उद्यमो मित्रवद् ग्राह्यः प्रमादं शत्रुवत् त्यजेत् ।
उद्यमेन परा सिद्दिः प्रमादेन क्षयो भवेत् ॥ ४८१
mitravad grahyah pramadam shatruvat tyajet ।
Udyamena para
siddhih pramadena kshayo bhavet ॥
Take hard work
as a friend and negligence as an enemy.
Hard work leads
to achievement and negligence to decline.
कर्मणामी भान्ति देवाः परत्र कर्मणैवेह प्लवते मातरिश्वा ।
अहोरात्रे विदधत् कर्मणैव अतन्द्रितो नित्यमुदेति सूर्यः ॥
bhanti devah paratra karmanaiveha plavate matarishva ।
vidadhat karmanaiva atandrito nityamudeti suryah ॥
Gods shine in
the other world through work, the wind blows through work,
Causing day and
night through work, the sleepless sun rises everyday.
दृढं विमृश्य कर्तॄणां सदा वदनमुज्ज्वलम् ।
निन्दापङ्कावृतं चापि कार्ये साहसकारिणम् ॥ ४८३
vimrushya kartunam sada vadanamujjvalam ।
chapi karye sahasakarinam ॥
The faces of
those who act after proper thought are always bright.
The faces of
those who act without thinking will be covered with mud.
सहस्व श्रियमन्येषां यद्यपि त्वयि नास्ति सा ।
अन्यत्रापि सतीं लक्ष्मीं कुशला भुञ्जते सदा ॥ ४८४
shriyamanyesham yadyapi tvayi nasti sa ।
satim lakshmim kushala bhunjate sada ॥
Goddess of wealth with others even though you are bereft.
Worldly wise
respect the Goddess of wealth even though she is with others.
न चास्ति किञ्चित्कर्तव्यमस्ति
चेत् न स तत्ववित् ॥ ४८५
Jnanamrutena truptasya
krutakrutyasya yoginah ।
Na chasti
kinchitkartvyamasti chet na sa tatvachit ॥
For the Yogi
satiated with the nectar of knowledge and who has done his duty, there is
nothing needing to be done. If at all there is, he is not a fully aware person.
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