Wednesday, 27 March 2019

शोचन्ति जामयो यत्र विनश्यत्याशु तत्कुलम् ।
यत्रे तास्तु न शोचन्ति ह्यप्रसीदन्तिह वर्धते तद्धि सर्वदा ॥ ६६

Shochanti jamayo yatra vinashyatyashu tatkulam
Yatre tastu shochanti hyaprasIdantiha tatkulam

The family where womenfolk are suffering is sure to meet its destruction.
But the family where they do not grieve will always prosper.

उहापोहोर्थ विज्ञानं तत्वज्ञानं च धीगुणाः ॥

Shushrusha shravanam chaiva grahanam dharanam tatha
Uhapohortha vijnanam tatvajnanam cha dhigunah

Caring, willingness to listen, grasping power and concentration, awareness
And knowledge of philosophy are the qualities of an intellectual.

द्वयक्षरस् तु भवेत् मृत्युर् त्रयक्षरमं ब्रह्म शाश्वतम् ।
मम इति च भवेत् मृत्युर् नमम इति च शास्वतम् ॥

Dvayaksharam tu bhavet mrutyur trayaksharam brahma shashvatam
Mama iti cha bhavet mrutyur namama iti cha shashvatam

In Sanskrit, death is a two letter word, brahma is three lettered.
Mine(mama) can lead one to death while not mine(namama) will lead one to the supreme.

यथा धेनु सहस्रेषु वत्सो गच्छति मातरम् ।
तथा यच्च कृतं कर्म कर्तारमनुगच्छति ॥

Yatha dhenu sahasreshu vatso gacchati mataram
Tatha yaccha krutam karma kartaramanugacchati

Just as a calf can find its mother among a thousand cows,
The effects of one’s deeds will follow the perpetrator.

यो यमर्थं प्रार्थयते यदर्थं घटतेऽपि च ।
अवश्यं तदवाप्नोति न चेच्छ्रान्तो निवर्तते ॥ १७०

Yo yamartham prarthayate yadartham ghatate api cha
Avashyam tadavapnoti na chechchranto nivartate

If a person wants something and makes efforts to achieve it (without getting overwhelmed in the process) then no doubt he/she will get it.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

पाण्डुरसि निशि न शेषे प्रतिदिनमाविष्करोषि तनिमानम् ।
वयमिव किं त्वमपि सखे शशाङ्क तामेव चिन्तयसि ॥
Pandurasi nishi na sheshe pratidinamavishkaroshi tanimanam
Vayamiva kim tvamapi sakhe shashanka tameva chintayasi

You are pale, friend moon and do not sleep at night,
And day by day you waste away. Can it be that you too are thinking only of her?
पुनर्वित्तं पुनर्मित्रं पुनर्भार्या पुनर्मही ।
एतत् सर्वं पुनर्लभ्यं न शरीरं पुनः पुनः ॥

Punarvittam punarmitram punarbharya punarmahi
Etat sarvam punarlabhyam na shariram punah punah

Wealth, friends, wife and land can be acquired again if lost.
But not this human body.

तया कवितया किं वा किं वा वनितया तया ।
पदविन्यासमात्रेन मनो नापहृतं यया

Taya kavitaya kim va kim va vanitaya taya
Padavinyasamatrena mano napahrutam yaya

Young ladies ask ‘What is this?’, What is this? of your poetry
But you cannot win over a girl just by the beauty of the words.

प्रवृत्तिरेषा भूतानां निवृत्तिस्तु महाफला ॥

Na mamsabhakshena doshah na madye na cha maithuna |
Pravrutiresha bhutanam nivrutistu mahaphala ||

Nothing wrong in eating meat, drinking liquor or in sex.
But if one gets away from the habit of indulging in these three, one will be greatly benefited.

अरोपितः पृथुनितम्बतटे तरुण्या कण्ठे च बाहुतलया निविडं गृहीतः। उतुङ्गपीनकुचनिर्भरपीडितोयं कुम्भः करीषदहनस्य फलानि भुङ्क्ते ॥

Riding on her rounded hip, encircled tight by her arms,
Pressed against the maiden’s breasts,
the pot has to enjoy the fruit
of being fired in the potter’s kiln!

शान्ति तुल्यं तपो नास्ति तोषान्न परमं सुखम् ।
नास्ति तृष्णापरो व्याधिर्न च धर्मो दयापरः ॥ १५

Shanti tulyam tapo nasti toshanna paramam sukham
Nasti tushnaparo vyadhirna cha dharmo dayaparah

There is no penance equaling peacefulness, no happiness greater than contentment. No disease greater than excessive greed and no tenet greater than kindness towards all.

सर्वार्थसंभवो देहो जनितः पोषितो यतः ।
न तयोर्याति निर्वेशं पित्रोर्मर्त्यः शतायुषा ॥ १५७

Sarvarthasambhavo deho janitah poshito yatah
Na tayoryati nirvesham pitrormartyah shatayusha

The body which is the medium for one to realise the aims of life cannot be free from the debt to parents, the life givers and nourishers even if one lives for a hundred years.

परोपकारः पुण्याय पापाय परपीडनम् ॥ १५८

Ashthadashaputanam saram vyasena kirtitam
Paropakarah punyaya papaya parapidanam

In all the eighteen 'Puranas,' sage Vyasa emphasizes only two moral precepts: Rendering service to people is merit (punya) and harassing them is evil.

गुणात् गुरुत्वमायाति दुग्धं दधि घृतं क्रमात् ॥ १५९

Jyeshtatvam janmana naiva gunairjyeshtatvamuchyate
Gunat gurutvamayati dugdham dadhi ghrutam kramat

Greatness is not by birth, greatness is decided by qualities.  From qualities comes substance as curd and ghee from milk.

न मर्षयन्ति चात्मानं सम्भावयितुमात्मना ।
अदर्शयित्वा शूरास्तु कर्म कुर्वन्ति दुष्करम् ॥ १

Na marshayanti chatmanam sambhavayitumatmana
Adarshayitva shurastu karma kurvanti dushkaram

Brave people do not like being praised. They display their valour not by words but by doing difficult deeds

Friday, 15 March 2019

शरदि न वर्षति गर्जति वर्षति वर्षासु निःस्वनो मेघः ।
नीचो वदति न कुरुते न वदति सुजनः करोत्येव ॥ १५१

Sharadi na varshati garjati varshati varshasu nihsvano meghah
Nicho vadati na kurute na vadati sujanah karotyeva

Clouds in autumn do not cause rain, but they sound big when they pass by. Whereas monsoon clouds give rains, without making noise. An inferior person just talks, does not do anything, A good person just acts does not talk

बुधाग्रे न गुणान् ब्रूयात् साधु वेत्ति यतः स्वयम् ।
मूर्खाग्रेपि च न ब्रूयाद्धुधप्रोक्तं न वेत्ति सः ॥ १५

Budhagre na gunan bruyat sadhu vetti yatah svayam
Murkhagrepi cha na bruyaddhuproktam na vetti sah

Do not talk of your good qualities with a wise person as he will find them out by himself.
Do not talk of your good qualities with an idiot as he will neither understand nor appreciate them.

जलाब्दिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः ।
स हेतु सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ॥ १५

Jalabdindupatena kramashah puryate ghatah
Sa hety sarvavidyanam dharmasya ca dhanasya cha १५४  

A pot gets filled gradually by drops of water filling it.
Similarly, knowledge, dharma and wealth are to be earned little by little.

श्रमेण दुःखं यत्किञ्चिकार्यकालेनुभूयते
कालेन स्मर्यमाणं तत् प्रमोद् ॥ १५४

Shramena dukhah yatkinchakaryakalenubhuyate |
Kalena smaryamanam tat Pramod

While working hard we do feel sadness due to the strain.
When in future, we think about it, we feel the satisfaction of having done it.

खद्योतो द्योतते तावद् यावन्नोदयेते शशी ।
उदिते तु सहस्रांशौ न खद्योतो न चन्द्रमा ॥ १५

Kadhyoto dyotate tavad yavannodayate Shashi
Udite tu sahasramshau na khadyoto na chandrama

The firefly appears bright only in the absence of the moon in the sky. But when the Sun rises, neither the glittering fly nor the moon is to be found!

Saturday, 2 March 2019

गर्जसि मेघ न यच्छसि तोयं चातकपक्षी व्याकुलितोऽहम् ।
दैवादिह यदि दक्षिणवातः क्व त्वं क्वाहं क्व च जलपातः ॥ १४६

Garjasi megha na yacchasi toyam chatakapakshi vyakulito aham
Daivadiha yadi dakshinavatah kva tavam kvaham kva cha jalapatah

O cloud, you roar, but do not give water. I, the Chataka bird am thirsty.
If fatefully the southern winds blow here, where shall you be,
where shall I be and where shall it rain?

उद्यन्तु शतमादित्या उद्यन्तु शतमिन्दवः।
न विना विदुषां वाक्यैर्नश्यत्याभ्यन्तरं तमः ॥ १४७

Udyantu shatamaditya udyantu shatamindavah
Na vina vidusham vakyairnashyatyabhyantaram tamah

Let a hundred suns and a hundred moons rise, but the inner darkness cannot be dispelled without the advice of scholars.

यावत् भ्रियेत् जठरं तावत् सत्वं हि देहीनाम् ।
अधिकं योभिमन्येत स स्तेनो दण्डमर्हति ॥ १४८

One should desire as much wealth as is required to maintain one’s body but one who craves for much more is to be considered a thief and deserves to be punished.  

स्वभावं न जहात्येव साधुरापद्गतोऽपि सन् ।
कर्पूरः पावकस्पृष्टः सौरभं लभतेतराम् ॥ १४९

Svabhavam na jahatyeva sadhurapadgato api san
Karpurah pavakasprushtah saurabham labhatetaram

A good person never gives up his nature even when in a disaster. Camphor when it is lit emits more fragrance.

सुभाषितेन गीतेन युवतीनां च लीलाया ।
मनो न भिद्यते यस्य स वै मुक्तोऽथवा पशुः ॥ १५०

Subhashitena geetena yuvatinam cha leelaya
Mano na bhidyate yasya sa vai mukto athava pashuh

A person who is not seduced by the charm of good words, music,
Young women is either a realized soul or a senseless animal.