Saturday, 27 April 2019

छायां अन्यस्य कुर्वन्ति तिष्ठन्ति स्वयं आतपे ।
फलानि अपि पर अर्थाय वृक्षाः सत्पुरुषा इव ॥ १८

Chayam anyasya kurvanti tishtanti svayam aatape
Phalani api para arthaya vrukshah satpurusha iva

They provide shade for others while they stand in the heat.
Even the fruits they bear are for others, trees are really like great men.

न देवा दण्डमादाय रक्षन्ति पशुपालवत् ।
यं तु रक्षितुमिच्छन्ति बुद्ध्या संविभजन्ति तम् ॥ १८७

Na deva dandamadaya rakshanti pashupalavat
Yam tu rakshitumicchanti buddhya samvibhajanti tam

Gods do not bring a stick to protect one like a shepherd.
Those they want to protect they give them intelligence.

परिवर्तिनि संसारे मृतः को वा न जायते ।
स जातो येन जातेन याति वंशः समुन्नतिम् ॥ १८८

In this ever changing world, who that is dead is not born again?
But he alone is considered born again by whose birth his family attains eminence.

गुणी गुणं वेत्ति न वेत्ति निर्गुणो बली बलं वेत्ति न वेत्ति निर्बलः ।
पिको वसन्तस्य गुणं न वायसः करी च सिम्हस्य बलं न मूषकः ॥ १८९

Gunee gunam vetti na vetti nirgunam balee balam vetti na vetti nirbalah
Piko vasantasya gunam na vayasah kari cha simhasya balam na mushakah

A person with qualities regards another with qualities, not one without. A strong person regards another with strength not a weakling. The cuckoo appreciates the qualities of spring, not the crow. The elephant regards the strength of a lion not that of a mouse.

ऎक्यं बलं समाजस्य तदभावे स दुर्बलः ।
तस्मात् ऎक्यं प्रशंसन्ति दृढं राश्त्र हितैषिणः ॥ १९०

Ekyam balam samajasya tadabhave sa durbalah
Tasmat ekyam prashamsanti druddham rashtra hitaishinah

Unity is the strength of a society, in its absence, the society is weak.
Well wishers of the nation praise it emphatically.

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