Monday, 29 April 2019

पीत्वा रसं तु कटुकं मधुरं समानं माधुर्यमेव जनयेन्मधुमक्षिकासौ ।
सन्तस्तथैव समसज्जनदुर्जनानां श्रुत्वा वचः मधुरसुक्तरसं सृजन्ति ॥ १९१

Peetva rasam tu katukam madhuram samanam madhuryameva janayenmadhumakshikasau
Santastathaiva samasajjanadurjananam shrutva vachah madhurasuktarasam srujanti

Imbibing both bitter and sweet equally, bees will generate only the sweet(honey)
Similarly, saints will listen equally to sayings of good and bad people but talk only about sweet sayings

हर्षस्थान सहस्राणि भयस्थान शतानि च ।
दिवसे दिवसे मूढे आविशन्ति न पंडितम् ॥ १९

Harshasthana sahasrani bhayasthana shatani cha
Divase divase muddhe avishanti na panditam

Thousands of happy and hundreds of fearful situations encircle an idiot everyday but not a learned person.

यः स्वभावो हि यस्यास्ति स नित्यं दुरतिक्रमः । 
श्वा यदि क्रियते राजा तत् किं नाश्नात्युपानहम् ॥ १९

Yah svabhavo hi yasyasti sa nityam duratikramah
Shva yadi kriyate raja tat kim naashnayupanaham

Whatever be the nature of a person, it is very difficult to change.
If a dog is made a king, will it stop chewing footwear?

वदनम् अमृत-रश्मिं पश्य कान्ते तवोर्व्याम् अनिल-तुलन-दण्डेनास्य वार्धौ विधाता ।
स्थितम् अतुलयद् इन्दुः खेचरोऽभूल् लघुत्वात् क्षिपति च परिपूर्त्यै तस्य ताराः किम् एताः ।। १९४
Vadanam amruta rashmim pashya kante tavorvyam anila tulana dandenasya vardha vidhata
Sthitham atulayad induh khecharo abhul laghutvat kshipati cha paripurtyai tasya tara kim etah ।।

My love, your beauty was weighed against the moon, the moon shot up, you came down, the creator is still sprinkling the skies with stars to counter your weight.

सलभाः पुरुषाः राजन् सततं प्रियवादिनः ।
अप्रियस्य च पथ्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः ॥ १९५

Sulabhah purushah rajan satatam priyavadinah
Apriyasya cha pathyasya vakta shrota cha durlabhah

O king, it is easy to find people who always speak pleasant words.
Those speaking and listening to bitter and truthful words are hard to find.

Saturday, 27 April 2019

छायां अन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयं आतपे ।
फलानि अपि पर अर्थाय वृक्षाः सत्पुरुषा इव ॥ १८

Chayam anyasya kurvanti tishtanti svayam aatape
Phalani api para arthaya vrukshah satpurusha iva

They provide shade for others while they stand in the heat.
Even the fruits they bear are for others, trees are really like great men.

न देवा दण्डमादाय रक्षन्ति पशुपालवत् ।
यं तु रक्षितुमिच्छन्ति बुद्ध्या संविभजन्ति तम् ॥ १८७

Na deva dandamadaya rakshanti pashupalavat
Yam tu rakshitumicchanti buddhya samvibhajanti tam

Gods do not bring a stick to protect one like a shepherd.
Those they want to protect they give them intelligence.

परिवर्तिनि संसारे मृतः को वा न जायते ।
स जातो येन जातेन याति वंशः समुन्नतिम् ॥ १८८

In this ever changing world, who that is dead is not born again?
But he alone is considered born again by whose birth his family attains eminence.

गुणी गुणं वेत्ति न वेत्ति निर्गुणो बली बलं वेत्ति न वेत्ति निर्बलः ।
पिको वसन्तस्य गुणं न वायसः करी च सिम्हस्य बलं न मूषकः ॥ १८९

Gunee gunam vetti na vetti nirgunam balee balam vetti na vetti nirbalah
Piko vasantasya gunam na vayasah kari cha simhasya balam na mushakah

A person with qualities regards another with qualities, not one without. A strong person regards another with strength not a weakling. The cuckoo appreciates the qualities of spring, not the crow. The elephant regards the strength of a lion not that of a mouse.

ऎक्यं बलं समाजस्य तदभावे स दुर्बलः ।
तस्मात् ऎक्यं प्रशंसन्ति दृढं राश्त्र हितैषिणः ॥ १९०

Ekyam balam samajasya tadabhave sa durbalah
Tasmat ekyam prashamsanti druddham rashtra hitaishinah

Unity is the strength of a society, in its absence, the society is weak.
Well wishers of the nation praise it emphatically.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

यः पठति लिखति पश्यति परिपुच्छती पण्डितान् उपाश्रयति ।
तस्य दिवाकरकिरणैः नलिनी दलं इव विस्तरिता बुद्धिः ॥ १८१

Yah patthati likhati pashyati paripucchati panditan upashrayati
Tasya divakarakiranaih nalini dalam iva vistarita buddhih

One who reads, writes, observes, enquires, follows learned men will have his intellect expand as the lotus leaf does under the rays of the sun.

आपदि मित्र परीक्षा शूर परीक्षा रणांगणे भवति ।
विनये वंश परीक्षा शील परीक्षा धन क्षये भवति ॥ १८

Apadi mitra pariksha shura pariksha ranangane bhavati
Vinaye vamsha pariksha shila pariksha dhana kshaye bhavati

Test of a friend is when in difficulties, test of a warrior is in the war field, test of a family is in dignified conduct, test of one’s character is when there is no money.

सौवर्णानि सरोजानि निर्मातुं सन्ति शिल्पिनः ।
तत्र सौरभ निर्माणे चतुरः चतुराननः ॥ १८

Sauvarnani sarojani nirmatum santi shilpinah
Tatra saurabhah nirmane chaturah chaturananah

Sculptors are there to create Golden lotuses.
But only the four-faced one (Brahma) is capable of giving them fragrance.

अणुभ्यश्च महद्भ्यश्च शास्त्रेभ्यः कुशलो नरः ।
सर्वतः सारमादद्यात् पुष्पेभ्य इव षट्पदः ॥ १८४

Anubhyashcha mahadbhyashcha shastrebhyah kushalo narah
Sarvatah saramadadyat pushpebhya iva shatpadah

Whether a minor work or a major one, a wise person will imbibe only the essence just like the bees will draw only honey from flowers.

अनारम्भो हि कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धीलक्षणम् ।
प्रारब्धस्य अन्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्धीलक्षणम् ॥ १८५

Anarambho hi karyanam prathamam buddhilakshanam
Prarabdhasya antagamanam dvitiyam buddhilakshanam

Not starting a task one is not capable of carrying out is the first sign of intelligence. Completing work already started is the second sign of intelligence.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

पापं क्रुत्वा दुर्गतिं यान्ति मूढास्तस्मानमद्यं नैव पेयं न पेयम् ॥ १७

Chitte bhrantirjayate madyapanat bhrante chitte papacharyamupaiti |
Papam krutva durgatim yanti muddhastasmanamadyam naiva peyam na peyam ||

Drinking liquor causes confusion in the mind, confused mind makes one do wrong things and face misfortune. Therefore, unthinking one, do not imbibe liquor.

न तथा शीतलसलिलं न चन्दनरसो न शीतल छाया ।
प्रह्लादयति पुरुषं यथा मधुरभाषिणी वाणी ॥ १७७

Na tatha shitalasalilam na chandanrasau na shitala chaya
Prahladayati purusham yatha madhurabhashini vani

A splash of cold water, a paste of sandal, a cool shade do not give a man pleasure as much as sweet words spoken.

आह्यारे च व्यवहारे च त्यक्तलज्जः सदा भवेत् ॥ १७८

Dhanaprayogakaryeshu tatha vidyagameshu cha
Ahyare cha vyavahare cha tyaktalajjah sada bhavet

One should give up shame while earning money, acquiring knowledge, eating food and in business transactions

मणिना वलयं वलयेन मणिः मणिना वलयेन विभाति करः।
कविना च विभुः विभुना च कविः कविना विभुना च विभाति सभा॥ १७९

Manina valayam valayena manih manina valayena vibhati karah
Kavina cha vibhuh vibhuna cha kavih kavina vibhuna cha vibhati sabha

Gems brighten the bracelet, bracelet brightens gems, gems and bracelet brighten the hand. The poet makes the king shine, the king makes the poet shine, poet and king make the assembly shine.

शशिना च निशा निशया च शशी शशिना निशया च विभाति नभः।
पयसा कमलं कमलेन पयः पयसा कमलेन विभाति सरः॥ १८०

Shashina cha nisha nishaya cha shashi shashina nishaya cha vibhati nabhah Payasa kamalam kamalena payah payasa kamalena vibhati sarah

The moon brightens the night, the night brightens the moon, moon and night beautify the skies. The waters brighten the lotus, the lotus brightens the water, waters and lotus make the lake shine.

Monday, 1 April 2019

गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिंतयेत् ।
वर्तमानेन कालेन वर्तयन्ति विचक्षणाः ॥ १७१

Gate shoko na kartavyo bhavishyam naiva chintayet
Vartamanena kalena vartayanti vichakshanah

Do not worry about what had happened, do not worry about will happen. Wisemen act as per present necessities.

कमले ब्रह्मा शेते हरः शेते हिमालये ।
क्षीरब्धौ च हरिः शेतेमन्ये मत्कुणशन्कय ॥ १७

Kamala brahma shete harah shete himalaye
Kshirabdhau cha harih shetemanye matkunashankaya

Brahma sleeps on a lotus, Shiva sleeps in Himalaya, Vishnu sleeps in deep sea, all for the fear of bedbugs.

चातक धूम समूहं दृष्ट्वा मा धाव वारि धर बुद्ध्या ।
इह हि भविश्यति भवतः नयन युगादेव वारिणां पूरः ॥ १७

Chataka dhuma samuham drushtva ma dhava vari dhara buddhya
Iha hi bhavishyati bhavatah nayana yugadeva varinam purah

O, Chataka bird, do not rush towards clouds of smoke thinking that they are water bearing clouds. What will happen is that there will be a flood of water from your eyes.

स्थानभ्रष्टा न शोभन्ते दन्ताः केशा नखा नराः
इति विज्ञाय मतिमान् स्वस्थानं न परित्यजेत् १७४

Sthanabhrashta na shobhante dantah kesha nakha narah
Iti vijnaya matiman svasthanam na parityajet

Teeth, hair, nails, and persons do not shine if out of their positions. Knowing this, a clever person will not leave his due position.

दम्पत्योः कलहश्चैव परिणामे न किञ्चन ॥ १७५ 

Ajayuddhamrushishraddham prabhate meghadambaram
Dampatyoh kalahashchaiva pariname na kinchana

Fight between goats, yearly ceremonies for sages, thunder of clouds in the morning and fight between husband and wife will never end in any result.