Saturday, 29 January 2022

 शत्रौ मित्रे पुत्रे बन्धौ मा कुरु यत्नं विग्रहसन्धौ ।

सर्वस्मिन्नपि पश्यात्मानं सर्वत्रोत्सृज भेदाज्ञानम् 1171


Shanno mitre putre bandhau ma kuru yatnam vigrahasandhau l

Sarvasminnapi pashyatmanam sarvatrotsruja bhedajnanam ll


Waste not your energy to fight against or to make friends with your enemy, friend,

son or relative. Seeking the Self everywhere, discard the sense of duality.


मा शाम्य प्रतिशोधाग्निं वचोलेखादिभिर्गृहे ।

रणे रक्तसेचनान्तेऽरेर्योद्धाप्नोति जयं शमम् 1172


Ma shamya pratishodhagnim vacholekhadibhirgruhe l

Rane raktasechanante areryodhdapnoti jayam shamam ll


Do not quench the fire of revenge by speech or writing at home. The warrior

attains victory and peace only after the battlefield is soaked in the blood of the enemy.


यथा चतुर्भिः कनकं परीक्ष्यते निघर्षण च्छेदन तापः ताडनैः ।

तथा चतुर्भिः पुरुषः परीक्ष्यते त्यागेण शीलेन गुणेन कर्मणा 1173


Yatha chaturbhih kanakam parikshyate nigharshana cchedana tapah tadanaih l

Tatha chaturbhih purushah [arikshyate tyagena shilena gunena karmana ll


Just like four ways of testing the purity of gold by rubbing, cutting, heating and beating,

so are four ways of testing a man by his sacrifices, character, qualities and deeds.


स्थानं उत्सृज्य गच्छन्ति सिंहाः सत्पुरुषाः गजाः ।

तत्रैव निधनं यान्ति काकाः कापुरुषाः मृगाः 1174


Sthanam utsrujya gacchanti simhaha satpurushaha gajaha l

Tatraiva nidhanam yanti kakaha kapurushaha mrugaha ll


The Lion, an honorable man and the elephant leave the place where they have been insulted, but the crow, a dishonorable man and the jackal stay there until they die.


यावत्स्वस्थो हायं देहः तावन्मृत्युश्च दूरतः ।

तावदात्महितं कुर्यात् प्राणान्तें किं करिष्यति 1175


Yavatsvastho hayam dehah tavatmrutyushcha duratah |

Tavadatmahitam kuryat pranante kim karishyati |


As long as the body is healthy death stays away.

Take care of the soul. What will you do when life ends?

Sunday, 23 January 2022

 निःसारस्य पदार्थस्य प्रायेणाडम्बरो महान् ।

न सुवर्णे ध्वनिस्तादृग् यादृक्कांस्ये प्रजायते ॥ 1166


Nissarasya padarthasya prayenadambaro mahan l

Na suvarne dhvanistadrung yadrukkansye prajayate ll


Uninteresting material is probably made showier.

Gold does not produce as much sound as brass does.


तेजस्विनि क्षमोपेते नातिकार्कष्यमाचरेत्

अतिनिर्मथनाद्वह्निश्चन्दनादपि जायते 1167


Tejasvini kshamapete natikarkashyamacharet l

Atinirmathanadvahnishchandanadapi jayate ll


Do not be harsh by trying to be a person who is brilliant and

compassionate. By harsh striking, even sandalwood emits fire


नाऽपृष्टः कस्यचिद् ब्रूयान्न चान्यायेन पृच्छतः

जानन्नपि हि मेधावी जडवल्लोक आचारेत् 1168

Na aprushtah kasyachid bruyanna chanyayena pruchchatah l

Janannapi hi medhavi jadavalloka acharet ll


Do not advise when not asked. Also, when asked with wrong intentions.

Wisemen feign ignorance in such situations even when they know the answers.


भङक्तुं शक्तो यादृग्भवति मृदुस्स्यान्न तादृशस्तीक्ष्णः

अति मृदु जलमपि निपतद्भिनत्ति शैलं क्षुरं न यत्नेन 1169


Bhanktum shakto yadrugbhavati mrudyssyanna tadrushastikshnah l

Ati mrudu jalamapi nipatadbhinatti shailam kshuram na yatnena ll


Many a time, it is the soft but not the harsh one that can eat away.

Falling soft water can cut through the mountain but not the hard sword.



संरोहति अग्निना दग्धं वनं परशुना हतं ।
वाचा दुरुक्तं बीभत्सं न संरोहति वाक् क्षतम् ॥ 1170


Samrohati agnina dagdham vanam parashuna hatam l

Vacha duruktam bibhatsam na samrohati vak kshatam ll

A forest burnt down by fire or cut down by axes will eventually grow back.

But wounds caused by harsh, inappropriate words will never heal.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

अतिदानाद्बलिर्बद्धो ह्यतिमानात्सुयोधनः ।

विनष्टो रावणो लौल्यात् अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ॥ 1161


Atidanadbalirbaddho hyatimanaatsuyodhanah l

Vinashto ravano laulyaat ati sarvatra varjayet ll 


Excessive generosity led to the capture of Bali.
Excessive pride led to the downfall of Suyodhana.
Excessive infatuation led to the destruction of Ravana.
Excess should be avoided in every aspect.


कोऽन्धो योऽकार्यरतः को बधिरो यो हितानि न श्रुणोति ।
को मूको यः काले प्रियाणि वक्तुं न जानाति ॥ 1162

Ko andho yo akaryaratah ko badhiro yo hitani na shrunoti l

Ko muko yah kale priyani vaktum na janati ll


He is blind who is busy doing wrong deeds. He is deaf who does not heed to good advice. He is dumb who does not speak pleasant words at right times.

तत्कर्म यन्न बन्धाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ।

आयासायापरं कर्म विद्यऽन्या शिल्पनैपुणम् 1163


Tatkarma yanna bandhaya sa vidya yā vimuktaye l

Ayasayāparam karma vidyanya shilpanaipunam ll


Karma is that which does not promote bondage, it is that knowledge

which liberates. All other actions only reflect skill and craftsmanship


सुलभाः पुरुषा राजन् सततं प्रियवादिनः ।
अप्रियस्य तु पथ्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः ॥ 1164


Sulabhah purusha rajan satatam priyavadinah l
Apriyasya tu pathyasya vakta shrota cha durlabhah

Yesmen are easy to find, O King and they are always uttering sweet words.

Those who speak and listen to unsavoury truths are hard to find.


विषस्य विषयाणाञ्च दूरमत्यन्तमन्तरम्
उपभुक्तं विषं हन्ति विषयाः स्मरणादपि 1165


Vishasya vishayanancha duramatyantamantaram l
Upabhuktam visham hanti vishayah smaranadapi ll


The disparity between ‘visha’ and ‘vishaya’ is enormous. 

Visha kills on consumption; vishaya kills just by reminiscing.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

 न भार्यया समं मित्रं न च धर्मो दयासमः ।

न स्वातन्त्र्यसमं सौख्यं गार्हस्थ्यान्नाश्रमो वरः ॥ 1156


Na bharyaya samam mitram na cha dharmo dayasamah

Na svatantryasamam saukhyam garhasthyatrashramo varah


There is no friend like a wife, no religion equal to compassion, no happiness

as in freedom; no stage of life as great as that of a householder.


विनयो रत्नमकुटं सच्छास्त्रं मणिकुण्डले।

त्यागश्च कङ्कणं येषां किं तेषां जडमण्डनैः ॥ 1157


Vinayo ratnamukutam sachchastram manikundale

Tyagashcha kankanam yesham kim tesham jadamandanaih


To one who has courtesy as a gem-studded crown, scriptural knowledge

as earrings, sacrifice as bangles, what use are dull jewels?


परीक्ष्य सत्कुलं विद्याम् शीलं शौर्यं सुरूपताम् ।
विधिर्ददाति निपुणः कन्यामिव दरिद्रताम् ॥ 1158


Parikshya satkulam vidyam shilam shauryam surupatam

Vidhirdadati nipunah kanyamive daridratam


Fate attributes poverty to a person after studying family background, knowledge, conduct, courage and appearence just like caring parents do seeking a groom for their daughter.


पूर्वजन्मकृतं कर्म तद् दैवमिति कथ्यते ।
तस्मात् पुरुषकारेण यत्नं कुर्यादतन्द्रितः 1159


Purvajanmakrutam karma tad daivamiti kathyate

Tasmaat purushakaarena yatnam kuryaad atandritah 


The fruits of action done in previous births are known as fate. 

Work hard and without let up in this birth to ensure a good future.


प्रभुतं कार्यमल्पं वा यान्नरः कर्तुमिच्छति l
सर्वारम्भेण तत्कार्यं सिम्हादेकं प्रचक्षते ll 1160


Prabhutam karyamalpam va yannarah kartumichchhati l
Sarvarambhena tatkaryam simhadekam prachakshate ll 


Whether the task is significant or trivial, one should execute

it with total dedication from start to finish like a lion.