Tuesday, 29 September 2020

अभ्रच्छाया तृणादग्निः पराधीनं च यत्सुखम् ।

अज्ञानेषु च वैराग्यं क्षिप्रमेतद्विनश्यति ॥ ६९६


Abhrachchaya trunadagnih paradhinam cha yatsukham

Ajnaneshu cha vairagyam kshiprametadvinashyati


Shadow of a cloud, fire in the grass, happiness dependent on others,

renunciation based on ignorance will vanish in no time.


नास्ति कामसमो व्याधिर्नास्ति मोहसमो रिपुः ।

नास्ति कोपसमो वह्निर्नास्ति ज्ञानात्परं सुखम् ॥ ६९७

Nasti kamasamo vyadhirnasti mohasamo ripuh

Nasti kopasamo vahnirnasti jnanatparam sukham


There is no disease equal to lust, no enemy equal to infatuation,

no fire equal to anger and no happiness equal to knowledge.


समुद्र इव कामः न वै कामस्य अन्तोऽस्ति न समुद्राय । ६९८


Samudra iva kamah sav ai kamasya anto asti na samudraya  

Desire is like the ocean. There is no end to the ocean and no end to desire.


संगमविरहविकल्पे वरमिहविरहो न संगमस् तस्याः ।

संगे सैव तथैका त्रिभुवनमपि तन्मयं विरहे ॥ ६९९


Sangamavirahavikalpe varamihaviraho na sangamas tasyah

Sange saiva tathaika tribhuvanamapi tanmayam virahe


As a lover,I may imagine that there will be blessings when we are apart. When she is with me, she is the only one. When she is away, I see her in all the three worlds.


भो पान्थ पुस्तकधर क्षणमात्र तिष्ठ

वैध्योऽसि किं गणीतशास्त्रविशारादोऽसि ।

केनौषधेन मम पश्यति भर्तुरम्बा

किंवाऽऽगमिष्यति पतिः सुचिरप्रवासी ॥ ७००


Bho pantha pustakadhara kshanamatra tishta

Vaidhyo asi kim ganitashastravisharado asi

Kenaushadhena mama pashyati bharturamba

Kim va agamishyati patih suchirapravasi


O, traveler holding a book, please stop for a moment.

Are you a doctor or an astrologer?

What medicine will make my mother-in-law even look at me?

When will my always travelling husband return home?


Thursday, 24 September 2020

 यदेवोपनतं दुःखात् सुखं तद्रसवतरम् ।

निर्वाणाय तरुच्छाया तप्तस्य हि विशेषतः ॥ ६९१


Yadopatanatam dukhat sukham tadasavataram

Nirvanaya taruchchaya taptasya hi visheshatah


Happiness after suffering sorrow is more pleasing. The shadow

of a tree is more comforting to one who has been scorched by heat.


दृष्टिपूतं न्यसेत्पादं वस्त्रपूतं जलं पिबेत् ।

सत्यपूतां वदेद्वाणीं मनःपूतं समाचरेत् ॥ ६९२


Drushtiputam nyasetpadam vastraputam jalam pibet

Satyaputam vadedvanim manahputam samacharet


Put your foot forward after cleared by sight, drink water which is filtered,

speak words cleared by truth and conduct yourself with a clear conscience.


सा श्रीर्या न मदं कुर्यात्स सुखी तृष्णयोज्झितः ।

तन्मित्रं यत्र विश्वासः पुरुषः स जितेंद्रियः ॥ ६९३


Sa shrirya na madam kuryatsa sukhi trushnayojhitah

Tanmitram yatra vishvasah purushah sa jitendriyah

Wealth is that which does not intoxicate, happy is one who is without desires,

Friend is one who is trustworthy, a man is one who controls his senses.


द्रव्यज्वरातुराणां तु शान्तये नौषधादयापि ।

नहि वृष्टिशतेनापि पाषाणादङ्कुरोदयः ॥ ६९४


Dravyajvaraturanam tu shantaye naushadhadayapi

Nahi vrushtishatenapi pashanadankurodayah


For people suffering from fever of earning wealth, there are no medicines to 

cure.Even if there are hundred rains, a seed cannot sprout a plant on a stone.


वलिभिर्मुखमाक्रान्तं पलितैरङ्कितं शिरः ।

गात्राणि शिथिलायन्ते तृष्णैका तरुणायते ॥ ६९५


Valibhirmukhamakrantam palitairankitam shirah |

Gatrani shithilayante trushnaika tarunayate ||


When one ages, there are wrinkles on the face, hairs on the head turn grey,

Limbs become weak and unsteady, only desire keeps getting younger.

Saturday, 19 September 2020

 ईर्षुर्धृणी नसन्तुष्टः क्रोधनो नित्यशङ्कितः ।

परभाग्योपजीवी च षडेते नित्यदुःखिताः ॥ ६८६ 

Irshurdhruni nasantushtah krodhano nityashnkitah

Parabhagyopajivi cha shadete nityadukhitah  


These six are always miserable - the envious, the malicious, the discontented,

the irascible, the suspicious and those depending on fortunes of others.


सहजांधदृशः स्वदुर्नये परदोषेक्षणदिव्यचक्षुषः ।

स्वगुणोच्चगिरो मुनिव्रताः परवर्णग्रहणेष्वसाधवः ॥ ६८७


Sahajandhadrushah svadurnaye paradoshekshanadivyachakshushah

Svagunochchagiro munivratah paravarnagrahaneshvasadhavah


It is natural that the wicked are blind to their faults but are hawk-eyed finding faults of others. They shout at the top of their voices their own qualities but are mute about qualities of others.


गुणवज्जनसंसर्गात् याति नीचोपि गौरवम् ।

पुष्पमालाप्रसङ्गेन सूत्रं शिरसि धार्यते ॥ ६८८


Gunavajjanasamsargat yati nichopi gauravam

Pushpamalaprasangena sutram shirasi dharyate


Because of association with good people even wicked people earn respect.

Just like the thread which is used to tie the flowers worn on the head.


ऋतुर्व्यतीतः परिवर्तते पुनः क्षयं प्रयातः पुनरेपि चन्द्रमा ।

गतं गतं नैव तु संनिवर्तते जलं नदीनां च नृणां च यौवनम् ॥ ६८९


RuturvyatItah parivartate punah kshayam prayatah punarepi chandrama |

Gatam gatam naiva tu samnivartate jalam nadinam cha nrunam cha yauvanam ||


The different seasons keep returning just like the waning and waxing of moon

But waters of rivers and youth of people once gone will never revert.


अशीमहि वयं भिक्षामाशावासो वसीमहि ।

शयीमहि महीपृष्ठे कुर्वीमहि किमीश्वरैः ॥ ६९०


Ashimahi vayam bhikshamashavaso vasimahi

Shayimahi mahiprushte kurvimahi kimishvaraih


Let us eat the food we have begged, let the sky be our clothing,

Let us lie down on the surface of the earth, what have we to do with the rich?


Monday, 14 September 2020

 अनादारो विलम्बश्च वैमुख्यं निष्ठुरं वचः ।

पश्चात्तापश्च पञ्चापि दानस्य दूषणानि च ॥ ६८१


Anadaro vilambashcha vaimukhyam nishtturam vachah

Pashchattapashcha panchapi danasya dushanani cha


Disrespect, delay, turning away one’s face, harsh speech,

regret after giving are the five defects of charity.


आलस्यं स्त्रीसेवा सरोगता जन्मभूमिवात्सल्यम् ।

सन्तोषो भीरुत्वं षड् व्याघाता मह्त्त्वस्य ॥ ६८२


Alasyam striseva sarogata janmabhumivatsalyam

Santosho bhirutvam shad vyaghata mahatvasya


Idleness, attending on women, being sick, love for one’s native place,

contentment, cowardice are the six impediments to greatness.

सुखदुःखे समे स्यातां जंतूनां कर्महेतुके ।

मूर्घ्नि स्थितानां केशानां भवेतां स्नेहछेदने ॥ ६८३


Sukhadukha same syatam jantunam karmahetuke

Murdhni sthitanam keshanam bhavetam snehachchedane


Happiness or sorrow happen as per ones good or bad deeds.

The hairs on one’s head receive fond brushing one day and are cut the other.


व्याघ्रीव तिष्ठति जरा परितर्जयन्ति रोगाश्च शत्रव इव प्रहरन्ति देहम् ।

आयुः परिस्रवति भिन्नघटादिवाम्बो लोकस्तथाप्यहितमाचरतीति चित्रम् ॥ ६८४


Vyaghriva tishtanti jara paritarjayanti rogashcha shatrava iva praharanti deham

Ayuh parisravati bhinnaghatadivambo lokastathapyahitamacharati chitram


It is strange with old age is roaring like a tiger, ailments are attacking the body like enemies, longevity is waning like seeping water in a pot with a crack, man continues to perform unpleasant acts.


न मातरि न दारेषु न सोदर्ये न चात्मजे ।

विश्वासस्तादृशः पुंसां यादृङ् मित्रे स्वभाजते ॥ ६८५


Na matari na dareshu na sodarye na chatmaje

Vishvasastadrushah pumsam yadrung mitre svabhajate


People do not repose as much faith in mother, wife,

brother and son as they do in a genuine friend.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

परिश्रमो मिताहारः भेषजे सुलभे मम ।

नित्यं ते सेवमानस्य व्याधिर्भ्यो नास्ति ते भयम् ॥ ६७६


Parishramo mitaharah bheshaje sulabhe mama

Nityam te sevamanasya vyadhirbhyo nasti te bhayam


Hardwork and limited food are easily available medicines.

If practiced every day, there will be no fear of any illness.


अल्पाक्षररमणीयं यः कथयति निश्चितं स वै वाग्ग्मी ।

बहुवचनमल्पसारं यः कथयति विप्रलापी सः ॥ ६७७


Alpakshararamaniyam yah kathayati nishchitam sa vai vagmi

Bahuvachanamalpasaram yah kathayati vipralapi sah


One who speaks entertainingly with a few words is an orator.

One speaks with too many words with no essence is a prattler.


पक्षिणः काकश्चण्डालः पशूनां चैव कुक्कुरः ।

मुनीनां पापश्चण्डालः सर्वचण्डालः निन्दकः ॥ ६७८


Pakshinah kakashchandalah pashunam chaiva kukkurah

Muninam papashchandalah sarvachandalah nindakah


Among birds, a crow is considered lowly, among animals a dog.

Among ascetics a sinner is lowly, among everyone one who keeps finding fault.


नोदकक्लिन्नगात्रस्तु स्नात इत्यभिधीयते ।

स स्नातो यो दमस्रातः सबाह्याभ्यन्तरं शुचिः ॥ ६७९


Nodakaklinnagatrastu snata ityabhidhiyate

Sa snato yo damasnatah sabahyabhyantaram shuchih


Just wetting one’s body with water does not make a bath. One has bathed fully when one has bathed from head to toe, controlled senses and becomes pure internally and externally.


विद्या मित्रं प्रवासेषु भार्या मित्रं गृहेषु च ।

व्याधिस्तस्योषधं मित्रं धर्मो मित्रं मृतस्य च ॥ ६८०


Vidya mitram pravaseshu bharya mitram gruheshu cha

Vyadhistasyoshadham mitram dharmo mitram mrutasya cha


Knowledge is a friend during travels, wife is a friend at home

Medicine is a friend during illness, Dharma is a friend even after death.