स्वभावसुन्दरं वस्तु न संस्कारमपेक्षते ।
शाणाश्मघर्षणं नोपयुज्यते ॥ 1056
Svabhavasundaram vast una samskaramapekshate ।
Muktaratnasya shanashmagharshanam nopayujyate ॥
That which is naturally beautiful needs no refinement.
Polishing a glittering jewel does not add any more shine to it.
तृणं लघु तृणात्तूलं तूलादपि च याचकः ।
वायुना किं न नीतोऽसौ मामयं
प्रार्थयेदिति ॥ 1057
Trunam laghu
trunattulam tuladapi cha yachakah ।
Vayuna kim n
anito asau mamayam prarthayediti ॥
Grass is light and cotton is lighter than a blade
of grass. A beggar is lighter (inferior) compared to cotton. Why then is he
still not carried away by the wind? It is because he
is so shameless that he does not hesitate to beg even from the wind.
दुःखं दुःखमिति ब्रूयात् मानवो नरकं प्रति ।
दारिद्र्यादधिकं दुःखं न भूतं न
भविष्यति ॥ 1058
Dukham dukhamiti bruyat manavo
narakam prati ।
Daridradryadadhikam dukaham na bhutam na bhavishyati ॥
People say that hell is the place of intense
pain. But there is no pain
intense as that of poverty, neither was there in past, nor will be in future.
दिवसेनैव तत् कुर्याद् येन रात्रौ सुखं वसेत् ।
यावज्जीवं च तत्कुर्याद् येन प्रेत्य
सुखं वसेत् ॥ 1059
Divasenaiva tat kuryad yena ratrau sukham vaset ।
Yavajjivam cha tatkuryad yena pretya sukahm vaset ॥
Do such work through the day, so that you can sleep
peacefully at night.
Do such work throughout your life so that you are peacefull
even after death.
आदित्यस्य गतागतैरहरहः संक्षीयते जीवितं व्यापारैर्बहुकार्यभारगुरुभिः
कालो न विज्ञायते ।
दृष्ट्वा जन्मजराविपत्तिमरणं
त्रासश्च नोत्पद्यते पीत्वा मोहमयीं प्रमादमदिरामुन्मत्तभूतं जगत् ॥ 1060
gatagatairaharahah samkshiyate jivitam vyaparairbahukaryabharagurubhih kalo na
vijnayate ।
janmajaravipattimaranam trasashcha notpadyate pitva mohamayim pramadamadiramunmattabhutam
jagat ॥
Life shortens day by
day as the sun rises and sets. Subject to the pressure of several mundane
activities, one fails to see how time flies. One is not afraid despite
beholding birth, misery, old age, and death. In fact, the world is intoxicated
by the mysterious wine of delusion.
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