ईर्षुर्धृणी नसन्तुष्टः क्रोधनो नित्यशङ्कितः ।
परभाग्योपजीवी च षडेते नित्यदुःखिताः ॥ ६८६
Irshurdhruni nasantushtah krodhano nityashnkitah ।
Parabhagyopajivi cha shadete nityadukhitah ॥
These six are always miserable - the envious,
the malicious, the discontented,
the irascible, the suspicious and those
depending on fortunes of others.
सहजांधदृशः स्वदुर्नये
परदोषेक्षणदिव्यचक्षुषः ।
स्वगुणोच्चगिरो मुनिव्रताः
परवर्णग्रहणेष्वसाधवः ॥ ६८७
Sahajandhadrushah svadurnaye paradoshekshanadivyachakshushah ।
Svagunochchagiro munivratah paravarnagrahaneshvasadhavah ॥
It is natural that the wicked are blind to their faults but are hawk-eyed finding faults of others. They shout at the top of their voices their own qualities but are mute about qualities of others.
याति नीचोपि गौरवम् ।
पुष्पमालाप्रसङ्गेन सूत्रं शिरसि धार्यते ॥ ६८८
Gunavajjanasamsargat yati nichopi gauravam ।
Pushpamalaprasangena sutram shirasi dharyate ॥
Because of association with good people even wicked people earn respect.
Just like the thread which is used to tie the flowers worn on the head.
परिवर्तते पुनः क्षयं प्रयातः पुनरेपि चन्द्रमा ।
गतं गतं नैव तु
संनिवर्तते जलं नदीनां च नृणां च यौवनम् ॥ ६८९
RuturvyatItah parivartate punah kshayam prayatah punarepi chandrama |
Gatam gatam naiva tu samnivartate jalam nadinam cha nrunam cha yauvanam ||
The different seasons keep returning just like the waning and waxing of moon
But waters of rivers and youth of people once gone will never revert.
अशीमहि वयं भिक्षामाशावासो
वसीमहि ।
शयीमहि महीपृष्ठे कुर्वीमहि किमीश्वरैः ॥ ६९०
Ashimahi vayam bhikshamashavaso vasimahi ।
Shayimahi mahiprushte kurvimahi kimishvaraih ॥
Let us eat the food we have begged, let the sky be our clothing,
Let us lie down on the surface of the earth, what have we to do with the
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