पयःपानं भुजङ्गानां केवलं
विषवर्धनम् ।
उपदेशो हि मूर्खाणां
प्रकोपाय न शान्तये ॥ ६४१
Payah panam bhujanganam hevalam vishavardhanam ।
Upadesho hi murkhanam prakopaya na shantaye ॥
Feeding milk to snakes
will only increase their poison.
Advising fools will only
lead to more anger not peace.
आयुःप्रश्ने दीर्घमायु र्वाच्यं
मौहूर्तिकैर्जनैः ।
जीवन्तो बहुमन्यन्ते मृताः प्रक्ष्यन्ति कं पुनः ॥ ६४२
Ayuh prashne
deerghamayurvachyam mauhurtikaijanaih ।
Jeevanto bahumanyante
mrutah prakshyanti kam punah ॥
When it is the question
of longevity, astrologers should predict long life.
Those who are alive will
appreciate it, how will the dead raise any question?
केनामृतमिदं सृष्टं मित्रमित्यक्षरद्वयम् ।
आपदां च परित्राणं शोकसन्तापभेषजम् ॥ ६४३
Kenamrutamidam srushtam mitramityaksharadvayam ।
Apadam cha paritranam shokasantapabheshajam ॥
Who has created this nectar of two syllables MITRA(friend)?
Which gives protection in danger and acts as a medicine when in sorrow.
ना गुणी गुणिनां वेत्ति गुणी गुणीषु मत्सरी ।
गुणी च गुणरागी च विरलः सरलो जनः ॥ ६४४
Na guni guninam vetti guni gunishu matsari ।
Guni cha gunaragi cha viralah saralo janah ॥
Those without talent do not recognize talented people, those who are
talented are jealous of other talented people, those who are talented
and love other talented people are indeed rare.
गणयन्ति न ये सूर्यं वृष्टिं शीतं च कर्षकाः
यतन्ते सस्यलाभाय तैः साकं हि वसामि अह्म् ॥
Ganayanti na ye suryam vrushtim shitam cha karshakah ।
Yatante sasyalabhaya taih sakam hi vasami aham ॥
Farmers do not mind the heat, rain or cold and strive
to grow plants for food. I (God) am always with them.
क्रोधः प्राणहरः शत्रुः क्रोधो मित्रमुखी
रिपुः ।
क्रोधो हि असिर्महातीक्ष्णः सर्वं
क्रोधोपकर्षति ॥ ६४६
Krodhah pranaharah shatru krodho mitramukhee ripuh ।
Krodho hi asirmahatikshnah sarvam krodhopakarshati ॥
Anger is a life taking enemy, anger is a friendly
faced rival.
Anger is very sharp like a sword, anger brings dishonour to everything.
जयन्ति ते सुकृतिनो रससिद्धाः कवीश्वराः ।
नास्ति येषां यशः काये जरामरणजं भयम् ॥ ६४७
Jayanti te sukrutino rasasiddhah kavishvarah ।
Nasti yesham yashah kaye jaramaranajam bhayam ॥
Winners are those well versed in fine arts and poetry and who are
unconcerned about fame and have no fears about old age and dying.
बुद्धिविहीने श्रोतारि वक्तृत्वमनर्थकं भवति
पुंसाम् ।
नेत्रविहीने भर्तारि विलासलावण्यवत्
स्त्रीणाम् ॥ ६४८
Buddhivihine shrotari vaktrutvamanarthakam bhavati pumsam ।
Netravihine bhartari vilasalavanyavat strinam ॥
If the audience is uncomprehending, people’s sayings become meaningless,
like the graceful movements and beauty of women in front of blind men.
गते शोको न कर्तव्यो भविष्यं नैव चिन्तयेत् ।
वर्तमानेन कालेन वर्तयन्ति विचक्षणाः ॥ ६४९
Gate shoko na kartavyo bhavishyam naiva chintayet ।
Vartamanena kalena vartayanti vichakshanah ॥
Do not keep worrying about past sorrows and future duties.
Wisemen act according to the needs of the present.
केवलं ग्रह नक्षत्रं न करोति शुभशुभम् ।
सर्वमात्रकृतं कर्मं लोकवादो ग्रहा इति ॥ ६५०
Kevalam graha nakshatram na karoti shubhashubham ।
Sarvamatrkrutam karmam lokavado graha iti ॥
Mere planets and stars do not cause good or bad happenings.
They are caused by actions of people and not as misunderstood by society.
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