Monday, 20 September 2021

 अन्तस्तृष्णोपतप्तानां दावदाहमयं जगत् ।

भवत्यखिलजन्तूनां यदन्तस्तद्बहिःस्थितम्॥ 1041

Antastrushnopataptanaam davadahamayam jagat
Bhavatyakhilajantunam yadantastadbahihsthitam

For those whose inside is burning with greed; the whole world is like wild fire.

For everyone what is inside is reflected outside as well.


अनिर्वेद: श्रियो मूलं अनिर्वेद: परं सुखं ।

अनिर्वेदो हि सततं सर्वार्तेषु प्रवर्तक: ॥ 1042


Anirveda: shriyo mulam anirvedah param sukham

anirvedo hi satatam sarvarteshu pravartaka:


Self confidence is the source of well-being, Self confidence gives

ultimate comfort in life. It is always the motivator of all good intentions.


तैलाद्रक्षेत् जलाद्रक्षेत् रक्षेत् शिथिलबन्धनात् ।
मूर्खहस्ते न दातव्यं एवं वदति पुस्तकम् ॥ 1043


Tailadrakshet jaladrakshet rakshet shitilabandhanat

Murkhahaste na datavyam vadati pustakam

Protect me from oil. Protect me from water. Protect me from loose binding.

Do not hand me to a fool, requests a book of its owner.


यस्माच्च प्रियमिच्छेत्तु तस्य ब्रूयात्सदा प्रियम् ।
व्याधो मृगवधं कर्तुं गीतं गायति सुस्वरम् ॥ 1044 


Yasmachcha priyamicchettu tasya bruyatsada priyam

Vyadho mrugavadham kartum gitam gayati susvaram


Speak sweet words that please the person from whom you expect a favor.

To hunt for a deer, the hunter sings a melodious song first.


नास्ति माया सम पसो नास्ति योगात् परम् बलम् ।
न हि ज्ञानात् परो बन्धुर् नहम्कारात् परो रिपु ॥ 1045

Nasti maya sama paso nasti yogat param balam
Na hi jnanat paro bandhur nahamkarat paro ripu


There is no bondage equal to illusion, no strength bigger than yoga.
There is no friend better than knowledge and no enemy worse than boosted ego.

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