मूर्खाणां पण्डिता द्वेष्या अधनानां महाधनाः।
वाराङ्गानाः कुलस्त्रीणां सुभगानां च दुर्भगाः ॥ १55१
Murkhanam pandita dveshya adhananam mahadhanah ।
Varanganah kulastrinam subhaganam
cha surbhagah ॥
Stupid people dislike the learned, poor
people envy wealthy people, courtesans dislike women from noble household and
women, who are not loved their husbands hate those who are beloved of their
सर्वेषां तत्र गामिनाम् ।
यस्य कालः प्रयात्यग्रे तत्र का परिदेवना ॥ १55२
sarvesham tatra gaminam ।
Yasya kalah prayatyagre tatra ka paridevana ॥
Everyone is destined to ultimately go there(die).
If someone goes a little
earlier, why lament it?
आन्तरे चैव बाह्ये च राजा यश्चैव सर्वदा ।
आदिष्टो नैव कम्पेत स राजवसतिं वसेत् ॥ १55३
chaiva bahye cha raja yashchaiva sarvada ।
Adishto naiva kampeta sa rajavasatim
vaset ॥
One who always has control like a king over himself
both in his feelings and actions and never trembles when orders are issued, should
alone reside in a royal residence.
विद्या कुलं शीलेन धार्यते ।
गुणेन ज्ञायते त्वार्य: कोपो नेत्रेण गम्यते ॥ १554
Abhyasaddharyate vidya kulam shilena dharyate ।
Gunena jnayate tvaryah kopo
netrena gamyate ॥
By constant study one is able to get retain lessons learnt. The name of a family is maintained by the conduct of its members. A person is respected based on his virtues and anger of a person gets indicated through his eyes
आत्मानं च जगत् सर्वं दृशा नित्याविभिन्नया ।
चिदाकाशमयं ध्यायन् योगी याति परां गतिम् ॥ १555
cha jagat sarvam drusha nityavibhinnaya ।
Chidakashamayam dhyayan yogi yati
param gatim ॥
Meditating on himself and the whole universe with the vision
that is eternally non-changing, as consisting of true intelligence of the all pervading, the Yogi attains the
highest goal of existence.
भारोऽविवेकिनः शास्त्रं भारो ज्ञानं च रागिणः।
अशान्तस्य मनो भारः भारोऽनात्मविदो वपुः॥ १556
Bharo avivekinah shastram bharo
jnanam cha raginah ।
Ashantasya mano bharah bharo
anatmavido vapuh ॥
Scriptural knowledge is a
burden for one who lacks discrimination, spiritual wisdom is a load for a
passionate person, the mind is a burden for one who is restless and the body
itself is a burden to one devoid of knowledge of the Self.
श्रेष्ठो हि पण्डितः
शत्रुर्न च मित्रमपण्डितः ।
अमित्रे खलु मार्जारे जीवितं संप्रतिष्ठितम् ॥ १557
Shreshto hi panditah shatrurna
cha mitramapanditah ।
Amitre khalu marjari jivitam sampratishtitam ॥
It is most
preferable to have a learned person as an enemy than having a stupid
person as a
friend. Like a cat for people who do not have a friend, life is trouble free.
उपकर्त्रारिणा सन्धिर्न मित्रेणापकारिणा ।
उपकारापकारो हि लक्ष्यं लक्षणम् एतयोः ॥ १55८
Upakartrarina sandhirna mitrenapakarina ।
Upakarapakaro hi lakshyam lakshanaam
etayoh ॥
Association with a helping enemy is
better than having a betraying friend. Helping or hurting are the
characteristics for deciding whether one is an enemy or a friend.
खलः करोति दुर्वृत्तं नूनं फलति साधुषु ।
दशाननो हरेत् सीतां बन्धनं स्याद् महोदधेः ॥ १559
Khalah karoti durvruttam nunam phalati sadhushu ।
Dashanano haret sitam bandhanam syat mahodadheh ॥
wicked person does evil things which make good people suffer.
headed Ravana kidnapped Sita and a bridge had to be built in the ocean.
आयव्ययं सदानुष्णं छेदनं संशयस्य च ।
अनिशं तस्य च ज्ञानं मन्त्रिणां त्रिविधं फलम् ॥ १56०
sadanushnam chedanam samshayasya ca ।
Anisham tasya cha jnanam
mantrinam trividham phalam ॥
moderate income and expenditure, removal of doubts and the ever-present wisdom
are the three advantages (gained by the king) from a good minister.
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