वसन्त यौवना वृक्षाः पुरुषा धन यौवनाः ।
सौभाग्य यौवना नार्यो युवानो बुद्धि यौवनाः ॥ १5२१
Vasanta yauvana vrukshah purusha
dhana yauvanah ।
Saubhagya yauvana naryo yuvano
buddhi yauvanah ॥
Spring is the youth of trees, wealth
is the youth of men, beauty is the
youth of women and intelligence is
the youth of the young.
उद्धाटितनवद्वारे पञ्जरे विहगोऽनिलः ।
तदाश्चर्यं प्रयाणे विस्मयः कुतः ॥ १5२२
panjare vihago anilah ।
tadashcharyam prayane vismayah kutah ॥
Even when nine doors of the cage are open, the life-bird does not fly
That it stays till prescribed longevity is not over should not be a
विद्यामदो धनमदस्तृतीयोऽभिजनो मदः ।
एते मदावलिप्तानामेत एव सतां दमाः ॥ १5२३
dhana madastrutiyo abhijano madah ।
Ete madavaliptanaeta eva satam damah ॥
of learning, pride of wealth, pride of family, these three are intoxications
for the haughty while these three make the virtuous humble and self-controlled.
अव्यवस्थितचित्तस्य प्रसादोऽपि भयंकर: ।
व्यवस्थितप्रसन्नात्मा कुपितोऽप्यभयंकर: ॥ १5२4
prasado api bhayankarah ।
Vyavasthitaprasannatma kupito
apyabhayankara: ॥
favours shown by one who has no steadiness of mind is frightening
one who is steady and serene, though flies to anger does not cause fear.
दायादादपरो यस्मान्नास्ति भेदकरो द्विषाम् ।
तस्मादुत्थापयेद्यत्नाद्दायादं तस्य विद्विषः ॥ १5२5
Dayadadaparo yasmannasti bhedakaro dvisham ।
Tasmadutthapayed yatnaddayadam
tasya vidvishah ॥
To win over a kinsman of the enemy is the best policy in creating a
division among enemies; therefore, one should assiduously try to set-up a
kinsman against the enemy.
अलब्धमीहेद्धर्मेण लब्धं यत्नेन पालयेत् ।
पालितं वर्धयेन्नीत्या वृध्दं पात्रेषु निक्षिपेत् ॥ १5२6
labdham yatnena palayet ।
Palitam vardhayennītya vrudhdam
patreshu nikshipet ॥
One should attempt to obtain by lawful means what has not been obtained. What one
has obtained one should protect diligently. What one has obtained one should
increase by moral ways. What has been increased one should entrust to worthy
उत्पन्नपश्चात्तापस्य बुद्धिर्भवति यादृशी ।
तादृशी यदि पूर्वा स्यात्कस्य स्यान्न महोदयः ॥ १5२7
buddhirbhavati yadrushi ।
Tadrushi yadi purva
syatkasya syanna mahodayah ॥
Similar to one becoming wise enough to feel regret
after the event,
If one became wise before the event, one wouldn’t
have to apologise to anyone.
यत्र राजा तत्र कोशो विना कोशं न राजता ।
सुभटेभ्यस्ततो दद्यात् को हि दातुर्न युध्यते ॥ १5२८
Yatra rāja tatra kosho vinā kosham na rajata ।
Subhatebhyastato dadyat ko hi
datur na yudhyate ॥
Whereever the king is, the treasury should be with him. There is no
royalty without treasure. He should be liberal in paying his soldiers. Who does
not fight for the generous?
उपार्जितानां वित्तानां त्यागएव हि रक्षणम् ।
तडागोदरसंस्थानां परीवाह इवाम्भसाम् ॥ १5२9
vittanam tyaga eva hi rakshanam ।
parivaha ivambhasam ॥
Just as surplus water of a pond is put to
best use by constructing overflow gates,
wealth acquired through various means can
be put to good use by renouncing it for charity.
आदाय करमाढ्येभ्यः कीकटेष्वपि वर्षसि ।
प्रपीय वारि सिन्धुभ्यः स्थलेष्विव घनाघनः ॥ १5३०
Adaya karamaddhyebhyah kikateshvapi varshasi ।
Prapiya vari sindhubhyah sthaleshviva
ghanaghanah ॥
After collecting taxes from rich people, I hope
you shower them down on the needy, just as a rain cloud, drinking up water from
the sea (or rivers / streams), showers down on every piece of land.
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