उत्पत्तावेव रोगस्य क्रियते ध्वंसनं सुखम् ।
व्यापी तु बद्धमूलः स्यादूर्ध्वं स
क्षेत्रियोऽथवा ॥ ७४१
Utpattaveva rogasya kriyate dhvamsanam sukham ।
Vyapi tu baddhamulah syadurdhvam sa kshetriyo athava ॥
Better to root out disease as soon as it manifests itself.
Or it will prolong, take root and establish itself in the body.
स्वायत्तमेकान्तगुणं विधात्रा विनिर्मितं
छादनमज्ञताया ।
विशेषतः सर्वविदां समाजे विभूषणं
मौनमपण्डितानाम् ॥ ७४२
Svayattamekantagunam vidhatra vinirmitam chadanamajnataya ।
Visheshatah sarvavidam samaje vibhushanam maunampanditanam ॥
The creator has created silence as a quality to cover the ignorance of
Especially, it is an ornament in an assembly of learned men.
श्रद्धेव सर्वधर्मस्य
चातीव हितकारिणी ।
श्रद्धेव नृणां
सिद्धिर्जायते लोकयोर्द्वयोः ॥ ७४३
Shraddheva sarvadharmasya chativa hitakarini ।
Shraddheva nrunam siddhirjayate lokayordvayo ॥
Immense faith is what does good to one
whatever the religion.
It is because of faith people are able to
achieve success in both worlds.
जाया त्वर्धं शरीरस्य नृणां धर्मादिसाधने ।
नातस्तासु व्यथां काञ्चित् प्रतिकूलं समाचरेत् ॥ ७४४
Jaya tvardham
sharirasya nrunam dharmadisadhane |
vyatham kanchit pratikulam samacharet ||
Wives form
half part of men for performing religious rites.
one should not unnecessarily go against them.
प्रथमे नार्जिता विद्या द्वितीये नार्जितं धनम् ।
तृतीये नार्जितं पुण्यं चतुर्थे किं करिष्यति ॥ ७४५
Prathame narjita
vidya dvitiye narjitam dhanam ।
Trutiye narjitam
punyam chaturthe kim karishyati ॥
In the first stage, you did not acquire education, in the second you did not earn money, in the third you did not acquire merit (Punya), what can you do in the fourth stage?
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