Wednesday, 27 April 2022

 दर्शनाध्यानसंस्पर्शैर्मत्सी कूर्मी च पक्षिणी ।

शिशुपालयते नित्यं तथा सज्जनसड्गतिः  १२5


Darshanadhyanasamsparshairmatsi kurmi va pakshini l

Shishupalayate nityam tatha sajjanasangatih ll


Just as with keeping an eye, attention and touch, fish, turtle and birds

look after their children, so does the company of good men for people.


इह लोके हि धनिनां परोऽपि स्वजनायते।

स्वजनोऽपि दरिद्राणां सर्वदा दुर्जनायते॥ १२5


Iha loke hi dhaninam paro api svajanayate l

Svajano api daridranam sarvada durjanayate ll


Only in this world that others consider wealthy people their own

And relatives consider their own people unrelated if they are poor.


श्लोकार्धेन प्रवक्ष्यामि यदुक्तं ग्रन्थकोटिभिः ।

परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् ॥ १२53


Shlokardhena pravaksyami yaduktam grantgakotibhih l

Paropakarah punyaya papaya parapidanam ll


I will declare in half a shloka what is said in a million books.

Help others for gaining merit, torture others for gaining sins.

पित्रुपैत्तामहं राज्यं प्राप्तवान् स्वेन कर्मणा ।

वायुरभ्रमिवासाद्य भ्रंशयत्यनये स्थितः ॥ १२54


Pitrupaittamaham rajyam praptavan svena karmana l

Vayurabhramivasadya bhramshayatyanaye sthitah ll

A king taking the path of injustice destroys an inherited

kingdom in the same way strong wind shatters the clouds


सुशीलो मातृ पुण्येन पितृ पुण्येन चातुरः
औदार्यं वंश पुण्येन आत्मा पुण्येन भाग्यवान् ॥ १२55


Sushilo matru punyena pitru punyena chaturah l

Audaryam vamsha punyena atma punyena bhagyavan ll


One becomes a cultured person due to his mother’s Punya and clever due to his father’s Punya, generous due to his family’s Punya and prosperous due to his own Punya.


यदि सन्ति गुणाः पुंसां विकसन्त्येव ते स्वयम्।

न हि कस्तूरिकामोदः शपथेन विभाव्यते ॥ १२56


Yadi santi gunah pumsam vikasantyeva te svayam

Na hi kasturikamodah shapathena vibhavyate


If there are virtuous qualities in people, they blossom on their own.

The fragrance of kasturi is not revealed by swearing.


कृते प्रतिकृति कुर्यात् हिंसेन प्रतिहिंसनम् ।

तत्र दोषोन पतति दुष्टे दौष्ट्यं समाचरेत् ॥ १२57


Krute pratikruti kuryat himsena pratihimsanam

Tatra doshena patati dushte daushtyam samacharet


If someone acts against you return by similar action. Torture should be

countered by torture. There will be no blame for punishing the wicked.


अलंकरप्रियो विष्णुर् जलधाराप्रियः शिवः ।

नमस्कारप्रियो भानुर् ब्राह्मणो भोजनप्रियः ॥ १२58


Alankarapriyo vishnur jaladharapriyah shivah

Namaskarapriyo bhanur brahmano bhojanapriyah


Vishnu is fond od adornment, Shiva likes to contain water falling,

The Sun likes to be prayed and the Brahman is fond of eating.



अज्ञ्नो भवति वै बालः पिता भवति मन्त्रदः ।

अज्ञं हि बाल इत्याहुः पितेत्येव तु मन्त्रदम् ॥ १२59


Ajno bhavati vai balah pita bhavati mantradah

Ajnam hi bala ityahuh pitetyeva tu mantradam


An ignorant man is like a child, one who knows the scriptures is like a father.

Treat an ignorant one like a child, a learned one like a father.


एकः शत्रुर्न द्वितीयोऽस्ति शत्रुः ।

अज्ञानतुल्यः पुरुषस्य राजन् ॥ १२6

Ekah shatrurna dvitiyo asti shatruh

Ajnanatulyah purushasya rajan


A man has just one enemy, there is no other.

It his ignorance, O King.

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