चिन्ता चिता समानाऽस्ति बिन्दुमात्रविशेषतः ।
सजीवं दहते चिन्ता निर्जीवं
दहते चिता ॥ 761
Chinta chita samana asti
bindumatravisheshatah ।
SajIvam dahate chinta
nirjivam dahate chita ॥
Chinta(worry) and Chita(funeral pyre) are almost equal except for
the ‘n’ sound. Chinta makes the living burn and Chita burns the dead.
कर्माणि लिम्पन्ति तज्ज्ञं कर्म न लिम्पति ।
रसनैवैका सर्पिषा करवद् यथा ॥ 762
ajnaṃ karmani limpanti tajjnaṃ
karma na limpati ।
lipyate rasanaivaika sarpisha karavad yatha ॥
Work hangs heavily on the ignorant, but not so on an expert.
Ghee sticks to the palm but not to the tongue.
वाच्या वाच्यं प्रकुपितो न विजानाति कर्हिचित् ।
नाकार्यमस्ति क्रुद्धस्य नावाच्यं विद्यते क्वचित् ॥ 763
Vaachyaa vaachyam prakupito
na vijaanaati karhichit ।
Naakaaryamasti kruddhasya
navaachyam vidyate kvachit ॥
An angry person by nature
does not know what he speaks.
Neither his work is done
nor is there any impact of what he says.
परोपदोषे पाण्डित्यं
सर्वेषां सुकरं नृणाम् ।
धर्मे स्वीयमनुष्ठानं कस्यचित्सुमहात्मनः
॥ 764
Paropadoshe pandityam
sarvesham sukaram nrunam ।
Dharma sviyamanushtanam
kasyachitsumahatmanah ॥
Advising others by showing
off knowledge is very easy for people.
Following such advice
themselves is done only by great people.
जीवलोकेस्मिन् को न जीवति मानवः ।
परोपकारार्थं यो जीवति स जीवति ॥ 765
Atmartham jeevalokesmin ko
na jeevati manavah ।
Param paropakarartham yo
jeevati sa jeevati ॥
In this world, who does not live for himself? But the one who
lives for others is the one who can be called as having lived.
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