शरदि न वर्षति गर्जति वर्षति वर्षासु निःस्वनो मेघः ।
नीचो वदति न कुरुते न वदति सुजनः करोत्येव ॥ १५१
na varshati garjati varshati varshasu nihsvano meghah ।
Nicho vadati na kurute na
vadati sujanah karotyeva ॥
in autumn do not cause rain, but they sound big when they pass by. Whereas
monsoon clouds give rains, without making noise. An inferior person just talks,
does not do anything, A good person just acts does not talk
बुधाग्रे न गुणान् ब्रूयात् साधु वेत्ति यतः स्वयम् ।
मूर्खाग्रेपि च न ब्रूयाद्धुधप्रोक्तं न वेत्ति सः ॥ १५२
Budhagre na
gunan bruyat sadhu vetti yatah svayam ।
Murkhagrepi cha
na bruyaddhuproktam na vetti sah ॥
Do not talk of
your good qualities with a wise person as he will find them out by himself.
Do not talk of
your good qualities with an idiot as he will neither understand nor appreciate
जलाब्दिन्दुनिपातेन क्रमशः पूर्यते घटः ।
स हेतु सर्वविद्यानां धर्मस्य च धनस्य च ॥ १५३
kramashah puryate ghatah ।
hety sarvavidyanam dharmasya ca dhanasya cha ॥ १५४
pot gets filled gradually by drops of water filling it.
knowledge, dharma and wealth are to be earned little by little.
श्रमेण दुःखं यत्किञ्चिकार्यकालेनुभूयते ।
कालेन स्मर्यमाणं तत् प्रमोद् ॥ १५४
Shramena dukhah yatkinchakaryakalenubhuyate |
Kalena smaryamanam tat Pramod ॥
working hard we do feel sadness due to the strain.
in future, we think about it, we feel the satisfaction of having done it.
खद्योतो द्योतते तावद् यावन्नोदयेते शशी ।
उदिते तु सहस्रांशौ न खद्योतो न चन्द्रमा ॥ १५५
dyotate tavad yavannodayate Shashi ।
tu sahasramshau na khadyoto na chandrama ॥
firefly appears bright only in the absence of the moon in the sky. But when the
Sun rises, neither the glittering fly nor the moon is to be found!
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