अदृष्टे दर्शनोत्कण्ठा दृष्टे विच्छेदभीरुता ।
नादृष्टेन न दृष्टेन भवता लभ्यते सुखम् ॥ ४०१
Adrushte darshanotkanttha
drushte vichcchedabhiruta ।
Nadrushten na drushtena
bhavata labhyate sukham ॥
If I do not see you, I have the eagerness to see you, If I see you, I have
the fear of separation. Not seeing you and seeing you, I am not able to get any
नास्ति लोभसमो व्याधिः नास्ति क्रोधसमो रिपुः ।
नास्ति दरिद्रवतद् दुखं नास्ति ज्ञानात्परं सुखम् ॥ ४०२
Nasti lobhasamo
vyadhih nasti krodhasamo ripuh ।
Nasti daridravat
dukham nasti jnanatparam sukham ॥
There is no
disease equal to greed, there is no enemy equal to anger
There is sadness
equal to poverty and there is happiness equal to knowledge.
चामीकरस्य सौरभ्यमम्लानिर्मालतीस्रजम् ।
श्रोतुर्निर्मत्सरत्वं च निर्माणगोचरं विधेः ॥ ४०३
saurabhyamamlanirmalatisrajam ।
cha nirmanagocharam vidheh ॥
Fragrance in
Gold, non-withering of Malati flower garlands,
non-envy in a
listener are beyond the creation of a creator.
मनःप्रसादः श्रद्धा च तथा करणपाटवम् ।
सहयोत्थानसम्पच्च कर्मणां सिद्धिलक्षणम् ॥ ४०४
shraddha cha tatha karanapatavam ।
karmanam siddhilakshanam ॥
Clarity of mind,
application, skill in doing things, helpers
and a lot of
initiative are the means of accomplishing things.
क्षमा दानं क्षमा सत्यं क्षमा यज्ञश्च पुत्रिकाः ।
क्षमा वशः क्षमा धर्मः क्षमयाऽधिष्ठितं जगत् ॥ ४०५
Kshama danam kshama
satyam kshama yajnashcha putrikah ।
Kshama vashah kshama
dharmah kshamaya adhishtthitam jagat ॥
Forbearance is charity,
forbearance is truth, forbearance is sacrifice.
Forbearance is
fame, forbearance is dharma, the world is borne by forbearance.
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