Saturday, 9 November 2019

अधः पश्यति किम्बाले तवकिम्पतितम् भुवि

रे रे मूढ नजानासि गतम् तारुण्यमौक्तिकम् ३८

Adhah pashyati kimbale tavakimpatitam bhuvi
Re re mudha najanasi gatam tarunyamauktikam

Why do you look down, O, girl, what have you dropped on the ground?
You, stupid girl, do not know that the pearl of youth is long gone.

आयुः कर्मं च वित्तं च विद्या निधनमेव च ।

पञ्चैतान्यपि सृज्यन्ते गर्भस्थस्यैव देहिनः ॥ ३८

Ayuh karmam cha vittam cha vidya nidhanameva
Panchaitanyapi srujyante garbhasthasyaiva dehinah

Longevity, actions taken, money earned, education and death, these five
are determined for a person even at the time of being in the womb.

अवश्यं भाविनो भावा भवन्ति महतामपि ।

नग्नत्वं नीलकण्टस्य महाहिशयनं हरेः ॥ ३८

Avashyam bhavino bhava bhavanti mahatamapi
Nagnatvam nilakantasya mahahishayanam hareh

What is destined to happen will happen even in the case of the great.
Like the nakedness of Shiva and Vishnu having to sleep on a great snake.

मूर्खोऽपि शोभते तावत्सभायां वस्त्रवेष्टितः  

तावच्च शोभते मूर्खो यावत्किंचिन्न भाषते ॥ ३८८

Murkho api shobhate tavatsabhayam vastraveshtitah
Tavaccha shobhate murkho yavatkinchinna bhashate

Even a fool dressed in all finery will shine in an assembly.
But he will shine till such time he opens his mouth to speak.

न दैवमपि संचिन्त्य त्यजेदुद्योगमात्मनः ।

अनुद्योगेन तैलानि तिलेभ्यो नाप्नुमर्हति ॥ ३८९

Na daivamapi samchintya tyajedudyogamatmanah
Anudyogena tailani tilebhyo napnumarhati

Even believing in fate, one should not give up one’s efforts.
One cannot extract oil from sesame seeds without efforts.

नाद्रव्ये निहिता काचित्क्रिया फलवती भवेत् ।

न व्यापारशतेनापि शुकवत्पाठ्यते बकः ॥ ३९०

Nadravye nihita kachitkriya phalavati bhavet
Na vyaparashatenapi shukavatpathyate bakah

No action exercised on an unfit object will bear fruit.
Even with a hundred attempts a crane cannot be made to speak like a parrot.

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