Sunday, 28 August 2022

 आकीर्णः शोभते राजा न विविक्तः कदाचन ।

ये तं विविक्तमिच्छन्ति ते तस्य रिपवः स्मृताः ॥ 47


Akirnah shobhate raja na viviktah kadachana
Ye tam viviktamicchanti te tasya ripavah smrutah

Kings shine as social beings, not as solitary persons.

Those who wish them loneliness are their adversaries.


बहुभिर्बत किं जातैः पुत्रैर्धर्मार्थवर्जितैः

वरमेकः पथि तरुर्यत्र विश्रमते जनः 47


Bahubhirbata kim jathaih puthrairdharmarthavarjithaih

Varamekah pathi taruryatra vishramathe janah


What is the use of having sons who are neither righteous nor prosperous?

It is better to grow a tree by the roadside where people can come and rest.


अवृत्तिव्याधिशोकार्तान् अनुवर्तेत शक्तित: ।

आत्मवत्सततं पश्येपि कीटपिपीलका: ॥ 47


Avruttivyadhishokartan anuvarteta shaktita:
Atmavatsatatam pashyedapi kitapipilaka:

One should help those who are sick, sad and without means of livelihood.

One should also look at with love, as one’s own self, even worms and ants.


खादन्न गच्छेदध्वानं न च हास्येन भाषणम् ।

शोकं न कुर्यान्नष्टस्य स्वकृतेरपि जल्पनम् ॥ 474


Khadanna gachchedadhvanam na cha hasyena bhashanam

Shokam na kuryannashtasya svakruterapi jalpanam


Do not eat when you are walking, do not laugh when others are speaking,

Do not cry over what is lost and do not brag about your own doings.


जन्मनि क्लेशबहुले किं नु दुःखम् अतः परम् ।
इच्छा सम्पद्यतो नास्ति यच्चेच्छा न निवर्तते ॥ १

Janmani kleshabahule kim nu dukham atah param 
Ichcha sampadyato nasti yachcheccha na nivartate 

In a life all the time filled with troubles, what pain is greater than when

desired wealth is not obtained but still desire never goes away.

Thursday, 25 August 2022

 आत्मप्रशंसिनं दुष्टं धृष्टं विपरिधावकम् ।

सर्वत्रोत्सृष्टदण्डं च लोकः सत्कुरुते नरम् ॥ 466


Atmaprashamsinam dushtam dhrushtam viparidhavakam
Sarvatrotsrushtadandam cha lokah satkurute naram


One who extols himself, is a cheat, a merciless man, goes to all and sundry,

shows indiscriminate leniency to all, such a person is popular among prople.


ज्वलति चलितेन्धनोऽग्निर्विप्रकृत: पन्नगः फणां कुरुते

प्राय: स्वं महिमानं क्रोधात्प्रतिपद्यते जन्तुः 467


Jvalati chalitendhano agnirviprakrutah pannagah phanam kurute

Praayah svam mahimanam krodhatpratipadyate jantuh


FIre burns brightly on moving the twigs. A disturbed snake raises its hood.

In general, everybody show their greatness and anger on being offended.


धर्मार्थ काम तत्त्वज्ञो नैकान्तकरुणो भवेत् ।
नहि हस्तस्थमप्यन्नं क्षमावान् भक्षितुं क्षमः ॥ 

Dharmartha kama tattvajno naikantakaruno bhavet 
Nahi hastasthamapyannam kshamavan bhakshitum kshamah 

One who knows the nature of Dharma, artha and kaama should not be too

compassionate. A forbearing person will not be able to eat whatever little food he has.

 एकं विषरसो हन्ति शस्त्रेणैकश्च हन्यते

सराष्ट्रं सप्रजं हन्ति राजानं मन्त्रविप्लवः 469

Ekam visharaso hanti shastrenaikashcha hanyate

Sarashtram saprajam hanti rajanam mantraviplavah


Poison will kill one person. One person can be killed with a weapon.

Whole state and citizens can be killed by misdoings of the kings.


अप्रियाण्यपि कुर्वाणो यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः ।
दग्धमन्दिरसारेऽपि कस्य वह्नावनादरः ॥ 

Apriyanyapi kurvano yah priyah priya eva sah 
Dagdhamandirasare api kasya vahnavanadarah 

Although acting in an unpleasant manner a beloved is always a beloved.

Even if fire burns down one’s house, will one be disrespectful of fire?

Thursday, 18 August 2022

 अरे दैव त्वदायत्तं कामं वित्तादि गच्छतु ।

ममायत्तं पुनर्वृत्तं हर्तुं कस्येह योग्यता ll 46


Are daiva tvadayattam kāmam vittadi gachchatu l
Mamayattaṁ punarvruttam hartum kasyeha yogyata

Oh you, my fate, desires, wealth and such things may be in your hands and be taken away at will. But good conduct is under my control and who has the power to deprive me of it?


अवज्ञात्रुटितं प्रेम नवीकर्तुं क ईश्वरः
सन्धिं न यान्ति स्फुटितं लाक्षालेपेन मौक्तिकम्
ll 46

Avajnatrutitam prema navikartum ka ishvarah l
Sandhim na yanti sphutitam lakshalepena mauktikam

Who is able to make good the love broken due to insult?

A broken pearl is not joined by applying a layer of lac.


न राज्यं न राजाऽसीत् न दण्डयो न च दण्डिकः ।

धर्मेणैव प्रजास्सर्वा रक्षन्तिस्म परस्परम् ॥ 46

Na rajyam na raja asit na dandayo na cha dandikah l

Dharmenaiva prajassarva rakshantisma parasparam ll


No state, no king, no judge and no criminal would exist if everybody lived by

Dharma, for, then, people would protect each other.


यथा खनन् खनित्रेण नरो वार्यधिगच्छति

तथा गुरुगतं विद्यां शुश्रूषुरधिगच्छति 464


Yatha khanan khanitrena naro varyadhigachchati l

Tatha gurugatam vidyam shushruradhigachchati ll


Just as a person gets water after digging earth with a spade,

so also, a student who serves his guru gets knowledge.


अनुबन्धं क्षयं हिंसामनपेक्ष्य च पौरुषम् ।

मोहादारभ्यते कर्म यतत्तामसमुच्यते ॥ 465


Anubandham kshayam himsamanapekshya cha paurusham l

Mohadarabhyate karma yatatattamasamuchyate ll


Any action undertaken with overattachment, loss, cruelty, disregarding

consequences, unfounded bravery and delusion is considered to be of low quality.

Sunday, 14 August 2022

 अव्यवस्थितवृत्तानाम् अभिन्नश्रुतिचक्षुषाम् ।

अधर्मार्जितभोगानाम् आशीरप्यहितोचिता 456


Avyavasthitavruttanam abhinnashrutichakshusham l
Adharmarjitabhoganam ashirapyahitocita

The goodwill of those who are unsteady in character and whose eyes are not open to the teachings of scriptures and who indulge in unrighteous pleasures should be treated as unwholesome.


प्राणा यथात्मनोऽभीष्टा भूतानापि ते तथा ।
आत्मौपम्येन भूतानां दयां कुर्वन्ति साधवः ॥ 


Prana yathatmano abhīshta bhutanam api te tatha l
Atmaupamyena bhutanam dayam kurvanti sadhavah ll


As life is important to oneself so it is to other beings. The good show

sympathy to other creatures by treating them as their own selves.


पुण्यस्य फलमिछन्ति पुण्यम् नेचन्ति मानवः ।

फलम् पापस्य नेचन्ति पापम् कुरुवन्ति यत्नतः ॥ 45


Punyasya phalamichanti punyam nechanti manavah l

Phalam papasya nechanti papam kuruvanti yatnatah ll


People like the fruits of Punya (good deeds) but they don't like to do good deeds.

People hate the effects of Papa (sins), but they continue to commit sins.


अदृष्टपूर्वाः बहवः सहायाः सर्वे पदस्थस्य भवन्ति वश्याः।

अर्थाद् विहीनस्य पदच्युतस्य भवन्ति काले स्वजनोऽपि शत्रु: 459


Adrushtapurvah bahavah sahayah sarve padasthasya bhavanti vashyah l

Arthad vihinasya padachtasya bhavanti kale svajano api shatru ll


Lucky persons in good positions see everyone as their own.

When money and positions are lost even ralatives become enemies.


संभोजनं संकथनं संप्रश्नः अथ समागमः l
एतानि ज्ञातिकार्याणि न विरोधः कदाचन ll

Sambhojanam samkathanam samprashnah atha samagamah l
Etaani jnatikaryaani na virodhah kadachana ll

Eating together, chitchatting together, discussing together,

and staying together are the functions of kith & kin, not to oppose always.