द्वावम्भसि निष्टेव्यौ गले बद्ध्वा दृढां शिलाम् ।
धनवन्तम् अदातारम् दरिद्रं
चातपस्विनम् ॥ 1146
Dvavambhasi nishtevyau gale baddhva druddham śilam ।
Dhanavantam adataram daridram chatapasvinam ॥
Two kinds of people should be drowned in water, bound by a heavy stone to the neck.One who is rich but does not give charity and one who is poor and does not work hard.
गिरौ कलापि गगने
पयोधौ लक्ष्यान्तरेऽर्कश्च जलेषु पद्मम् ।
कुमुदस्य बन्धुर्यो यस्य हृद्यो न हि तस्य दूरः ॥ 1147
Girau kalapi gagane payodhau lakshyantare
arkashcha jaleṣu padmam ।
indurdvilakshe kumudasya bandhuryo yasya hrudyo
na hi tasya durah ॥
The peacock is in the hills and the clouds in
the sky, the sun is thousands of yojanas away and the lotus is in the water, the
moon is two hundred thousand yojanas away from its friend, the lily, what is
dear to one’s heart is not far away.
सम्प्राप्तो योऽतिथिः सायं सूर्योढे गृहमेधिनाम् ।
तस्य देवत्वं प्रयान्ति गृहमेधिनः ॥ 1148
yo atithih sayam suryoddhe gruhamedhinam ।
Pujaya tasya devatvam prayanti gruhamedhinah ॥
receiving a guest during the evening, at the time of sunset,
the householder
by worshipping such a guest attains godly status.
नारिकेलसमाकारा दृश्यन्ते हि सुहृज्जनाः ।
अन्ये बदरिकाकारा बहिरेव मनोहराः ॥ 1149
drushyate hi suhrujjanah ।
badarikakara bahireva manoharah ॥
Good-hearted people seem to be like coconuts hard
on the outside soft within.
Others are like jujube fruits which are attractive only on the outside.
आतुरे व्यसने प्राप्ते दुर्भिक्षे
शत्रुसङ्कटे ।
राजद्वारे श्मशाने च यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः ॥
Ature vyasane prapte durbhikshe shatrusankate ।
Rajadvare smashane cha yastishtati sa bandhavah ॥
When suffering from disease, addiction, when in times of famine,
botheration of an enemy, at the doorstep of the king or in a graveyard whoever
stands by you is a true kinsman.
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