तृणानि भूमिरुदकं वाक्चतुर्थी च सूनृता।
एतान्यपि सतां
गेहे नोच्छिद्यन्ते कदाचन॥ १२4१
Trunani bhumirudakam vakchaturthi
cha sunruta l
Etanyapi satam gehe nochchidyante
kadachana ll
Grass, land, water and the fourth having
pleasant and honest speech,
these are never severed off from of
righteous persons.
ये नराः सर्वसहाश्च ये ।
ते नराः स्वर्गगामिनः ॥ १२4२
Sarvahimsanivrutta ye narah
sarvasahashcha ye l
Sarvasyashrayabhatashcha te
narah svargagaminah ll
Persons who are away from all
violence, who can tolerate everything
and who offer shelter to
everyone are ones who live in heaven
असूयाविष्टे मनसि यदि संपत् प्रवर्तते ।
तुषाग्निं वायुसंयोगम् इव जानीहि सुव्रत ॥ १२43
Asuyavishte manasi yadi saṃpat pravartate l
Tushagnim vayusamyogam iva janihi suvrata ll
Understand, good man, that when the mind of a
person is filled with envy, his prosperity will only increase his intolerance,
as fire fallen on chaff is fanned by breeze.
अन्तस्तिमिरनाशाय शाब्दबोधो निरर्थकः ।
न नश्यति तमो नाम कृतया दीपवार्तया ॥ १२44
Antastimiranashaya shābdabodho nirarthakaḥ ।
Na nashyati tamo nama krutaya dīpavartaya ॥
Knowing just the meanings of words is not helpful in removing inner
Darkness does not disappear by talking about light.
अव्याकरणमधीतं भिन्नद्रोण्या तरङ्गिणीतरणम् ।
भेषजमपथ्यसहितं त्रयमिदमकृतं वरं न कृतम् ॥ १२45
bhinnadronya taraṅginītaranam ।
trayamidamakrutam varam na krutam ॥
Three things are better not done rather than
done - learning which has no foundation of grammar, the crossing of a river in
a boat that leaks and the use of medicines along with unwholesome diet.
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