Friday, 29 July 2022

सहनं सर्वदुःखनामप्रतीकारपूर्वकम् ।

चिन्ताविलापरहितं सा तितिक्षा निगद्यते ll 44

Sahanam sarvadukhanampratikarapurvakam l

Chintavilaparahitam sa titiksha nigadyate ll


Bearing of all afflictions without caring to redress them, being free at the

same time from anxiety or lament is called Titiksha or forbearance.


क्षमा शत्रौ च मित्रे च यतीनाम् एव भूषणम् ।
अपराधिषु सत्त्वेषु नृपाणां सैव दूषणम् ॥ 

Kshama shatrau cha mitre cha yatinam eva bhushanam l
Aparadhishu sattveshu nrupanam saiva dushanam 


Treating an enemy and friend with compassion is an ornament only to

an ascetic but showing compassion to an offender is a defect for kings.


बुभुक्षितैर्व्याकरणं न भुज्यते पिपासितैः काव्यरसो न पीयते

न विद्यया केनचिदुद्धृतं कुलम् हिरण्यमेवार्जय निष्फलाः  कलाः ॥ 44


Bubhukshitairvyakaranam na bhujyate pipasitaih kavyaraso na piyate l

Na vidyaya kenachiduddhrutam kulam hiranyamevarjaya nishphalah kalah ll


Hungry persons do not eat Vyakarana, thirsty ones do not drink poetry.

Learning does not expose a family, there are many golden works not fruitful.


सुचिरं हि चरन् नित्यं क्षेत्रे सत्यमबुद्धिमान् ।
द्वीपिचर्मपरिच्छन्नो वाग्दोषाद् गर्दभो हतः 
॥ 444


Suchiram hi charan nityam kshetre satyam abuddhiman l
Dvīpicharmaparicchanno vagdoshad gardabho hatah ll


Grazing on corn in a field for a long time, a foolish ass, covered in

a tiger’s skin was killed, through the blunder of exhibiting its voice.


केषाञ्चिदपि वस्तुनां गम्यते सङ्गिना गुणः ।

वैद्यनापितहन्तृणां हस्तेषु क्षुरिका यथा ॥ 445


Keshanchidapi vastunam gamyate sangina gunah l
Vaidyanapitahantrunam hasteshu kshurika yatha


The usefulness of any object is evident with its association like the usefulness

of a knife is seen in the hands of a doctor, a barber or a murderer.

Sunday, 24 July 2022

 ये भवन्ति महीपस्य सम्मानितविमानिताः ।

यतन्ते तस्य नाशाय कुलीना अपि सर्वदा ॥ 46


Ye bhavanti mahīpasya sammanitavimanitah l
Yatante tasya nashaya kulina api sarvada 


Servants who have been praised and later insulted by the king, will always

try to bring about his destruction, even if they are from good families.


दुर्जनैरुच्यमानानि संमतानि प्रियाण्यपि ।
अकालकुसुमानीव भयं संजनयन्ति हि ॥ 


Durjanair uchyamanani sammatani priynyapi l
Akalakusumaniva bhayam samjanayanti hi ll


Even pleasant words spoken with a smile by the wicked cause fear

like flowers appearing out-of-season.


पूर्णे तटाके तृषितः सदैव भूतेपि गेहे क्षुधितः स मूढः ।
कल्पद्रुमे सत्यपि वै दरिद्रः गुर्वादियोगेऽपि हि यः प्रमादी ॥


Purne tatake trushitah sadaiva bhutepi gehe kshudhitah sa muddhah l

Kalpadrume satyapi vai daridrah gurvadiyoge api hi vah paramadi ll


One who is thirsty even though beside a full lake, is hungry in a well stocked house, is poor being next to an all giving tree and makes mistakes even having a guru is indeed an Idiot.


स बन्धुर्यो विपन्नानामापदुद्धरणक्षमः ।
न तु भीतपरित्राणवस्तूपालम्भ पण्डितः ॥ 


Sa bandhuryovipannanam apaduddharaṇakshamah l
Na tu bhītaparitranavastupalambha panditah 


He is a friend of the afflicted who protects them from calamities and

not one who is an expert in condemning a thing ill done or omitted to be done.


अपमानं तथा लज्जा बन्धनं भयमेव च l

रोगशोकौ स्मृतेर्भङ्गो मृत्युश्चाष्टविधः स्मृतः ll 44

Apamanam tatha lajja bandhanam bhayameva cha l
Rogashokau smruterbhango mrutyushchashtavidhah smrutah ll

Insult, mortification, bondage, fear, ailment, sorrow and loss of memory, death

are considered to be eight forms of misfortunes.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

 असहायः समर्थोऽपि न कार्यं कर्तुमर्हति ।

तुषेणापि परित्यक्ता न प्ररोहन्ति तण्डुलाः ॥ 4३१


Asahayah samartho api na karyam kartumarhati l
Tushenapi parityakta na prarohanti tandulah


Though a person may be capable he may not achieve success without assistance. Grains of rice do not germinate and grow if they are deprived of their outer husk.


न संशयमनारुह्य नरो भद्राणि पश्यति ।

संशयं पुनरारुह्य यदि जीवति पश्यति ॥ 4

Na samshayamanaruhya naro bhadrani pashyati l

Samshayam punararuhya yadi jivati pashyati ll


Without overcoming fear one will not find happiness.

One who lives overcoming doubts will be happy.

सालस्यो गर्वितो निद्रः परहस्तेन लेखकः ।

अल्पविद्यो विवादी च षडेते आत्मघातकाः ॥ 4३३


Salasyo garvito nidrah parahastena lekhakah l

Alpavidyo vivadi cha shadete atmaghatakah ll


Lazy, arrogant, excessively sleepy, getting things written down through others,

one with incomplete knowledge and argumentative persons are the six types

who will destroy themselves.


सुहृदामुपकारणाद्विषताम् अप्पकारणात् ।
नृपसंश्रय इष्यते बुधैर्जठरं को न बिभर्ति केवलम् ॥

Suhrudam upakaranad dvishatam api apakaranat l
Nrupasamshraya ishyate budhairjataram ko na bibharti kevalam 


Wise men seek shelter with the powerful because it is conducive to the welfare of their close ones and harmful to their enemies. Who does not wish to fill his belly?


मुकुटे रोपिता काचश्चरणाभरणे मणिः ।
नहि दोषो मणेरस्ति किन्तु साधोरविज्ञता ॥ 


Mukute ropita kacashcharanabharane manih l
Nahi dosho manerasti kintu sadhoravijnata ll


If glass is placed on a crown and gem is mounted on a foot ornament,

it is not the fault of the gem but the foolishness of the jeweler.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

 नयस्य विनयो मूलं विनयः शास्त्रनिश्चयः ।

विनयो हीन्द्रियजयः तद्युक्तः शास्त्रमृच्छति ॥ 4


Nayasya vinayo mulam vinayah shastranishchayah I

Vinayo  hindriyajayah tadyukatah shastramruchchati


Humility is the root of good conduct. Good conduct is prescribed in scriptures.

Good conduct helps one conquer senses, one who practices it is considered learned.


निर्विषेणापि सर्पेण कर्तव्या महती फणा ।

विषं भवतु वा माभूत्फणाटोपो भयङ्करः ॥ 4२२


Nirvishenapi sarpena kartavya mahati phana I

Visham bhavatu va mabhutphanatopo bhayankarah


Even without poison a snake has great use for its hood.

With or without poison, its open hood is terrifying.


नियतं सङ्गरहितमरागद्वेषत: कृतम् 

अफलप्रेप्सुना कर्म यतत्सात्विकमुच्यते 4


Niyatam sangarahitamaragadveshatah krutam I

Aphalaprepsuna karmayat tatatsattvikamuchyate


Action that is in accordance with the scriptures, which is free from attachment &

aversion and which is done without desire for rewards is in the mode of goodness.



मृतशरीरमृत्सृज्य काष्ठलोष्ठसमं क्षितौ ।

विमुखा बांधवा यान्ति धर्मस्तमनुगच्छति ॥ 44


Mrutashariramrutsrujya kashtaloshtasamam kshitau I

Vimukha bandhava yanti dharmastamanugachchati


Like wood and sod after tossing the dead body on the ground, the kinsmen                   leave with turned faces. It is only meritorious deeds that accompany the soul.

सम्पूर्णकुम्भो न करोति शब्दम् अर्धोघटो घोषमुपैति नूनम् ।

विद्वान्कुलीनो न करोति गर्वं मूढास्तु जल्पन्ति गुणैर्विहीनाः ॥ 45 


Sampurnakumbho na karoti shabdam adhoghato ghoshamupaiti nunam I

Vidvankulino na karoti garvam muddhastu jalpanti gunairvihinah


Completely filled pot does not make noise, but a half-filled pot does.

Learned and well born are not arrogant, but fools prattle without any qualities.


तृष्णां चेह परित्यज्य को दरिद्रः क ईश्वरः 

तस्याश्चेत्प्रसरो दत्तो दास्यं च शिरसि स्थितम् 46


Trushnaam cheha parityajya ko daridrah ka ishvarah l

Tasyashchetprasaro datto dasyam cha shirasi sthitam ll


If everyone rejects greed, then who is rich and who is poor?

But if one allows greed to enter, slavery is certain.


एकस्य कर्म संवीक्ष्य करोत्यन्योऽपि गर्हितम् ।

गतानुगतिको लोको न लोकः पारमार्थिकः ॥ 47


Ekasya karma samvikshya karotyanyo api garhitam l

Gatanugatiko loko na lokah paramarthikah ll


Seeing someone perform some action another follows suit, even if it may

be a sinful action. World follows predecessors blindly without seeking the truth.


अनागतविधाता च प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिस्तथा ।
द्वावेतौ सुखमेधेते यद्भविष्यो विनश्यति 4


Anagatavidhata cha pratyutpannamatistatha l

Dvavetau sukhamedhete yadbhavishyo vinashyati ll


One who prepares to face danger before it comes and one who reacts intelligently

when danger comes will find happiness but one who does nothing believing in fate will be destroyed.


वृद्धस्य वचनं ग्राह्यम् आपत्काले ह्युपस्थिते 
सर्वत्रैवं विचारे  भोजनेऽपि प्रवर्तताम् 


Vruddhasya vachanam grahyam apatkale hyupasthite l
Sarvatraivaṃ vichare cha bhojane api pravartatam ll


The advice of the aged should be followed only when facing difficulty.

If we were to take their advice in every matter, we can hardly proceed to take our food.


विद्यागमार्थं पुत्रस्य वृत्त्यर्थं यतते च य:
पुत्रं सदा साधु शास्ति प्रीतिकृत् स पितानृणी


Vidyagamartham putrasya vruttyartham yatate cha yah l

Putram sada sadhu shasti pritikrut sa pitanruni ll


The son whose parents strive to educate him and help him in his career so that

he is well behaved, happy and loving, is forever obliged to his parents.