Friday, 28 October 2022

 तच्चिन्तनं तत्कथनमन्योन्यं तत्प्रबोधनम्

एतदेकपरत्वं च तदभ्यासं विदुर्बुधाः 5११


Tacchintanam tatkaThanamanyonyam tatprabodhanam l
Etadekaparatvam cha tadabhyaasam vidurbudhaaha

Thinking only about ‘that’, stating only ‘that’, discussing only about ‘that’,

intelligent people call study, stressing the importance of concetration.


दूरे भीरुत्वमासन्ने शूरता महतो गुणः ।
विपत्तौ हि महान्लोके धीरत्वमधिगच्छति ॥ 

Dure bhirutvamasanne shurata mahato gunah   

Vipattau hi mahan loke dhiratvamadhigacchati

Fearing danger when at a distance and courage when at hand is

the quality of the great. In adversity great men show fortitude in the world.

एकः शतं योधयति प्राकारस्थो धनुर्धरः ।
शतं शतसहस्राणि तस्माद्दुर्गं विशिष्यते ॥ 

Ekah shatam yodhayati prakarastho dhanurdharah 
Shatam shatasahasrani tasmad durgam vishishyate 


A single bowman standing on a rampart can fight against a hundred and a hundred can fight against ten thousand; it is for this reason that forts have been planned.


असंवृतस्य कार्याणि प्राप्तान्यपि विशेषत: ।

निःसंशयं विपद्यन्ते भिन्नप्लव इवोदधौ ॥ 54


Asamvrutasya karyani praptanyapi visheshatah
Nisamshayam vipadyante bhinnaplava ivodadhau

The affairs of one who cannot maintain secrecy, even if successful

will undoubtedly perish like a broken boat in the ocean.


स्वमर्थं यः परित्यज्य परार्थमनुतिष्ठति ।

मिथ्या चरति मित्रार्थे यश्च मूढः  उच्यते 55


Svamartham yah parityajya pararthamanutishthati  
Mithyacharati mitrarthe yashcha mudhah sa uchyate


One disregarding his own interests, concerns himself with the matters of others

and who deals deceitfully with his friends is called a fool.

दुरधीता विषं विद्या अजीर्णे भोजनं विषम्  

विषं गोष्ठी दरिद्रस्य विषं व्याधिरवीक्षितः 56


Duradhita visham vidya ajirne bhojanam visham

Visham goshti daridrasya visham vyadhiravaikshitah


Not studying regularly is poison to learning, eating is poison for indigestion, assembly of people is poison to a poor person, neglecting to take medicine is poison to a sick person.


अहार्येण कदाप्यन्यैरसंहार्येण केनचित् ।

तितिक्षाकवचेनैव सर्वं जयति संवतः ॥ 57


Aharyena kadapyanyairasamharyena kenachit
Titikshakavachenaiva sarvam jayati samvatah

Never influenced by the opinions of others and not restrained by anyone else in his conduct, he conquers all, being well covered by the armour of patience and forgiveness.


वैद्यो गुरुश् च मन्त्री च यस्य राज्ञः प्रियंवदाः ।
शरीर धर्म कोशेभ्यः क्षिप्रं स परिहीयते ॥ 


Vaidyo gurushcha mantri cha yasya rajnah priyaṃvadah 
Sharīra dharma koshebhyah kshipram sa parihiyate 


If the physician, spiritual guide, minister are flatterers of the king,

he will soon lose his health, values and treasure.


रोगशोकपरीतापबन्धनव्यसनानि च ।

आत्मापराधवृक्षाणां फलान्येतानि देहिनाम् ॥ 59


Rogashokaparitapabandhanavyasanani cha

Atmaparadhavrukshanam phalanyetani dehinam


Sickness, sadness, regrets, attachment and sorrow

are the fruits of the tree of misdoings of living beings.


अनेकचित्तविभ्रान्ता मोहजालसमावृताः 

प्रसक्ताः कामभोगेषु पतन्ति नरकेऽशुचौ ॥ 5


Anekachittavibhanta mohajalasamavrutah

Prasaktah kamabhogeshu patanti narake ashuchou


Those who are completely deluded by many types of thoughts, covered by

delusion and committed to fulfilling desires will fall into the hell of pain.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

 राजा मत्तः शिशुश्चैव प्रमादी धनगर्वितः ।

अप्राप्यमपि वाञ्छन्ति किं पुनर्लभ्यतेऽपि यत् ॥ 5


Raja mattah shishushchaiva pramadi dhanagarvitah

Aprapyamapi vanchanti kim punarlabhyate api yat

The king, intoxicated, child, the indifferent, rich people with pride will desire

things that are unattainable. What to speak of those which are attainable?  


आदित्याय तमः सृष्टं मेघाय ग्रीष्मशोषणम् ।

मार्गश्रमस्तु वृक्षाय दुःखिनस्तूपकारिणे ॥ 5

Adityaya tamah srushtam meghaya grshmashoshanam
Margashramastu vrukshaya dukhinastupakarine


The Sun has been created against darkness, the clouds against the dryness of

summer. the tree to assuage the fatigue of the traveller, and the benefactor to help sufferers.


सुखम् आपतितं सेव्यं दुःखम् आपतितं तथा ।
चक्रवत् परिवर्तन्ते दुःखानि च सुखानि च ॥ 

Sukham apatitam sevyam dukham apatitam tatha 
Chakravat parivartante dukhani cha sukhani cha 

Happiness is to be enjoyed as it comes, misfortunes should be experienced,

as they come. Pleasures and sorrows keep coming by rotation.


स्वमस्तकसमारूढं मृत्युं पश्येज्जनो यदि ।

आहारोऽपि न रोचेत किमुताऽन्या विभूतयः ॥ 54


Svamastakasamarudam mrutyum pashyejjano yadi

Aharo api na rocheta kimuta anya vibutayah


When a person sees death hovering over his head, he does

have taste even for food, what to say of his wealth and other possessions.


 नरस्य नरो दासो दासस्त्वर्थस्य भूपते 
गौरवं लाघवं वापि धनाधन निबन्धनम् 55

Na narasya naro daso dasastvarthasya bhupate 
Gauravam laghavam vapi dhanadhana nibandhanam 

Man is not the slave of man but of wealth, o! king; prestige and

lack of respect is associated with wealth and poverty.


न प्रहृष्येत्प्रियं प्राप्य नोद्विजेत्प्राप्य चाप्रियम् 

स्थिरबुद्धिरसम्मूढो ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मणि स्थितः 56


Na prahruishyet priyam prapya nodvijetprapya chapriyam
Sthirabuddhirasammudho brahmavid brahmani sthitah

Realising God, having understanding of divine knowledge and not hampered by delusion, one neither rejoices in getting something pleasant nor grieve on experiencing the unpleasant.

कुत्र विधेयो यत्नः विद्याभ्यासे सदौषधे दाने ।
अवधीरणा क्व कार्या खलपरयोषित्परधनेषु ॥


Kutra vidheyo yatnah vidyabhyase sadaushadhe dane

Avadirana kva karya khalaparayoshitparadhaneshu

Where should one strive? Learning, healthy medicine and charity.

What should one neglect? Company of wicked, eyeing others’ women and wealth.


दूरे भीरुत्वमासन्ने शूरता महतो गुणः ।
विपत्तौ हि महान्लोके धीरत्वमधिगच्छति ॥ 


Dure bhirutvamasanne shurata mahato gunah 
Vipattau hi mahan loke dhiratvamadhigacchati 


Fearing danger when at a distance and courage when at hand is

the quality of the great. In adversity great men show fortitude in the world.


धर्मं प्रसङ्गादपि नाचरन्ति पापं प्रयत्नेन समाचरन्ति 

आश्चर्यमेतद्धि  मनुष्यलोकेऽमृतं परित्यज्य विषं पिबन्ति 59

Dharmam prasangadapi nacharanti papam prayatnena samacharanti l

Ashcharyametaddhi manushyaloke amrutam parityajya visham pibanti ll

People do not perform good deeds, even when there are opportunities for doing them. But they perform bad deeds knowingly with effort. It is a wonder that people do not drink the nectar of dharma but consume the poison of papa.


जन्मैव व्यर्थतां नीतं भवभोगप्रलोभिना ।
काचमूल्येन विकीतो हंत चिंतामणिर्महा


Janmaiva vyarthatam nitam bhavabhogapralobhina l

Kachamulyena vikito hanta chintamanirmaha ll


People spend their entire lives in enjoyment and make it worthless.

Even precious gems are given away at the price of glass.