Friday, 24 September 2021

 अकरोः किमु नेत्रशोणिमानं किमकार्षीः करपल्लवावरोधम् ।

कलहं किमधाः क्रुधा रसज्ञे हितमर्थं न विदन्ति दैवदष्टाः ॥ 1046


Akaroḥ kimu netrashonimanam kimakarshih karapallavavarodham
Kalahaṃ kimadhah krudha rasajne hitamartham na vidanti daivadashtah


You, who can appreciate taste, did you redden your eyes and offer resistance with your tender hands or quarrel? Those who are smitten by adverse fate, are not concerned with their own welfare.


जिह्वे प्रमाणं जानीहि भाषणे भोजनेऽपि च ।
अत्युक्तिरतिभुक्तिश्च सत्यं प्राणापहारिणी ॥ 1047


Jihve pramanam janahi bhashane bhojane api cha

Atyuktiratibhuktishcha satyam pranapaharini

Hey tongue, know your limitations while speaking and eating.

Excessive talking as well as over-eating can result in death.


क्रोधो हि शत्रुः प्रथमो नराणाम् देहस्थितो देहविनाशनाय ।
यथा स्थितः काष्ठगतो हि वह्निः स एव वह्निः दहते शरीरम् ॥ 1048


Krodho hi shatruh prathamo naranam dehasthito dehavinashaya

Yath sthitah kashtagato hi vahnih sa eva vahnih dahate shariram

Anger is foremost enemy of man which inherently resides within oneself only to

destroy him, just like fire which is kindled by a piece of wood ends up burning the piece.


पुरानमित्येव न साधु सर्वम् न चापि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम् ।

सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरद् भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेय बुद्धिः ॥ 1049


Puranamiteva na sadhu sarvam na chapi kavyam navamityavadyam

Santaha parikshyanyatarad bhajante mudhaha parapratyayaneya buddhihi


All that is old is not wisdom, all that is new is not foolish. Wise People

choose after careful consideration, fools depend on others’ opinions.


कृतस्य करणं नास्ति मृतस्य मरणं तथा ।
गतस्य शोचना नास्ति ह्येतद् वेदविदां मतम् ॥ 1050


Krutasya Karanam nasti mrutasya maranam tatha |

Gatasya shochana nasti hyetad vedavidam matam ||

What has been done cannot be undone. What is dead cannot die again. What has been lost should not be repented. This is the opinion of scholars.


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