Sunday, 26 April 2020

यच्च कामसुखं लोके यच्च दिव्यं महत्सुखम् ।
तृष्णाक्षयसुखस्येतत् कलां नार्हति षोडशीम् ॥ ५४१

Yaccha kamasukham loke yaccha divyam mahatsukham
Trushnakshayasukhasyetat kalam narhati shodashim

The happiness one gets from achieving desires and the great happiness in heaven do not match even one sixteenth of happiness one gets from wearing off of desire.

स्वाच्छन्द्यफलं बाल्यं तारुण्यं रुचिरसुरतभोगफलम् ।
स्थाविरत्वमुपशामफलं पराहितसम्पादनं च जन्मफलम् ॥ ५४२

Svachchandyaphalam balyam tarunyam ruchirasuratabhogaphalam Sthavitvamupashamaphalam parahitasampadanam cha janmaphalam

The fruit of childhood is utter freedom, that of youth is enjoyable bodily pleasures, that of old age is peace, the fruit of being born is for doing good to others.

स्तोकादपि प्रदातव्यमदीनेनान्तरात्मना ।
अहन्यहनि यत्किञ्चिदकार्पण्यं तदुच्यते ॥ ५४३

Stokadapi pradatavyamadinenantartmana
Ahanyahani yatkinchidakarpanyam taduchyate

One should give even a little everyday with a clean mind.
This is called lack of niggardliness.

यस्तु पर्यटते देशान् यस्तु सेवेत पण्डितान् ।
तस्य विस्तारिता बुद्धिस्तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि ॥ ५४४

Yastu paryatate deshan yastu seveta panditan
Tasya vistarita buddistailabindurivambhasi

One who travels around countries and one who serves the learned,
his intellect expands like a drop of oil on still water.

जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च ।
तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि ॥ ५४५

Jatasya hi dhruvo mrityurdhruvam janma mritasya cha
Tasmadapariharye arthe na tvam shochitumarhasi

Death is certain for one who has been born, and rebirth is inevitable
for one who has died. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

विधवा भर्तृसंयुक्ता प्रमदा कुलबालिका ।
वेश्या च रूपयुक्ताऽपि परिहार्या प्रयत्नतः ॥ ५३६

Vidhava bhartrusamyukta pramada kulabalika
Veshya cha rupyukta api pariharya prayatnatah

One should make an effort to avoid a widow, a woman in her
husband’s company, a girl of noble birth and a prostitute however beautiful.

क्षमा शस्त्रं करे यस्य दुर्जन: किं करिष्यति ।
अतॄणे पतितो वन्हि: स्वयमेवोपशाम्यति ॥ ५३

Kshama shastram kare yasya durjanah kim karishyati
Atrune patito vanhi svayamevopashamyati

To one who has the knowledge of compassion, what can an evil man do?
Fire falling on a place where there is no grass will extinguish itself.

न वाच्यः परिवादोऽयं न श्रोतव्यः कथञ्चन ।
कर्णावपि पिधातव्यौ प्रस्थेयं चान्यतो भवेत् ॥ ५३८

Na vachyah parivado ayam na shrotavyah kathanchana
Karnavapi pidhatavyau prastheyam chanyato bhavet

Insulting words about others should not be spoken, or even heard.
Better to close one’s ears or leave the place.

पिबन्ति नद्यः स्वयमेव नाम्भः खादन्ति न स्वादु फलानि वृक्षाः ।
पयोधराः सस्यमदन्ति नैव परोपकाराय सतां विभूतयः ॥ ५३९

Pibanti nadyah svayameva nambhah khadanti na svadu phalani vrukshah
Payodharah sasyamadanti naiva paropakaraya satam vibhutayah

Rivers do not drink their own water, trees do not eat their own fruits, clouds
do not eat the crops, the nature of noble ones is to do good to others.

युक्ताहारविहारस्य  युक्त चेष्टस्य कर्मसु
युक्त स्वप्नवबोधस्य  योगो भवति दुःखहा ४०

Yuktaharaviharasya yukta cheshtasya karmasu
Yukta svapnavabodhasya yogo bhavati dukhaha

One who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, recreation
and work can mitigate all material pains by practicing yoga.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

यश्चतुर्गुणसम्पन्नं धर्मं ब्रूयात्स धर्मवित् ।
अहेरिव हि धर्मस्य पदं दुःखं गवेषितुम् ॥ ५३१

Yashchaturgunasampannam dharmam bruyatsa dharmavit
Aheriva hi dharmasya padam dukham gaveshitum

One who describes Dharma as depending on four foundations of knowledge
has knowledge of Dharma. To pinpoint the root of Dharma is as difficult as finding snake’s legs.

न स्वल्पस्य क्रुते भूरि नाशयेन्मतिमान्नरः ।
एतदेवात्र पाण्डित्यं यत्स्वल्पाद् भूरि रक्षणम् ॥ ५३२

Na svalpasya krute bhuri nashayenmatimannarah
Etadevatra pandityam yatsvalpad bhuri rakshanam

A wise man should not lose a lot for the sake of a little.
Wisdom here is that with a little, one is able to save a lot.

निर्विण्णे निर्विण्णा मुदिते मुदिता समाकुलाऽऽकुलिते ।
प्रतिबिम्बसमा कान्ता संक्रुद्धे केवलं भीता ॥ ५३३

Nirvinne nirvinna mudite mudita samakula akulite
Pratibimbasama kanta samkruddhe kevalam bhita

Depressed when he is depressed, happy when he is happy, agitated when
he is agitated, a wife is like a mirror but when he is angry she will be scared.

जाया त्वर्धं शरीरस्य नृणां धर्मादिसाधने ।
नातस्तासु व्यथां काञ्चित् प्रतिकूलं समाचरेत् ॥ ५३४

Jaya tvardham sharirasya nrunam dharmadisadhane
Natastasu vyatham kanchit pratikulam samacharet

A wife is a man’s half for performing religious duties.
Do not cause her sorrow or go against her wishes.

सजीवति यशो यस्य कीर्तिर्यस्य स जीवति
अयशोSकीर्तिसंयुक्तो जीवन्नपि मृतोपमः   ५३५

Sajivati yasho yasya kirtiyate sa jivati
Ayasho akirtisamyukto jivannapi mrutopamah

One who has honor and fame indeed lives even after his death.
But the one who is dishonored and infamous is dead even while living.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

पथ्ये सति गदार्तस्य किमौषधनिषेवणैः  
पथ्येऽसति गदार्तस्य किमौषधनिषेवणैः ॥ ५२६

Pathye sati gadartasya kimaushdhanishevanaih
Pathye asati gadartasya kimaushdhanishevanaih

For one who follows proper diet, what use is medicine?
For one who does not follow proper diet, what use is medicine?

पूर्वे वयसि यः शान्तः स शान्त इति मे मतिः ।
धातुषु क्षीयमाणेषु शमः कस्य न जायते ॥ ५२७

Purve vayasi yah shantah sa shanta iti me matih
Dhatushu kshiyamaneshu kshamah kasya na jayate

My opinion is that whoever is peaceful when young, is really a calm person.
When the body is weakened with age who has not become tolerant?

विद्या विवादाय धनं मदाय प्रज्ञाप्रकर्षः परवञ्चनाय ।
अत्युन्नतिर्लोकपराभवाय येषां प्रकाशस्तिमिरं हि तेषाम् ॥ ५२८

Vidya vinashaya dhanam madaya prajnaprakarshah paravanchanaya Atyunnatirlokaparabhavaya yesham prakashastimiram hi tesham

For those to whom education is for destruction, wealth is for intoxicating drinks, superior intellect for cheating others, high position for insulting people, even bright lights will be darkness.

व्यपदेशेन महता सिद्धिः सञ्जायते परा ।
शशिनो व्यपदेशेन वसन्ति शशाकाः सुखम् ॥ ५२९

Vyapadeshena mahata siddhih sanjayate para
Shashino vyapadeshena vasanti shashakah sukham

Greatness is achieved by adopting the name of the great.
Hares live happily by adopting the name of the moon.

यः कृशार्थः कृशगावः कृशभृत्यः कृशातिथिः ।
स वै राजन् कृशो नाम न शरीरकृश कृशः ॥ ५३०

Yah krusharthah krushgavah krushabhrutyah krushatithih
Sa vai Rajan krusho nama na shrirakrusha krushah

One who is financially weak, with very few cows, weak in number of servants
and guests, O King, he is in reality weak but not weak in the physical sense.

Monday, 6 April 2020

अन्यान् परिवदन् साधुर्यथा हि परितप्यते  
तथा परिवदन्नन्यांस्तुष्टो भवति दुर्जनः ॥ ५२१

Anyan parivadan sadhuryatha hi paritapyate
Tatha parivadannanyamstushto bhavati durjanah

Just as a good man repents speaking ill of others
an evil man feels gratified about speaking ill of others.

कामक्रोधग्राहवतीं पञ्चेन्द्रियजलां नदीम् ।
नावं धृतिमयीं कृत्वा जन्मदुर्गाणि सन्तर ॥ ५२२

Kamakrodhagrahavatim panchendriyajalam nadim
Navam dhrutimayim krutva janmadurgani santara

In the river representing your five senses with monsters of desire and anger
Make a boat and cross over to be rid of waves of repeated births.

याति न्यायप्रवृत्तस्य तिर्यञ्चोऽपि सहायताम् ।
अपन्थानां तु गच्छन्तं सोदरोऽपि विमुञ्चति ॥ ५२३

Yati nyayapravruttasya tiryancho api sahayatam
Apanthanam tu gachchantam sodaro api vimunchati

A person on the right path is guided even by birds.
A person on an evil path is not helped even by his brother.

अङ्गारसदृशी नारी घृतकुम्भसमः पुमान् ।
तस्मान्नारीषु संसर्ग दूरतः परिवर्जयेत् ॥ ५२४

Angarasadrushi nari ghrutakumbhasamah puman
Tasmannarishu samsarga duratah parivarjayet

A woman is like burning coal and a man like a jar of ghee.
Therefore, any interaction with a woman must be from a distance.

शकटं पञ्चहस्तेषु दशहस्तेषु वाजिनम्
गजं हस्तसहस्रेण दुष्टं दूरेण वर्जयेत् ॥ ५२५

Shakatam panchahasteshu dashahasteshu vajinam |
Gajam hastasahasrena dushtam durena varjayet ||

Maintain a distance of 5 feet when a cart passes by, a distance of 10 feet
when a horse passes by, a distance of 1000 feet with the elephant.
Stay as far away as possible from an evil person.