शोचन्ति जामयो
यत्र विनश्यत्याशु तत्कुलम् ।
यत्रे तास्तु
न शोचन्ति ह्यप्रसीदन्तिह वर्धते तद्धि सर्वदा ॥ १६६
jamayo yatra vinashyatyashu tatkulam ।
tastu shochanti hyaprasIdantiha tatkulam ॥
The family where womenfolk are suffering is sure to meet
its destruction.
But the family where they do not grieve will always
उहापोहोर्थ विज्ञानं तत्वज्ञानं च
धीगुणाः ॥ १६७
Shushrusha shravanam
chaiva grahanam dharanam tatha ।
Uhapohortha vijnanam
tatvajnanam cha dhigunah ॥
Caring, willingness to listen, grasping power and
concentration, awareness
And knowledge of philosophy are the qualities of an
द्वयक्षरस् तु
भवेत् मृत्युर् त्रयक्षरमं ब्रह्म शाश्वतम् ।
मम इति च
भवेत् मृत्युर् नमम इति च शास्वतम् ॥ १६८
Dvayaksharam tu bhavet mrutyur trayaksharam brahma shashvatam ।
Mama iti cha bhavet mrutyur namama iti cha shashvatam ॥
In Sanskrit, death is a two letter word, brahma is three
Mine(mama) can lead one to death while not mine(namama) will lead one to
the supreme.
यथा धेनु
सहस्रेषु वत्सो गच्छति मातरम् ।
तथा यच्च कृतं
कर्म कर्तारमनुगच्छति ॥ १६९
Yatha dhenu sahasreshu vatso gacchati mataram ।
Tatha yaccha krutam karma kartaramanugacchati ॥
Just as a calf can find its mother among a thousand cows,
The effects of one’s deeds will follow the perpetrator.
यो यमर्थं
प्रार्थयते यदर्थं घटतेऽपि च ।
तदवाप्नोति न चेच्छ्रान्तो निवर्तते ॥ १७०
Yo yamartham prarthayate yadartham ghatate api cha ।
Avashyam tadavapnoti na chechchranto nivartate ॥
If a person wants something and makes
efforts to achieve it (without getting overwhelmed in the process) then no
doubt he/she will get it.
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