Thursday, 13 January 2022

 न भार्यया समं मित्रं न च धर्मो दयासमः ।

न स्वातन्त्र्यसमं सौख्यं गार्हस्थ्यान्नाश्रमो वरः ॥ 1156


Na bharyaya samam mitram na cha dharmo dayasamah

Na svatantryasamam saukhyam garhasthyatrashramo varah


There is no friend like a wife, no religion equal to compassion, no happiness

as in freedom; no stage of life as great as that of a householder.


विनयो रत्नमकुटं सच्छास्त्रं मणिकुण्डले।

त्यागश्च कङ्कणं येषां किं तेषां जडमण्डनैः ॥ 1157


Vinayo ratnamukutam sachchastram manikundale

Tyagashcha kankanam yesham kim tesham jadamandanaih


To one who has courtesy as a gem-studded crown, scriptural knowledge

as earrings, sacrifice as bangles, what use are dull jewels?


परीक्ष्य सत्कुलं विद्याम् शीलं शौर्यं सुरूपताम् ।
विधिर्ददाति निपुणः कन्यामिव दरिद्रताम् ॥ 1158


Parikshya satkulam vidyam shilam shauryam surupatam

Vidhirdadati nipunah kanyamive daridratam


Fate attributes poverty to a person after studying family background, knowledge, conduct, courage and appearence just like caring parents do seeking a groom for their daughter.


पूर्वजन्मकृतं कर्म तद् दैवमिति कथ्यते ।
तस्मात् पुरुषकारेण यत्नं कुर्यादतन्द्रितः 1159


Purvajanmakrutam karma tad daivamiti kathyate

Tasmaat purushakaarena yatnam kuryaad atandritah 


The fruits of action done in previous births are known as fate. 

Work hard and without let up in this birth to ensure a good future.


प्रभुतं कार्यमल्पं वा यान्नरः कर्तुमिच्छति l
सर्वारम्भेण तत्कार्यं सिम्हादेकं प्रचक्षते ll 1160


Prabhutam karyamalpam va yannarah kartumichchhati l
Sarvarambhena tatkaryam simhadekam prachakshate ll 


Whether the task is significant or trivial, one should execute

it with total dedication from start to finish like a lion.

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