Sunday, 5 March 2023

 दानेन तुल्यो विधिरास्ति नान्यो लोभोच नान्योस्ति रिपु: पृथिव्यां ।

विभुषणं शीलसमं च नान्यत् सन्तोषतुल्यं धनमस्ति नान्यत् ॥ 6 

Danena tulyo vidhirasti nanyo lobhocha nanyosti ripuh pruthivyam

Vibhushanam shilasamam cha nanyat santoshatulyam dhanamasti nanyat  

There is no activity as noble as donation. There is no enemy as greed on this earth. There is no ornament like good character. There is no wealth as good as satisfaction.


खलसख्यं प्राङ्मधुरं वयोऽन्तराले निदाघदिनमन्ते

एकादिमध्यपरिणतिरमणीया साधुजनमैत्री 6


Khalasakhya Prangmadhuram Vyotrale Nidaghdinmante

Ekadimadhyaparintiramaniya sadhujanmaitri


The friendship of the wicked at first seems as warm as the morning sun, but as time goes by uncomfortable and irksome. The friendship of good people is pleasant at all times.


नाभुक्तं क्षीयते कर्म कल्पकोटिशतैरपि ।
अवश्यमेव भोक्तव्यं कृतं कर्म शुभाशुभम् ॥


Nabhuktam kshiyate karma kalpakotishatairapi

avashyameva bhoktavyam krutam karma shubhashubham


Deeds of a person, whether the effects of which he has experienced or not do not disappear, even after ages. Good or bad consequences of a person’s deeds are necessarily to be enjoyed or suffered by him.


द्यूतमेतत्पुरा कल्पे दृष्टं वैरकरं महत् ।
तस्मात्द्यूतं न सेवेत हास्यार्थमपि बुद्धिमान् ॥

Dyutametatpura kalpe drushtam vairakaram mahat

Tasmatdyutam na seveta hasyarthamapi buddhiman


From history we learn that gambling creates enmity of great proportions.

Hence a wise man will not indulge in gambling, even for fun.


अनुकुरूत: खलसुजनाव् अग्रिमपाश्चात्यभागयो: सूच्या: ।

विदधाति रन्ध्रमेको गुणवानन्यस्त्वपिदधाति 65

Anukurutah khalasujanav agrimapashchatyabhagayoh sucyah
Vidadhāti randhrameko gunavananyastvapidadhati

The scoundrel and the good man imitate respectively the front and hind parts of a needle. One makes a hole and the other, possessing the thread (virtue), fills it in.


हंसो विभाति नलिनीदलपुञ्जमध्ये सिंहो विभाति गिरिगव्हरकन्दरासु

जात्यो विभाति तुरगो रणयुद्धमध्ये विद्वान्विभाति पुरुषेषु विचक्षणेषु 66

Hamso vibhati nalinidalapunjamadhye simho vibhati giriganharakandarasu

Jatyo vibhati turago ranayuddhamadhye vidvanvibhati purusheshu vichakshaneshu


A swan shines among stalks of lotuses, a lion shines in the caves of mountains, a well bred horse shines in the midst of war, a learned man shines in an assembly of clever people.


एकवृक्षसमारूढा नाना वर्णा विहङ्गमाः ।
प्रभाते दिक्षु दशसु यान्ति का तत्र वेदना ॥


Ekavrukshasamaruddha nana varna vihangamah

Prabhate dikshu dashasu yanti ka tatra vedana


Birds of various colours assemble on a single tree for the night. On the onset of

dawn, they fly away in ten different directioins. What is the need for lament?


काकचेष्टा बकध्यानं श्वाननिद्रा तथैव च ।
अल्पाहारी गृहत्यागी विद्यार्थीपञ्चलक्षणम् ॥ 6

Kakacheshta bakadhyanam shvananidra tathaiva

Alpahari gruhatyagi vidhyarthipanchlakshanam


Alertness of a crow, concentration of a crane, sleeping pattern of a dog, ability to sustain on limited food and preparedness to be away from the home, these are five characteristics of a student.

चित्तस्य शुद्धये कर्म  तु वस्तूपलब्धये 
वस्तुसिद्धिर्विचारेण  किंचित्कर्मकोटिभिः 69

Chittasya shuddhaye karma na tu vastupalabdhaye
Vastusiddhirvicharena na kinchitkarmakotibhih 

Work leads to purification of the mind, not to perception of reality.

Realisation of Truth is brought about by scrutiny and not by ten million acts.


आशापाशनिबद्धो नृत्यति किं वा नरो न धनिकपुरः ।

हतशैलूषस्य विधेः कुत्र विधेयः सुखममुपैति ॥ 64

Ashapashanibaddho nrutyati kim va naro na dhanikapurah
Hatashailushasya vidheh kutra vidheyah sukhamamupaiti

Bound by desires, what are all kinds of dances does a man not perform before a richman? Where will a man dependent on fate who is like a failed actor on the stage, get happiness?

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