Friday, 29 October 2021

 आदौ चित्ते ततः काये सतां सञ्जायते जरा ।

असतां च पुनः काये नैव चित्ते कदाचन ॥ 1081


Adau chitte tatah kaye satam sanjayate jara l

Asatam cha punah kaye naiva chitte kadachana ll


In virtuous people old age sets first in the mind and later in the body.

On the other hand, wicked person’s body keeps aging but his mind never matures.


गुणाः पूजास्थानं गुणिषु न च लिङ्गं न च वयः । 1082


Gunah pujasthanam gunishu na cha lingam na cha vayah l


Meritorious people are respected for their qualities,

not based on their gender or their age.


सन्तोषक्षतये पुंसामाकस्मिकधनागमः ।

सरसां सेतुभेदाय वर्षौघः स च न स्थिरः ॥ 1083

Santoshakshataye pumsamakasmikadhanagamah l

Sarasam setubhedaya varshoghak sa cha na sthirah

Sudden and unexpected money will destroy happiness.

Sudden floods in the rivers will break bridges and not bring stability.


द्वावेव चिन्तया मुक्तौ परमानन्द आप्लुतौ ।
यो विमुग्धो जडो बालो यो गुणेभ्यः परं गतः ॥ 1084

Dvaveva chintaya muktau paramananda aplutau l

Yo vimudho jado yo gunebhyah param gatah


Only two types of people are free from worries and are full of happiness.

Innocent children and realised souls who are beyond worldly matters.


अनवाप्यं च शोकेन शरीरं चोपतप्यते ।

अमित्राश्च प्रहृष्यन्ति मा स्म शोके मन: कृथा 1085


Anavapyaṃ cha shokena shariram chopatapyate l
Amitrashcha prahrushyanti ma sma shoke manah krutha


Nothing is gained through grief. The body suffers

much and foes rejoice. Never lose your mind to grief.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

 नष्टं मृतमतिक्रान्तं नानुशोचन्ति पण्डिताः ।

पण्डितानाञ्च मूर्खाणां विशेषोऽयं यतः स्मृतः ॥ 1071


The wise never grieve over what is lost, dead or has passed.

This is deemed an aspect that distinguishes wise from the unwise.


मन्दोऽप्यमन्दतामेति संसर्गेण विपश्चितः ।
पङ्कच्छिदः फलस्येव निकषेणाविलं पयः ॥ 1072 

Mando apyamandatameti samsargena vipashchitah

Pankachchidah phalsyeva nikashenavilam payah


Even a dull person becomes sharp by keeping company with the wise.

Just like turbid water which becomes clear when treated with dust-removing fruit.


संहतिः श्रेयसी पुंसां स्वकुलैरल्पकैरपि l

तुषेणाSपि परित्यक्ता न प्ररोहन्ति तण्डुलाः 1073


Samhatih shreyasi pumsam svakulairalpkairapi

Tushena api parityakta na prarohanti tandulah



Subjected to harsh realities of life, a righteous person does not shed intrinsic qualities. Just like rice grains on being pounded shed only their husk.


स हि भवति दरिद्रो यस्य तॄष्णा विशाला l
मनसि च परितुष्टे कोर्थवान् को दरिद्रा: 1074


Sa hi bhavati daridro yasya trushna vishala
Manasi cha paritushte ko arthavan ko daridrah


The person who has great desires is in fact the poor one.

If one’s mind is satisfied, who is rich and who is poor? 


वृक्षान् छित्वा पशून्हत्वा कृत्वा रुदिरकर्दमम् ।

यद्येवं गम्यते स्वर्गे नरकः केन गम्यते ॥ 1075


Vrukshan chchitva pashunhatva krutva rudikardamam

Yadyevam gamyate svargo narakah kena ganyate


Tearing down trees, massacring animals, creating a bloody mire,

is how heaven is attained, hell is attained by whom?

Saturday, 9 October 2021

 प्रायः सरलचित्तानां जायते विपदागमः

ऋजुर्याति यथा छेदं न वक्रः पादपस्तथा 1061


Prayah saralachittanaam jayate vipadagamah

Rujuryati yatha chedam na vakrah padapastatha


It looks as if only honest and straight forward people are ordained

to suffer. Just like only upright trees are cut, not the crooked ones.


अर्थानां अर्जने दुःखं अर्जितानां च रक्षणे ।

आये दुःखं व्यये दुःखं धिक् अर्थाः कष्टसंश्रयाः ॥ 1062

Arthanam arjane dukham arjitananam cha rakshane

Aye dukham vyaye dukham dhik arthah kashtasamshrayah


It is painful to earn money and painful to protect money earned. Income is painful, outgo is painful. Fie on money which is the cause of such hardship.


न शरन्मेघवत्कार्ये वृथैव घनगर्जितम् ।
परस्यार्थमनर्थं वा प्रकाशयति नो महान् ॥ 1063


Na sharanmeghavatkarye vruthaiva ghanagarjitam

Parasyarthamanartham va prakashayati no mahan


One should not roar in vain like the thundering of autumn clouds (which don't rain).

A great person never proclaims gains or losses of others.


अभिवादनशीलस्य नित्यं वृद्धोपसेविनः ।
चत्वारि तस्य वर्धन्ते आयुर्विद्या यशो बलम् ॥ 1064


Abhivadanashilasya nityam vruddhopasevinah

Chatvari tasya vardhante ayurvidya yasho balam

One who is polite, respects and serves elders will benefit

in four ways. Longevity, knowledge, fame and strength.


अकलितनिजपररूप: स्वकमपि दोषं परस्थितं वेत्ति 

नावास्थितस्तटस्थान् अचलानपि विचलितान् मनुते 1065


Akalitanijapararupa: svakamapi dosham parasthitam vetti
Navasthitastatasthan achalanapi vichalitan manute


Not judging rightly between himself and others, he sees his own vice in his neighbour’s heart. Though people on the bank are motionless, a man on a boat supposes that they are moving.

Monday, 4 October 2021

 स्वभावसुन्दरं वस्तु न संस्कारमपेक्षते ।

मुक्तारत्नस्य शाणाश्मघर्षणं नोपयुज्यते ॥ 1056


Svabhavasundaram vast una samskaramapekshate

Muktaratnasya shanashmagharshanam nopayujyate


That which is naturally beautiful needs no refinement.

Polishing a glittering jewel does not add any more shine to it.


तृणं लघु तृणात्तूलं तूलादपि च याचकः ।
वायुना किं न नीतोऽसौ मामयं प्रार्थयेदिति ॥ 1057


Trunam laghu trunattulam tuladapi cha yachakah

Vayuna kim n anito asau mamayam prarthayediti


Grass is light and cotton is lighter than a blade of grass. A beggar is lighter (inferior) compared to cotton. Why then is he still not carried away by the wind? It is because he is so shameless that he does not hesitate to beg even from the wind.


दुःखं दुःखमिति ब्रूयात् मानवो नरकं प्रति ।
दारिद्र्यादधिकं दुःखं न भूतं न भविष्यति ॥ 1058


Dukham dukhamiti bruyat manavo narakam prati  

Daridradryadadhikam dukaham na bhutam na bhavishyati

People say that hell is the place of intense pain. But there is no pain

as intense as that of poverty, neither was there in past, nor will be in future.


दिवसेनैव तत् कुर्याद् येन रात्रौ सुखं वसेत् ।
यावज्जीवं च तत्कुर्याद् येन प्रेत्य सुखं वसेत् ॥ 1059

Divasenaiva tat kuryad yena ratrau sukham vaset

Yavajjivam cha tatkuryad yena pretya sukahm vaset


Do such work through the day, so that you can sleep peacefully at night.

Do such work throughout your life so that you are peacefull even after death.


आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितं व्यापारैर्बहुकार्यभारगुरुभिः कालो न विज्ञायते ।
दृष्ट्वा जन्मजराविपत्तिमरणं त्रासश्च नोत्पद्यते पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्तभूतं जगत् ॥ 1060

Adityasya gatagatairaharahah samkshiyate jivitam vyaparairbahukaryabharagurubhih kalo na vijnayate

Drushtva janmajaravipattimaranam trasashcha notpadyate pitva mohamayim pramadamadiramunmattabhutam jagat


Life shortens day by day as the sun rises and sets. Subject to the pressure of several mundane activities, one fails to see how time flies. One is not afraid despite beholding birth, misery, old age, and death. In fact, the world is intoxicated by the mysterious wine of delusion.