Friday, 20 January 2023

 आर्तानामिह जन्तूनाम् आर्तिच्छेदं करोति यः ।

शङ्खचक्रगदाहीनो द्विभुजः परमेश्वरः ॥ 59

Artanamiha jantunam artichchedam karoti yah
Shankhachakragadahino dvibhujah parameshvarah

He who ends the misery of those who are in distress, is verily the supreme God, possessing only two hands and devoid of the shanku, chakra and gadha.


आयुषः क्षण एकोऽपि सर्वरत्नैर्न न लभ्यते।
नीयते स वृथा येन प्रमादः सुमहानहो ॥ 59

Ayushah kshana eko api sarvaratnairna na labhyate

Niyate sa vrutha yena pramadah sumahanaho


Even a single second in life cannot be obtained by all precious jewels.

Hence, spending life wastefully is a great mistake.


धनेषु जीवितव्येषु स्त्रीषु चाहारकर्मसु।
अतृप्ता: मानवा: सर्वे याता यास्यन्ति यान्ति च ॥ 59

Dhaneshu jivitavyeshu strishu chaharakarmasu

Atruptah manavah sarve yata yasyanti yanti cha


All men have been in the past unhappy, at present are unhappy and would be unhappy in future regarding the wealth they have, the life they lead, the women they are with and the food and the work they get.


मनो धावति सर्वत्र मदोन्मत्तगजेंद्रवत् ।
बुद्धिः तस्य निश्चलते मनः ॥ 594

Mano dhAvati sarvatra madonmatta gajendravat 
Jnanankusha sama buddhiH tasya nishchalate manah 

Mind runs in every direction like an elephant in heat. Intellect is like the hook

used by the mahout to control it. Men must use wisdom to control their minds.


आकारैरिङ्गितैर्गत्या चेष्टया भाषितेन वा ।

नेत्रवक्त्रविकारैश्च गृह्यतेऽन्तर्गतं मनः ॥ 595

Akarairingitairgatya chestaya bhashitena va
Netravaktravikaraishcha gruhyate antargatam manah


The inner mind is revealed by gestures, motions,

gesticulations, speech and changes in the eyes and face.


सामैव हि प्रयोक्तव्यमादौ कार्यं विजानता।
सामसिद्धानि कार्याणि विक्रियां यान्ति न क्वचित्॥ 596


Samaiva hi pyoktavyamadau karyam vijanata

Samasiddhani karyani vikriyam yanti na kvachit


It is practical to explain everything related to the work to be done properly

in the beginning itself. Works accomplished after discussion never get impaired.

आजन्मानुगतेऽप्यस्मिन् नाले विमुखमम्बुजम् ।

प्रायेण गुणपूर्णेषु रीतिर्लक्ष्मीवतामियम् ॥ 597


Ajanmanugate apyasmin nale vimukhamambujam

Prayena gunapurneshu ritirlakshmivatamiyam


The lotus turns her face from the stalk which has supported her from birth.

This is the way of those who possess wealth towards virtruous people who support them.


व्रजत्यधः प्रयात्युच्चैर्नरः स्वैरेव चेष्टितैः ।
अधः कूपस्य खनक ऊर्ध्वं प्रासादकारकः ॥ 59


Vrajatyadhah prayatyuchchairnarah svaireva cheshtitaih

Adhah kupasya khanaka urdhvam prasadakarakah


A man goes to the depths or raises to the top owing to his own actions.

A well-digger goes to the bottom and a house builder goes to the top.

कश्चिन्निन्देत् प्रशंसेद्वा लाभोऽस्माकं प्रजायते ।
प्रशंसा प्रेरणादात्री निन्दनं सावधानकृत् ॥


Kashchinnindet prashasedva labho asmakam prajayate

Prashamsa preranadatri nindanam savadhanakrut


If someone criticises us or compliments us, we are the gainers.

Praise provides encouragement while criticism makes us to be cautious.


मृग तृष्णा समं वीक्ष्य संसारं क्षणभङ्गुरम् ।
सज्जनैः सङ्गतं कुर्याद्धर्माय च सुखाय च ॥ १


Mruga trushna samam vikshya samsaram kshanabhanguram 
Sajjanaih sangatam kuryaddharmaya cha sukhaya cha 


Realising that life is transient like a mirage, one should associate  

with good men for the sake of virtue and happiness.

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