Tuesday, 29 December 2020

 यदमी दशन्ति दशना रसना तत्स्वादमनुभवति ।

प्रकृतिरियं विमलानां क्लिश्यन्ति यदन्यकार्येषु ॥ 786 

Yadami dashanti dashana rasana tatsvadanamanubhavati

Prakrutiriva vimalanam klishyanti yadanyakaryeshu


Taste of what is chewed by the teeth is enjoyed by the tongue.

Pure minds by nature work for the benefit of others.


अलोभः परमं वित्तं अहिंसा परमं तपः
अमाया परमा विद्या निरवद्या मनीषिणां 787


Alobhah paramam vittam ahimsaa paramam tapah
Amaya parama vidya niravadya manishinam


Not being greedy is the absolute form of wealth and non violence is the best form of penance. Absence of illusion is the absolute form of knowledge and an unblemished character is the absolute virtue.


किं चन्दनै सकर्पूरैस्तूहिनै: किंच शीतलै

सर्वे ते मित्रगात्रस्य कलां नाहरन्ति षोडशीम 788


kim chandanai sakarpuraistuhinaih kimcha shitalai

sarve te mitragatrasya kalam naharanti shodasheem


What to talk about the cool and soothing substances like sandalwood, camphor and ice etc. They are not even one sixteenth in comparison to the soothing touch of a friend.


यः च मूढतमः लोके यः च बुद्धेः परं गतः

तौ उभौ सुखमेधेते क्लिश्यन्ति अन्तरितो जनः ll 789

yah cha moodhatamah loke yah cha buddheh param gatah l

tau ubhau sukhamedhete klishyanti antarito janah ll


Only two types of people are happy in this world, those who are totally dull-witted

and those who are blessed with intelligence. All others, in between, are afflicted by sufferings.


रागद्वैषौ यदि स्यातां तपसा किं प्रयोजनम् ।

तावेव यदि न स्यातां तपसा किं प्रयोजनम् ॥ 790


Ragadvaishau yadi syatam tapasa kim prayojanam

taveva yadi na syataam tapasa kim prayojanam


For one with strong likes and dislikes what is the purpose of penance?

And for one with no strong likes and dislikes what is the need for penance?

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

 असम्भ्रमो विलज्जत्वमवज्ञा प्रतिवादिनि ।

हासो राज्ञः स्तवश्चेति पञ्चैते जयहेतवः ॥ 781


Asambhramo vilajjatvamavajna prativadini

Haso rajnah stvashcheti panchaite jayahetavah


Not to go in a tizzy, not to feel shy, not to ignore an opponent,

to laugh and to praise the king are the five causes for success.


पुनः प्रभातं पुनरेव शर्वरी पुनः शशांकः पुनरुद्यते रविः ।

कालस्य किं गच्छति याति यौवनं तथापि लोकः कथितं न बुध्यते ॥ 782


Punah prabhaatam punareva sharvaree punah shashaankah punarudyate ravih

Kaalasya kim gachchhati yaati yauvanam  tathaapi lokah kathitam na budhyate


Again, the morning, again the night! Again, the Moon, again the rising Sun!What does time lose in all these? Nothing! It is the youth that is being lost. But people do not understand this. 


कुर्वन्नपि व्यलीकानि यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः ।
अशेषदोषदुष्टोऽपि कायः कस्य न वल्लभः ॥ 783


Kurvannapi vyalIkani yah priyah priya eva sah
Ashesha doshadushto api kayaH kasya na vallabhah


Inspite of having innumerable defects, our loved ones remain loved.

Similarly, everyone likes their own imperfect bodies. 


अहेरिव गणाद् भीतो मिष्टान्नाच्च विषादिव ।

राक्षसीभ्य इव स्त्रीभ्यः स विद्यामधिगच्छति ॥ 784


Aheriva ganad bhito mishtannachcha vishadiva

Rakshasibhya iva stribhyah sa vidyamadhigachchati


One who is fearful of crowds as of snakes, sweets as of poison,

women as of demonesses, will acquire knowledge.


दुःखे दुःखाधिकान्पश्येत् सुखे पश्येत्सुखाधिकान्
आत्मानं शोकहर्षाभ्यां शत्रुभ्यामिव नार्पयेत्   785


Duhkhe duhkhadhikanpashyet sukhe pashyetsukhadhikaan
Atmanam shokaharshaabhyam shatrubhyamiva narpayet 


When in sorrow, see those who are in more sorrow, in times of pleasure, see those who have more pleasure. Just as you wouldn’t offer yourself to enemies, do not give into pleasures and sorrows.

Friday, 18 December 2020

अनाभ्यासे  विषं विद्या अजिर्णे  भोजनं विषम् ।

विषं सभा दरिद्रस्य वृद्धस्य तरुणी विषम् ॥ 776


Anabhyase visham vidya ajirne bhojanam visham

Visham sabha daridrasya vruddhasya taruni visham


For one who does not study education is poison, for one with indigestion food is poison, for a poor person a gathering is poison and for an old man a young lady is poison.


अदाता पुरुषस्त्यागी धनं संत्यज्य गच्छति ।

दातारं कृपणं मन्ये मृतोSप्यर्थं न मुञ्चति ॥ 777


Adata purushastyagi dhanaṃ samtyajya gacchati
Dataraṃ krupanam manye mruto apyarthaṃ na munchati


One who is not charitable is a man of renunciation leaving behind wealth when he dies I consider one who does charity as a miser as he takes with him the merits of his charity


सर्वे यत्र विनेतारः सर्वे पंडितमानिनः ।

सर्वे महत्त्वमिच्छन्ति राष्ट्रं तदवसीदति ॥ 778


Sarve yatra vinetarah sarve panditamaninah

Sarve mhatvamichchanti rashtram nadavasidati


Where everyone is a leader, everyone considers himself a pandit and everyone desires importance, that nation is doomed to destruction.


नह्यतः परमपरं कष्टतरं किञ्चिदपि पीडाकारणम् ।

यद् गुणेषु वर्तमानो दोषेषु सम्भाव्यते ॥ 779


Nahyatah paramaparam kashtataram kinchidapi pidakaranam

Yad guneshu vartamano dosheshu sambhavyate


There is no other cause of pain more distressing than when the person

practicing good qualities is accused of following evil ways.


अतिथिश्चापवादी च द्वावेतौ मम बान्धवौ ।

अपवादी हरेत् पापम् अतिथि: स्वर्गसंक्रम: 780


Atithishchapavadi ca dvavetau mama bandhavau
apavadi haret papam atithi: svargasamkrama:


The guest and the faultfinder are my best friends. The faultfinder prevents committing offences, the guest is the bridge to heaven.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

 वाच्यं श्रद्धासमेतस्य पृच्छकस्य विशेषतः ।

प्रोक्तं श्रद्धाविहीनस्य ह्यरण्यरुदितं भवेत् ॥ 771


Vachyam shraddhasametasya pruchchakasya visheshatah

Proktam shraddhavihinasya hyaranyaruditam bhavet


Speak to the listeners who are really listening intently.

Speaking to ones not paying attention is like crying in the forest.


धर्म यो बाधते धर्मो न स धर्मः कुधर्मकः

अविरोधात्तु यो धर्मः स धर्मः सत्यविक्रम 772

dharma yo baadhate dharmo na sa dharmah kudharmakah
avirodhaattu yo dharmah sa dharmah satyavikram

Any dharma which violates another’s dharma is not true dharma but bad dharma. Dharma which flourishes without harming others is true dharma, Satyavikrama.


वंशे प्रभूतेऽपि महागुणाढ्याः प्राचुर्यभावेन भवन्ति नैव ।

वृक्षे च वृक्षे च न सन्ति शाखाश्छत्रोपयोगाय विशिष्टरूपाः ॥ 773


Vamshe prabhute api mahagunadyah prachuryabhavena bhavanti naiva

Vrukshe cha vrukshe cha na santi shakhashchatropayogena vishishtarupah


Even in high families, great numbers are not born endowed with great qualities.

Not on every tree are branches which are especially useful for making 



यशोऽधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्यसंख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा

निरुत्सुकानामभियोगभाजां समुत्सुकेवाङ्कमुपैति सिद्धिः II 774


Yasho adhigantum sukhalipsya va manushyasamkhyamativartitum va |

Nirutsukanamabhiyogabhajam samutsukevankamupaiti siddhih ||



Achievement is enthusiastic to sit on the lap of those who engage

themselves diligently without caring for happiness or fame.


केचिदज्ञानतो नष्टाः केचिन्नष्टाः प्रमादतः ।

केचिद् ज्ञानावलेपत केचिन्नष्टैस्तु नाशिताः ॥ 775


Kechid ajnanato nashtah kechinnashtah pramadatah

Kechid jnanavalepata kechinnashtaistu nashitah


Some perished because of ignorance, some perished due to mistakes.

Some perished dur to arrogance of knowledge, some destroyed by those 

destroyed by themselves.