Sunday, 29 May 2022

 असूयैकपदं मृत्युर् अतिवादः श्रियो वधः ।

अशुश्रूषा त्वरा श्लाघा विद्यायाः शत्रवस्त्रयः ॥ १३८6


Asuyaikapadam mrutyur ativadah shriyo vadhah
Ashushrusha tvara shlagha vidyayah shatravastrayah

Excessive envy, death and boastfulness are the causes of destruction of prosperity. Carelessness in waiting upon preceptor, haste and boastfulness are three enemies of knowledge.


कृतशतम् असत्सु नष्टं सुभाषितशतं च नष्टम् अबुधेषु ।
वचनशतम् अवचनकरे बुद्धिशतम् अचेतने नष्टम् ॥ 


Krutashatam asatsu nashtam subhashitashataṃ cha nashtam abudheshu 
Vacanashatam avacanakare buddhishatam achetane nashtam 


Hundred acts of kindness are lost on the wicked. Hundred wise sayings are lost on the stupid. Hundred fine speeches are lost on the illiterate. Hundred counsels are lost on the senseless.


भाषासु मुख्या मधुरा दिव्या गीर्वाणभारती

ततोsपि काव्यं मधुरं तस्मादपि सुभाषितं ॥ १३८८


Bhashasu mukhya madhura divya girvanabhArati

Tato api kavyam madhuram tasmadapi subhashitam


Among all languages, the language of Gods, Sanskrit, is the most fundamental,

sweet and sacred. So are the literature and subhashitas therein.


सम्पत्तयः पराधीनाः सदा चित्तम् अनिर्वृत्तम् ।
स्वजीवितेऽप्यविश्वासस् तेषां ये राज-सेवकाः ॥ 


Sampattayah paradhināh sadā chittam anirvruttam 
Svajīivite apyavishvasas tesham ye rajasevakāh 


Their wealth is dependent on others, their minds are always uneasy,

their own lives are uncertain, such are those who are serving a king.


अन्धो हि राजा भवति यस्त शास्त्रविवर्जितः ।

अन्धः पश्यति चारेण शास्त्रहीनो न पश्यति ॥ १३9


Andho hi raja bhavati yasta shastravivarjitah

Andhah pashyati charena shastrahino na pashyati


A king who is not learned is like a blind person. A blind person ‘sees’ things

by touching but and an illiterate person is totally blind.

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

 उत्साहो बलवानार्थ नास्त्युत्साहात्परं बलम् ।

सोत्साहस्य च लोकेषु न किंचिदपि दुर्लभम् ॥ १३8

Utsaho balavanartha nastyutsahatparam balam

Sotsahasya cha lokeshu na kinchidapi durlabham


Enthusiasm is the power of strong men. Nothing is as powerful as enthusiasm.

Nothing is difficult in this world for an enthusiastic person.


स्वेदितो मर्दितश्चैव रञ्जुभिः परिवेष्टितः 
मुक्तो द्वादशभिर्वर्षैः श्वपुच्छः प्रकृतिं गतः  १३८


Svedito marditashchaiva ranjubhih pariveshtitah 
Mukto dvadashabhirvarshaih shvapucchah prakrutim gatah 


A dog’s tail warmed, pressed, bound with ropes, when

liberated after twelve years will resume its natural shape.


धारणाद्धर्ममित्याहु: धर्मो धारयते प्रजा:

यस्याद्धारणसंयुक्तं स धर्म इति निश्चय:  १३८३


Dharanaddharmamityahuh dharmio dharayate prajaj

yasyaddharanasamyuktam sa dharma iti nishchayah


The word "dharma" is derived from "dharana" meaning bearing.

Dharma holds society together. If something can hold people together,

no doubt it is dharma.


अप्रशस्तानि कार्याणि यो मोहादनुतिष्ठति ।

स तेषां विपरिभ्रंशाद्भ्रंश्यते जीवितादपि  १३८4


Aprashastani karyani yo mohadanutishtati

Sa tesham viparibhramshadbhramshyate jivitadapi


One who supports unjust actions having fallen in love, will suffer

the consequences of those actions as if in hell even while living.


भोगस्य भाजनं राजा न राजा कार्यभाजनम् ।
राजकार्य परिध्वंसी मन्त्री दोषेण लिप्यते ॥ 


Bhogasya bhajanaṃ raja na raja karyabhajanam 
Rājakarya paridhvamsi mantri doshena lipyate 


The king’s role is to indulge in pleasure and not get involved in work.

If the king’s work is not done the minister incurs the blame.

Wednesday, 18 May 2022

कस्मादिंदुरसौ धिनोति जगतीं पीयूषगर्भैः करैः

कस्माद्वा जलधारयैष धरणीं धाराधरः सिंचति ।

भ्रामं भ्राममयं च नंदयति वा कस्मात्त्रिलोकीं रविः

साधूनां हि परोपकारकरणे नोपाध्यपेक्षं मनः ॥ १३76


Kasmadindurasau dhinoti jagatIm piyushagarbhaih karaih
Kasmadva jaladharayaisha dharanIm dharadharah sinchati

Bhramam bhramamayam cha nandayati va kasmattrilokIm ravih
sadhunam hi paropakarakarane nopadhyapeksham manah

Why does the moon grace the earth with its pleasant rays?

Why do the clouds shower rain on the eartrh to help us?

Why does the Sun go round andl round every day to light up all three worlds?

All virtuous people never expect anything in return while helping others. 


स्थान एव निज्योज्यन्ते भृत्याश् चाभरणानि च ।
नहि चूडामणिः पादे नूपुरं शिरसा कृतम् 


Sthana eva nijyojyante bhṛtyash chabharanani cha 
Nahi chudamanih pade nupuram shirasā krutam 


Servants and ornaments shine if they are placed appropriately.

The crest jewel is not worn on the foot nor an anklet worn on the head.


अवज्ञात्रुटितं प्रेम नवीकर्तुं क ईश्वरः

सन्धिं न यान्ति स्फुटितं लाक्षालेपेन मौक्तिकम् ॥ १३78


Avajnatrutitam prema navikartum ka ishvarah

Sandhim na yanti sphutitam lakshalepena mauktikam


Who can make good love broken due to insult or disgrace?

A broken pearl is not joined by applying a layer of lac. 


नाग्निस्तृप्यति काष्ठानां नापगानां महोदधिः ।
नान्तकः सर्व भूतानां न पुंसां वामलोचना ॥ 


Nagnis trupyati kashtanam napaganam mahodadhih 
Nantakah sarva bhutanam na pumsam vamalochana 


Fire is not satisfied with fuel, nor the ocean with rivers, nor Yama

with lives of all creatures, nor a beautiful woman with men.


असंशयं विजानीहि काले सर्वं फलिष्यति ।

धृतिं धारय विस्रब्धं भवेत् सर्वं समञ्जसम् ॥ १३8


Asamshayaṃ vijanihi kale sarvam phalishyati
Dhrutim dharaya visrabdham bhavet sarvam samanjasam

Know without doubt that all actions will bear fruit at the proper time.

Keep up a brave heart with confidence, everything will turn out beautifully.

Friday, 13 May 2022

 हसन्तं प्रहसन्त्येन रुदन्तं प्ररुदन्त्यपि ।

अप्रियं प्रियवाक्यैश्च गृह्णन्ति कालयोगतः ॥ १३7


Hasantam prahasantyena rudantam prarudantyapi

apriyam priyavakyaishcha gruhnanti kalayogatah


Laughing at the end of a pleasant event, crying at the end of a sad event,

one who is aware of fate will know the unloved and loved sentences.


अहिंसा प्रथमं पुष्पं द्वितीयेन्द्रियनिग्रहम् ।

तृतीयं तु दया पुष्पं तुरीयं दानपुष्पकम् ॥ १३7


Ahimsa prathamam pushpam dvitiyendriyanigraham
Trutiyam tu daya pushpam turiyam danapushpakam

The first flower is Ahimsa, the second is restraint over the senses,

the third is compassion and the fourth flower is charity.


न दानेन न मानेन नार्जवेन न सेवया ।
न शस्त्रेण न शास्त्रेण सर्वथा विषमाः स्त्रियः ॥


Na danena na manena narjavena na sevaya 
Na shastrena na shaastrena sarvatha vishamah striyah 

Not by liberality, nor by honour, nor by rectitude, nor by service, nor by threatening with weapons, nor by scriptural advice, can women be won over. They are difficult to please.


यस्य क्षेत्रं नदीतीरे भार्या च परसङ्गता 

ससर्पे च गृहे वासः कथं स्यात्तस्य निवृत्तिः ॥ १३74


Yasya kshetram naditire bharya cha parasangata

Sasrpe cha gruhe vasah katham syattasya nivruttih


One whose field is next to a river, whose wife is with someone else

and who lives with a snake in the house, how can he find peace?


शरीरस्य गुणानाश्च दूरमन्त्य अन्तरम् ।

शरीरं क्षणं विध्वंसि कल्पान्त स्थायिनो गुणाः ॥ १३75


Sharirasya gunanashacha duramantya antaram

Shariram kshanam vidhvamsi kalpanta sthayino gunah


There is a wide difference between human body and a person’s qualities.

A person’s body ends in a short while whereas his qualities are

remembered for a long time.