Saturday, 29 February 2020

यं विषादोऽभिभवति विक्रमे समुपस्थिते ।
तेजसा तस्य हीनस्य पुरुषार्थो न विद्यते ॥ ४८६

Yam vishado abhibhavati vikrame samusthite
Tejasa tasya hinasya prurshartho na vidyate

One who lets himself be depressed at the time of triumph,
Such a courage less person loses his very purpose.

दुर्जनेन समं वैरं प्रीतिं चापि न कारयेत् ।
उष्णो दहति चाङ्गारशशीतः कृष्णायते करम् ॥ ४८७

Durjanena samam vairam pritim chapi na karayet
Ushno dahati changarashsharitah krushnayate karam

Do not cultivate enmity or friendship with a wicked one.
Charcoal burns one when hot and makes the hand black when cold.

प्रवृत्तौ जायते रागो निर्वृत्तौ द्वेष एव हि
निर्द्वन्द्वो बालवद् धीमान् एवमेव व्यवस्थितः ४८८
Pravrutto jayate rago nirvrutto dvesha eva hi
Nirdvandvo balavad dhiman evemeva vyavasthitah

Involvement begets attachment and abstention generates aversion.
The Wise man free from the pair of opposites like a child is well established.

धान्यानामुत्तमं दाक्ष्यं धनानामुत्तमं श्रुतम् ।
लाभानां श्रेय आरोग्यं सुखानां तुष्टिरुत्तमा ॥ ४८९
Dhanyanamuttamam dakshyam dhananamuttamam shrutam
Labhanam Shreya arogyam sukhanam tushtiruttama

Skill is superior to material things knowledge is superior to wealth.
Health is superior to profits and contentment is the best form of happiness.

आशाया ये दासास्ते दासाः सर्वलोकस्य ।
आशा येषां दासी तेषां दासायते लोकः ॥ ४९०

Ashaya ye dasaste dasah sarvalokasya  
Asha yesham dasi tesham dasayate lokah  

People who are servants of desires are also servants of the whole world.
For those to whom desire is a servant, the whole world also is a servant.

Monday, 24 February 2020

उद्यमो मित्रवद् ग्राह्यः प्रमादं शत्रुवत् त्यजेत् ।
उद्यमेन परा सिद्दिः प्रमादेन क्षयो भवेत् ॥ ४८१

Udyamo mitravad grahyah pramadam shatruvat tyajet
Udyamena para siddhih pramadena kshayo bhavet

Take hard work as a friend and negligence as an enemy.
Hard work leads to achievement and negligence to decline.

कर्मणामी भान्ति देवाः परत्र कर्मणैवेह प्लवते मातरिश्वा ।
अहोरात्रे विदधत् कर्मणैव अतन्द्रितो नित्यमुदेति सूर्यः ॥ ४८२

Karmanami bhanti devah paratra karmanaiveha plavate matarishva
Ahoratre vidadhat karmanaiva atandrito nityamudeti suryah

Gods shine in the other world through work, the wind blows through work,
Causing day and night through work, the sleepless sun rises everyday.

दृढं विमृश्य कर्तॄणां सदा वदनमुज्ज्वलम् ।
निन्दापङ्कावृतं चापि कार्ये साहसकारिणम् ॥ ४८३

Drudam vimrushya kartunam sada vadanamujjvalam
Nindapankavrutam chapi karye sahasakarinam

The faces of those who act after proper thought are always bright.
The faces of those who act without thinking will be covered with mud.

सहस्व श्रियमन्येषां यद्यपि त्वयि नास्ति सा ।
अन्यत्रापि सतीं लक्ष्मीं  कुशला भुञ्जते सदा ॥ ४८४

Sahasva shriyamanyesham yadyapi tvayi nasti sa
Anyatrapi satim lakshmim kushala bhunjate sada

Tolerate Goddess of wealth with others even though you are bereft.
Worldly wise respect the Goddess of wealth even though she is with others.

न चास्ति किञ्चित्कर्तव्यमस्ति चेत् न स तत्ववित् ॥ ४८५

Jnanamrutena truptasya krutakrutyasya yoginah
Na chasti kinchitkartvyamasti chet na sa tatvachit

For the Yogi satiated with the nectar of knowledge and who has done his duty, there is nothing needing to be done. If at all there is, he is not a fully aware person.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

आदौ चित्ते ततः काये  सतां सञ्जायते जरा ।
असतां च पुनः काये  नैव चित्ते कदाचन ॥  ४७

Adau chitte tatah kaye satam sanjayate jara
Asatam cha punah kaye naiva chitte kadachana

In the case of virtuous people, maturity sets first in mind and ageing in the body later. Conversely, for false people the body of keeps ageing but the mind never matures.

पाटीरा तव पटीयान् कः परिपाटीमिमामुरीकर्तुम् ।
यत्पिषतामपि नॄणां पिष्टोऽपि तनोषि परिमलैः पुष्टिम् ॥ ४७६

Patira tava patiyan kah paripatimimamurikartum
Yatpishatamapi nrunam pishto api tanoshi parimalaih pushtim

O Sandalwood! Who will have the ability to follow this path of yours, that
even when rubbed, you fill the people who rubbed you with fragrance?

यदेवोपनतं दु:खात् सुखं तद्रसवत्तरम्
निर्वाणाय तरुच्छाया तप्तस्य हि विशेषतः ४७७

Yadevopanatam duhkhat sukham tadrasavattaram
Nirvanaya taruchchaya taptasya hi visheshatah

The happiness one gets after a period of grief is all the more enjoyable.
One afflicted by  intense heat better enjoys the shade of a tree.

पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वं न चाऽपि काव्यं नवमित्यवद्यम्
सन्तः परीक्ष्यान्यतरत् भजन्ते मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धिः ॥ ४७८

Puraṇamityeva na sadhu sarvaṃ na cha api kavyaṃ navamityavadyam
Santah parikshyanyatarat bhajante mudhah parapratyayaneyabuddhih

Writings are not considered good only because they are old. And not considered bad because they are new. Wise ones examine both and decide whether they are good or bad. Only fools will blindly be led by what others say.

आखुभ्यः किं खलैर्ज्ञातं खलेभ्यश्च किमाखुभिः ।
अन्यत्परगृहत्खातात्कर्म येषां न विद्यते ॥ ४७९

Akhubhyah kim khalairjnatam khalebhyashcha kimakhubhih
Anyatparagrutkhatatkarma yesham na vidyate

What can rats learn from thieves or thieves from rats when
the work of both is digging into others’ houses?

श्रीर्मङ्गलात् प्रभवति प्रागल्भ्यात् संप्रवर्धते
दाक्ष्यात्तु कुरुते मूलं संयमात् प्रतितिष्ठति ४८
Shrirmangalat prabhavati pragalbhyat sampravardhate
Dakshyatu kurute mulam samyamat pratitishtati  

Prosperity happens by good deeds, increases by proficiency,
takes root by skill and gets established by discipline.

Friday, 14 February 2020

अटनेन महारण्ये सुपन्थाः जायते शनैः  
वेदाभ्यासात् तथा ज्ञानं तथा पर्वतलङ्घणम् ॥ ४७१

Atanena maharanye supanthah jayate shanaih
Vedabhyasat tatha jnanam shanaih parvatalanghanam

By wandering in the forest, a path is formed gradually. A mountain is climbed
gradually, so is knowledge acquired gradually by studying Vedas.

लोकयात्रा भयं लज्जा दाक्षिण्यं दर्मशीलता ॥ ४७२

Pancha yatra na vidyante na kuryattatra samsthitim
Lokayatra bhayam lajja dakshinyam dharmashilata

One should not stay in a place where the following five are not found.
Subsistence, fear, modesty, politeness and righteousness.

क्षते प्रहाराः निपतन्त्यभीक्ष्णं धनक्षये वर्धति जाठराग्निः
आपत्सु वैराणि समुद्भवन्ति छिद्रेष्वनर्थाः बहुलीभवन्ति ४७३

Kshate praharah nipatantyabhIkshanam dhanakshaye vardhati jataragnih 
Apatsu vairani samudbhavanti chidreShvanarthah bahulibhavanti 

Blows fall on a wound repeatedly.Hunger becomes acute during poverty.
Enmities grow during difficulties.Mishaps are followed by a number of disasters.

धर्मेण पापमपनुदति धर्मे सर्वं प्रतिष्ठितं तस्माद् धर्मं परमं वदन्ति ॥ ४७४

Dharmo vishvasya jagatah pratishtha loke dharmishtham praja upasarpanti
Dharmena papamapanudati dharme sarvam pratishthitam tasmad dharmam paramam vadanti

Dharma is the mainstay in the world, people approach those following Dharma.
With Dharma you drive away sin, everything depends on Dharma, so, Dharma is said to be supreme.

आदौ चित्ते ततः काये  सतां सञ्जायते जरा ।
असतां च पुनः काये  नैव चित्ते कदाचन ॥  ४७

Adau chitte tatah kaye satam sanjayate jara
Asatam cha punah kaye naiva chitte kadachana

In the case of virtuous people, maturity sets first in mind and ageing in the body later. Conversely, the body of false people keeps ageing but their mind never matures.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

अननुग्रहेण न तथा व्यथयति कटुकूजितैर्यथा पिशुनः ।

रुधिराधानादधिकं दुनोति कर्णे क्वणन् मशकः ॥ ४६६

Ananugrahena na tatha vyathayati katukujitairyatha pishunah

Rudhiradhanadadhikam dunoti karne kvanan mashakah

A backbiter does not cause as much heart by being unkind as by his harsh words. A mosquito causes more pain in the ear by its hum than by sucking blood.

वित्तं त्यगनियुक्तं दुर्लभमेतच्चतुष्टयं लोके ॥ ४६७

Danam priyavaksahitam jnamagarvam kshamanvitam shauryam

Vittam tyaganiyuktam durlabhametacchatushtayam loke

A donation accompanied by sweet words, knowledge without arrogance,

Bravery with compassion, wealth spent in charity; these four are rare in this world.

तानिन्द्रियाण्यविकलानि तदेव नाम सा बुद्धिरप्रतिहता वचनं तदेव ।

अर्थोष्मणा विरहितः पुरुषः स एव त्वन्य क्ष्णेन भवतीति विचित्रमेतत् ॥ ४६८

Tanindriyanyavikalani tadeva nama sa buddhirapratihita vachanam tadeva

Arthoshmana virahitah purushah sa eva tvanya kshanena bhavatiti 


Having the same senses, same name, same intellect, same speech it is strange that a person who loses the warmth of wealth becomes instantly a different and changed man.

वक्ता श्रोता च यत्रास्ति रमन्ते तत्र संपदः ४६९

Apriyasyapi pathyasya parinamah sukhavahah

Vakta shrota cha yatrasti ramante tatra sampadah

Even though unpleasant, wholesome things result in happiness.

Where there are speakers and listeners of such things there will be riches.

काममय एवायं पुरुष इति । स यथाकामो भवति तत्क्रतुर्भवति।
यत्क्रतुर्भवति तत्कर्म कुरुते । यत्कर्म कुरुते तदभिसंपद्यते ४७०

Kamamaya evayam purusha iti sa yathakamo bhavati tatkraturbhavati
Yatkraturbhavati tatkarma kurute yatkarma kurute tadabhismpadyate

That person is full of desires. As is his desire, so is his intention.
As is his intention, so is his deed. As is his deed so is what he will reap.