Sunday, 22 March 2020

जामाता जठरं जाया जातवेदा जलाशयः
पूरिता नैव पूर्यन्ते जकाराः पञ्च दुर्भराः ५०६

Jamata jataram jaya jataveda jalashayah
Purita naiva puryante jakarah pancha durbharah

Son-in-law, stomach, wife, fire and reservoir are five beings
with names starting with Ja never satisfied even when full.

अलब्धं चैव लिप्सेत लब्धं रक्षेदवेक्षया ।
रक्षितं वर्द्धयेत् सम्यक् वृद्धं तीर्थेषु निक्षिपेत् ॥ ५०७

Alabdham chaiva lipseta labdham rakshedavekshaya
Rakshitam varddhayet samyak vruddham tirtheshu nikshipet

Yearn to obtain the unobtained, protect the obtained safely, enhance
what is obtained & preserved, distribute what is preserved to the worthy.

यो दुःखितानि भूतानि दृष्ट्वा भवति दुःखितः ।
सुखितानि सुखी चापि स धर्मात्मेति गीयते ॥ ५०८

Yo dukhitani bhutani drushtva bhavati dukhitah
Sukhitani sukhi chapi sa dharmatmeti giyate

One who becomes unhappy seeing other beings in grief and becomes
happy seeing them happy is considered to be a dharmatma.

निश्चित्वा यः प्रक्रमते नान्तर्वसति कर्मणः ।
अवन्ध्यकालो वश्यात्मा स वै पण्डित उच्यते ॥ ५०

nishchitva yah prakramate nantarvasati karmanah
avandhyakalo vashyatma sa vai pandita uchyate

One who starts work with definite goals, who does not take long rests before the task is accomplished, who has control over his mind till the end is considered a Pandit.

विज्ञानगुणमहार्घे पुरुषे द्वेष्यत्वमपि रमणीयम् ।
जननिंदिते पुनर्जने प्रियत्वेनापि लज्जामहे ॥

Vijnanagunamaharghe purushe dveshyatvamapi ramaniyam
Jananindite punarjane priyatvenapi lajjamahe

Even enmity towards a learned and respected person is enjoyable,
But friendship towards a person hated by everyone is shameful.

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