Friday, 29 November 2019

धर्मस्य फलमिच्छन्ति धर्मं नेच्छन्ति मानवाः  

फलं पापस्य नेच्छन्ति पापं कुर्वन्ति सादराः ॥ ४०६

Dharmasya phalamichchanti dharmam nechchanti manavah
Phalam papasya nechchanti papam kurvanti sadarah

People want the fruits of following dharma but they do not like to observe dharma.
They do not want the fruits of being sinful but they keep sinning attentively.

न तत्परस्य सन्दध्यात् प्रतिकूलं यदात्मन: ।

एष संक्षेपतो धर्म: कामादन्य: प्रवर्तते ॥ ४०

Na tatparasya sandadhyat pratikulam yadatmanah
Esha samkshepato dharmah kamadanyah pravartate

Do not act in others’ matters in a way that is abhorrent to yourself.
This is the Dharma of restraint, otherwise it will be lecherous behavior.

विक्लवो वीर्यहीनो य: स दैवमनुवर्तते

वीरा: संभावितात्मानो न दैवं पर्युपासते ४०

Viklavo viryahino yah sa daivamanuvartate
Virah sambhavitatmano na daivam paryupasate

One who depends on destiny is a timid and weak person.
A brave and self-confident person will not believe in fate.

गतवयसामपि पुरुषं येषामर्था भवन्ति ते तरुणाः
अर्थेन तु ये हीना वृद्धास्ते यौवनेsपि स्युः II ४०

Gatavasamapi purusham yeshamartha bhavanti te tarunah
Arthaina tu ye hina vruddhaste yauvane api syuh II

Aged men become youths if they have wealth.
Youth are indeed old if they do not own wealth.

यथा दोषो विभात्यस्य जनस्य न तथा गुणः ।
प्रायः कलङ्क एवेन्दोः प्रस्फुटो न प्रसन्नता ॥ ४१०

A fault in a person is easily noticeable rather than his good quality.
It is the dark spot in the moon that is visible not its brightness.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

अदृष्टे दर्शनोत्कण्ठा दृष्टे विच्छेदभीरुता ।

नादृष्टेन न दृष्टेन भवता लभ्यते सुखम् ४०

Adrushte darshanotkanttha drushte vichcchedabhiruta
Nadrushten na drushtena bhavata labhyate sukham

If I do not see you, I have the eagerness to see you, If I see you, I have the fear of separation. Not seeing you and seeing you, I am not able to get any happiness.

नास्ति लोभसमो व्याधिः नास्ति क्रोधसमो रिपुः  

नास्ति दरिद्रवतद् दुखं नास्ति ज्ञानात्परं सुखम् ॥ ४०२

Nasti lobhasamo vyadhih nasti krodhasamo ripuh
Nasti daridravat dukham nasti jnanatparam sukham

There is no disease equal to greed, there is no enemy equal to anger
There is sadness equal to poverty and there is happiness equal to knowledge.

चामीकरस्य सौरभ्यमम्लानिर्मालतीस्रजम् ।

श्रोतुर्निर्मत्सरत्वं च निर्माणगोचरं विधेः ॥ ४०३

Chamikasya saurabhyamamlanirmalatisrajam
Shroturnimatsaratvam cha nirmanagocharam vidheh

Fragrance in Gold, non-withering of Malati flower garlands,
non-envy in a listener are beyond the creation of a creator.

मनःप्रसादः श्रद्धा च तथा करणपाटवम् ।

सहयोत्थानसम्पच्च कर्मणां सिद्धिलक्षणम् ॥ ४०४

Manhprasadah shraddha cha tatha karanapatavam
Sahayotthanasampachcha karmanam siddhilakshanam

Clarity of mind, application, skill in doing things, helpers
and a lot of initiative are the means of accomplishing things.

क्षमा दानं क्षमा सत्यं क्षमा यज्ञश्च पुत्रिकाः ।

क्षमा वशः क्षमा धर्मः क्षमयाऽधिष्ठितं जगत् ॥ ४०५

Kshama danam kshama satyam kshama yajnashcha putrikah 
Kshama vashah kshama dharmah kshamaya adhishtthitam jagat

Forbearance is charity, forbearance is truth, forbearance is sacrifice.
Forbearance is fame, forbearance is dharma, the world is borne by forbearance.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

यस्य कस्य प्रसूतोऽपि गुणवान्पूज्यते नरः ।

धनुर्वंशविशुद्धोऽपि निर्गुणः किं करिश्यति ॥ ३९६

Yasya kasya prasuto api gunavanpujyate narah
Dhanurvamshavishuddho api nigunah narah kim karishyati

In whatever family one is born, a person with good qualities is honored. Even being born in a family of good lineage, what can a person without qualities achieve?

यदभावि न तद्भावि भावि चेन्न तदन्यथा ।

इति चिन्ताविषघ्नोऽयमगदः किं न पीयते ॥ ३९७

Yadabhavi na tadbhavi bhavi chenna tadanyatha
Iti chintavishaghno ayamagadah kim na piyate

What is not to happen will never happen and what has to be can never be otherwise. Why is it that this antidote which will vanish worry is not consumed?

काकतालीयवत्प्राप्तं दृष्ट्वापि निधिमग्रतः ।

न स्वयं दैवमादत्ते पुरुषार्थमपेक्षते ॥ ३९८

Kakataliyavatpraptam drushtvapi nidhimagratah
Na svayam daivamadatte purusharthamapekshate

Even seeing a treasure in front of a man appearing accidentally,
fate will not hand it over to him but expects efforts from him to attain it.

असारे खलु संसारे सारं श्वशुरमन्दिरम् ।

हरो हिमालये शेते हरि: शेते महोदधौ ॥ ३९९

Asare khalu samsaare saram shvashuramandiram
Haro himalaye shete harih shete mahodadhau

In this world without worth, in-laws’ house is the only worthy place.
Hara(Shiva) stays in Himalayas (Parvati’s parents’ place) and Hari(Vishnu) stays in the deep seas(from where Lakshmi came)

रूपयौवनसंपन्ना विशालकुलसंभवाः ।

विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः ॥ ४००

Roopayauvansampanna vishalakulasambhavah  
Vidyahina na shobhante nirgandha iva kimshuka

One endowed with beauty and youth and born in a good family
Without education will not shine like the fragrance less Kimshuka flower.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

हा हा पुत्रक नाधीतं सुगतैतासु रात्रिषु  

तेन त्वं विदुषां मध्ये पङ्के गौरिव सीदसि   ३९

Ha ha putraka nadhitam sugataitasu ratrishu
Tena tvam vidusham madhye panke gauriva sIdasi

Alas! My son, you did not acquire knowledge in the bygone nights.
Because of that, in the company of learned people, you are like a cow with its legs stuck in clay.

आहारनिद्राभयमैथुनं च सामान्यमेतत्पशुभिर्नरणाम् ।

धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥ ३९२

Aharanidrabhayamaithunam cha samanyametatpashurbhinaranam A\
Dharmo hi teshamadhiko vishesho dharmena hinah pashubhih samanah ||

Food, sleep, fear and sex are common needs of humans and beasts.
Dharma is the special attribute of humans, without Dharma they are equal to beasts.

माता शत्रुः पिता वैरी येन बालो न पाठितः  

न शोभते सभामध्ये हंसमध्ये बको यथा ॥ ३९३

Mata shatru pita vairi yena balo na patthitah
Na shobhate sabhamadhye hamsamadhye bako yatha

For a child who is not educated, mother and father are enemies.
He will not shine in an assembly just like a crane will not among swans.

हीयते हि मतिस्तात हीनैः सह समागमात् ।

समैश्च समतामेति विशिष्टैच विशिष्टताम् ॥ ३९४

Hiyate hi matistata hinaih saha samagamat
Samaishcha samatameti vishishishtaitam

One’s intelligence becomes lower in the company of people with low intelligence. It remains the same with people of similar intelligence but becomes superior in the company of people with superior intelligence.

आपद्युन्मार्गगमने कार्यकालात्ययेषु च ।

कल्याणवचनं ब्रूयाद्‍पृष्टोऽपि हितो नरः ॥ ३९५

Apadyunmargagamane karyakalatyayeshu cha
Kalyanavachanam bruyadprushto api hito narah

time to do the right thing is slipping away, a person with real concern should give the right advice.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

अधः पश्यति किम्बाले तवकिम्पतितम् भुवि

रे रे मूढ नजानासि गतम् तारुण्यमौक्तिकम् ३८

Adhah pashyati kimbale tavakimpatitam bhuvi
Re re mudha najanasi gatam tarunyamauktikam

Why do you look down, O, girl, what have you dropped on the ground?
You, stupid girl, do not know that the pearl of youth is long gone.

आयुः कर्मं च वित्तं च विद्या निधनमेव च ।

पञ्चैतान्यपि सृज्यन्ते गर्भस्थस्यैव देहिनः ॥ ३८

Ayuh karmam cha vittam cha vidya nidhanameva
Panchaitanyapi srujyante garbhasthasyaiva dehinah

Longevity, actions taken, money earned, education and death, these five
are determined for a person even at the time of being in the womb.

अवश्यं भाविनो भावा भवन्ति महतामपि ।

नग्नत्वं नीलकण्टस्य महाहिशयनं हरेः ॥ ३८

Avashyam bhavino bhava bhavanti mahatamapi
Nagnatvam nilakantasya mahahishayanam hareh

What is destined to happen will happen even in the case of the great.
Like the nakedness of Shiva and Vishnu having to sleep on a great snake.

मूर्खोऽपि शोभते तावत्सभायां वस्त्रवेष्टितः  

तावच्च शोभते मूर्खो यावत्किंचिन्न भाषते ॥ ३८८

Murkho api shobhate tavatsabhayam vastraveshtitah
Tavaccha shobhate murkho yavatkinchinna bhashate

Even a fool dressed in all finery will shine in an assembly.
But he will shine till such time he opens his mouth to speak.

न दैवमपि संचिन्त्य त्यजेदुद्योगमात्मनः ।

अनुद्योगेन तैलानि तिलेभ्यो नाप्नुमर्हति ॥ ३८९

Na daivamapi samchintya tyajedudyogamatmanah
Anudyogena tailani tilebhyo napnumarhati

Even believing in fate, one should not give up one’s efforts.
One cannot extract oil from sesame seeds without efforts.

नाद्रव्ये निहिता काचित्क्रिया फलवती भवेत् ।

न व्यापारशतेनापि शुकवत्पाठ्यते बकः ॥ ३९०

Nadravye nihita kachitkriya phalavati bhavet
Na vyaparashatenapi shukavatpathyate bakah

No action exercised on an unfit object will bear fruit.
Even with a hundred attempts a crane cannot be made to speak like a parrot.