वर्धमानो महान् स्नेहः सिंहगोवृषयोर्वने ।
जम्बुकेन विनाशितः ॥ 1051
mahan snehaḥh simhagovrushayor vane ।
jambukena vinashitah ॥
The increasing true
friendship between the lion and the bull
in the forest was destroyed
by a deceitful greedy fox.
मुखं पद्मदलाकारं वाचा चन्दनशीतला ।
हृदयं क्रोधसंयुक्तं त्रिविधं
धूर्तलक्षणम् ॥ 1052
Mukham padmadalakaram vacha chandanashitala ।
Hrudayam krodhasamyuktam trividham
dhurtalakshanam ॥
Face as beautiful as a lotus petal, words pleasing as
fragrance of sandalwood,
heart filled with rage; these are the three characteristic
qualities of cunning people.
दुर्लभं त्रयमेवैतत् दैवानुग्रहहेतुकम् ।
मनुष्यत्वं मुमुक्षुत्वं महापुरुषसंश्रयः
॥ 1053
Durlabham trayamevaitat daivanugrahahetukam ।
Manushyatvam, mumukshutvam mahapurushasamshrayah ॥
These are three things that are difficult to achieve.
They depend on blessings of fate. Human life, desire for release from
cycle of rebirth and company of great people.
कुचैलिनं दन्तमलोपधारिणं बह्वाशिनं निष्ठुरभाषिणं च ।
सूर्योदये चाऽस्तमये च शायिनं विमुञ्चति
श्रीरपि चक्रपाणिनम् ॥ 1054
Kuchailinam dantamalopadharinam bahvashinam nishturabhashinam ।
Suryodaye cha astamaye cha shayinam vimiunchati shrirapi chakrapaninam ॥
He who wears dirty clothes, doesn't brush his teeth, is a glutton, speaks rudely, sleeps at dawn and dusk is forsaken by the goddess of wealth even if he is Lord Vishnu.
पातितोऽपि कराघातैः उत्पतत्येव
कन्दुकः ।
प्रायेण साधुवृत्तानाम् अस्थायिन्यो विपत्तयः
॥ 1055
Patito api karaghataih utpatatyeva kandukah ।
Prayena sadhuvruttanam asthayinyo vipattayah ॥
A ball thrown down by hand keeps
raising up.
Misfortunes of the virtuous are rarely
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