushi vruttirmardalasya khalasya cha
Yavanmaukhagatam pindam tavanmadhurabhashanam

Strange it is that the nature of Mrudangam is similar to that of a wicked man. As long as the mouth is covered with paste so long will sweet sound emerge.

स्वधर्मकर्मार्जितजीवकानां स्वेष्वेव दारेषु सदा रतानाम् ।
जितेन्द्रियाणामतिथिप्रियाणां गृहेऽपि मोक्षः पुरुषोत्तमानाम् ॥ ४५७

Svadharmakarmarjitajivikanam sveshveva dareshu sada ratanam
Jitendriyanamatithipriyanam gruhe api mokshah purushottamanam

For those good people who earn their livelihood through righteous means, who are attached only to their wives, who have control over their senses and who love guests, liberation will be there in their house itself.

प्रक्षलनाद्धि पङ्कस्य दूरादस्पर्शनं वरम् ॥ ४५८

Dharmartham yasya vitteha tasyapi na sukhavaha
Prakshalanaddhi pankasya duradasprshanam varam

Desire for wealth even if it is for religious duties does not do any good
It is better not to touch mud instead of washing it off after words.

यशोधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्यसङ्ख्यामतिवार्तितुं वा ।
निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजां समुत्सुकेवाङ्कमुपैति लक्ष्मीः ॥ ४५९

Yashodhigantum sukhalipsaya va manushyasankhyamativartitum va
Nirutsakanamabhiyogabhajam samutsukevankamupaiti lakshmih

Those who put in efforts without eagerness to earn fame or become happy or
wanting to be above everyone else, will have success come to them with eagerness.

मातेव सर्वभूतानामहिंसा हितकारिणी ।
अहिंसैव हि संसारमरावमृतसारिणी ॥ ४६०

Mateva sarvabhutanamahimsa hitakarini
Ahimsaiva hi samsaramaravamrutasarini

Like a mother non-violence does good to all living beings.
Non-violence is a nectarine river in the desert of the world.

Thursday, 23 January 2020

एकः स्वादु न भुञ्जीत एकश्चार्थान्न चिन्तयेत् ।
एको न गच्छेदध्वानं नैकः सुप्तेषु जागृयात् ॥ ४५१

Ekah svadu na bhunjita ekashcharthanna chintayet
Eko na gacchedhvanam naikah supteshu jagruyat

One should not eat a delicacy alone, one should not think of profits alone
One should not travel alone and one should not be awake among sleeping persons.

पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं न चाऽपि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरत् भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः ॥ ४५
Puraṇamityeva na sadhu sarvaṃ na cha api kavyaṃ navamityavadyam
Santah parīkshyanyatarat bhajante muuḍhah parapratyayaneyabuddhih

Old literature need not be good only because it is old. New ones need not be bad because they are new. Wisemen examine both and decide whether a piece is good or bad. Only a fool will blindly be led by what others say.

अलभ्यं लब्धुकामस्य जनस्य मतिरीदृशी ।
अलभ्येषु मनस्तापः सञ्चितार्थो विनश्यति ॥ ४५३
Alabhyam labdhukamasya janasya matiridrushi
Alabhyeshu manastapah sanchitartho vinashyati

People who aspire to get what is impossible to get have mental torment. When they do not succeed, their mental status will ruin whatever already got.

पुरुषस्येह जातस्य भवन्ति गुरवस्त्रयः  
आचारश्चैव काकुत्स्थ पिता माता च राघव ॥ ४५४

Purushasyeha jatasya bhavanti guravastrayah
Acharashchaiva kakuststha pita mata cha Raghava

O Raghava, scion of Kakutstha, from birth there are three teachers of a man. His Guru, his father and mother.

कुलानां तु शतं हन्यादप्रयच्छन् प्रतिश्रुतम् ।
देवानां च गुरुणां च मातापित्रोस्तथैव च ॥ ४५५

Kulanam tu shatam hanyadaprayachchan pratishrutam
Devanam cha gurunam cha matapitrostathaiva cha

A person, having promised to Gods Teachers and Parents,
does not give will have his hundred generations annihilated

Sunday, 19 January 2020

ये यान्त्यभ्युदये प्रीतिं नज्जहान्ति व्यसनेषु च ।
ते बान्धवास्ते सुहृदो लोके स्वार्थ परोऽपरः ॥ ४४

Ye yantyabhyudaye pritim najjahanti vyasaneshu cha
Te bandhavaste suhrudo loke svartha paro aparah

Those who offer friendship during prosperity and do not desert in adversity
are real relatives and friends in the world, the rest are opportunists.

आलस्यं हि मनुष्याणां शरीरस्थो महान् रिपुः ।
नास्त्युद्यमसमो बन्धुः कुर्वाणो नावसीदति ॥ ४४७

Alasyam hi manushyanam sharirastho mahan ripuh |
Nastyudyamasamo bandhuh kurvano navasidati ||

Laziness is the greatest enemy in a person’s body. There is no friend
comparable to hard work and with it no one will come to grief.

उपायेन जयो यादृक् रिपोस्तादृङ् न हेतिभिः ।
उपायतोऽल्पकायोऽपि न शूरैः परिभूयते ॥ ४४८

Upayena jayo yadruk ripostadruk na hetibhih |
Upayato alpakayobhih na shuraih paribhuyate ||

Victory over an enemy using cleverness is better than using weapons to defeat him.
Even a weak bodied person with clever means cannot be put down by valiant ones.

मनस्येकं वचस्येकं कर्मण्येकं महात्मानाम् ।
मनस्यन्यद् वचस्यन्यत् कर्मण्यन्यद् दुरत्मानाम् ॥ ४४९
Manasyekam vachasyekam karmanyekam mahatmanam
Manasyanyad vachasyanyat karmanyanyad duratmanam

Mind, words and deeds are the same for great men
Mind, words and deeds are each different for the ill-minded.

नासतो निर्गतस्यापि श्वासस्य च महामुने ।
प्रवेशे प्रत्ययो नास्ति प्रातरागमनं कुतः ॥ ४५०

Nasato nirgatasyapi shvasasya cha mahamune

Praveshe pratyayo nasti prataragamanam kutah

O great sage! When there is no certainty that breath coming out
of the nose would enter it again, where is the certainty that morning would come?

Saturday, 18 January 2020

सुपात्रे दीप्तिकृद्विद्या सुपात्रे दीप्तिकृत्कला ।
सुपात्रे दीप्तिकृन्मैत्री सुपात्रे दीप्तिकृद्धनम् ॥ ४४१

Supatre deeptikrudvidya supatre deeptikrutkala |
Supatre deeptikrunmaitri supatre deeptikruddhanam ||

Knowledge, Artistry, Friendship and Money
Given to the deserving will be ever shining

निस्सारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेणाडम्बरो महान् ।
नहि स्वर्णे ध्वनिस्तादृक् यादृक् कंसे प्रजायते ॥ ४४२

Nissarasya padarthasya prayenadambaro mahan
Nahi svarNe dhvanistadruk yadruk kamse prajayate

A worthless thing has more of a show than it is worth
Gold does not make as much noise as brass.

याऽरण्ये रोदनात्सिद्धिर्या सिद्धिः क्लीबकोपनात् ।
कृतघ्ने सेवनात् सिद्धिः सा सिद्धिः कूटभाषणात् ॥ ४४३

Ya aranye rodanatsiddirya siddhih klibakopanat
Krutaghne sevanat siddhi sa siddhi kutabhashanat

What one achieves by crying in the forest or getting angry with a eunuch
Or serving an ungrateful person is what one achieves by false statements.

अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकार रूपो
विभुत्वाच सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
न चासङ्गतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। ४४४

Ahaṃ nirvikalpo nirakara rupo
vibhutvacha sarvatra sarvendriyanam

na chasangataṃ naiva muktirna meyaḥ,
chidanandarupaḥ shivoham shivoham

I am all pervasive. I am without any attributes and without any form. I am beyond the sense organs everywhere and I have neither attachment to the world, nor to liberation, I am that eternal knowledge and bliss, supreme energy and pure consciousness.

न पुत्रा न तपो दानं न माता न पिता न सुहृत् ।
शक्नुवन्ति परित्रातुं नरं कालेन पीडितम् ॥ ४४५
Na putra na tapo danam na mata na pita na suhrut |
Shaknuvanti paritratum naram kalena piditam

Neither sons, nor penance, nor charity, nor mother, nor father, nor friend
Are capable of helping a person affected by destiny.

Monday, 6 January 2020

मृतो मृत्युर्जरा जीर्णा विपन्नाः किं विपत्तयः ।
व्याधयो व्याधिताः किं नु दृप्यन्ति यदमी जनाः ॥ ४३६ 
Mruto mrutyrjara jirna vipannah kim vipattayah  
Vyadhayo vyadhitah kim nu drupyanti yadami janah  
Is it that death has died, old age has become old, calamities have met with calamities, diseases have suffered disease that people get puffed with pride? 
कान्ताकटाक्षविशिखा न दहन्ति यस्य
चित्तं न निर्दहति कोपकृशानुतापः ।
कर्षन्ति भूरिविषयाश्च न लोभपाशौ
लोकत्रयं जयति कृत्सनमिदं स धीरः ॥ ४३७ 
Kantakatakshavishikha na dahanti yasya
Chittam na nirdahati kopakrushanutapah |
Karshanti bhurivashayashcha na lobhapashau
Loksatrayam jayati krutsnamidam sa dheerah ||

One who is not pierced by the arrows of female glances
nor burnt with scorching heat of anger
nor gets dragged into sensual worldly pleasures
conquers all the three worlds. 
कुभार्यां च कुपुत्रं च कुराजानं कुसौहृदम् ।
कुसम्बन्धं कुदेशं च दूरतः परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ४३८ 
Kubharyam cha kuputram cha kurajanam kusauhrudam
Kusambandham kudesham cha duratah parivarjayet  
Disregard from a distance a bad wife, bad son, bad kings,
bad friends, bad relations and a bad country.
दाता नीचोSपि सेव्यः स्यान्निष्फलो न महानपि
जलाSर्थी वारिधिं त्यक्त्वा पश्य कूप निषेवते ॥ ४३ 
Data neecho api sevyah syannishphalo na mahanapi 
Jalarthee varidhim tyaktwaa pashya koopa nishevate
Accept timely help even if the giver is lowly and not a useless thing from a high born.A thirsty person looks for a well to quench his thirst and not the sea. 
जयेत् कदर्यं दानेन सत्येनानृतवादिनम् ।
क्षमया क्रूरकर्मणमसाधुं साधूना जयेत् ॥ ४४० 
Jayet kadaryam danena satyenanrutavadinam
Kshamaya krurakarmanasadhum sadhuna jayet  
Win over a miser with gifts, a liar by truth, a cruel one with compassion,
a bad person by goodness.