Thursday, 30 January 2020

अहो सुसदृशी वृत्तिर्मर्दलस्य खलस्य च ।
यावन्मुखगतं पिण्डं तावन्मधुरभाषणम् ॥ ४५६

Aho susadrushi vruttirmardalasya khalasya cha
Yavanmaukhagatam pindam tavanmadhurabhashanam

Strange it is that the nature of Mrudangam is similar to that of a wicked man. As long as the mouth is covered with paste so long will sweet sound emerge.

स्वधर्मकर्मार्जितजीवकानां स्वेष्वेव दारेषु सदा रतानाम् ।
जितेन्द्रियाणामतिथिप्रियाणां गृहेऽपि मोक्षः पुरुषोत्तमानाम् ॥ ४५७

Svadharmakarmarjitajivikanam sveshveva dareshu sada ratanam
Jitendriyanamatithipriyanam gruhe api mokshah purushottamanam

For those good people who earn their livelihood through righteous means, who are attached only to their wives, who have control over their senses and who love guests, liberation will be there in their house itself.

प्रक्षलनाद्धि पङ्कस्य दूरादस्पर्शनं वरम् ॥ ४५८

Dharmartham yasya vitteha tasyapi na sukhavaha
Prakshalanaddhi pankasya duradasprshanam varam

Desire for wealth even if it is for religious duties does not do any good
It is better not to touch mud instead of washing it off after words.

यशोधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्यसङ्ख्यामतिवार्तितुं वा ।
निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजां समुत्सुकेवाङ्कमुपैति लक्ष्मीः ॥ ४५९

Yashodhigantum sukhalipsaya va manushyasankhyamativartitum va
Nirutsakanamabhiyogabhajam samutsukevankamupaiti lakshmih

Those who put in efforts without eagerness to earn fame or become happy or
wanting to be above everyone else, will have success come to them with eagerness.

मातेव सर्वभूतानामहिंसा हितकारिणी ।
अहिंसैव हि संसारमरावमृतसारिणी ॥ ४६०

Mateva sarvabhutanamahimsa hitakarini
Ahimsaiva hi samsaramaravamrutasarini

Like a mother non-violence does good to all living beings.
Non-violence is a nectarine river in the desert of the world.

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