Friday, 18 December 2020

अनाभ्यासे  विषं विद्या अजिर्णे  भोजनं विषम् ।

विषं सभा दरिद्रस्य वृद्धस्य तरुणी विषम् ॥ 776


Anabhyase visham vidya ajirne bhojanam visham

Visham sabha daridrasya vruddhasya taruni visham


For one who does not study education is poison, for one with indigestion food is poison, for a poor person a gathering is poison and for an old man a young lady is poison.


अदाता पुरुषस्त्यागी धनं संत्यज्य गच्छति ।

दातारं कृपणं मन्ये मृतोSप्यर्थं न मुञ्चति ॥ 777


Adata purushastyagi dhanaṃ samtyajya gacchati
Dataraṃ krupanam manye mruto apyarthaṃ na munchati


One who is not charitable is a man of renunciation leaving behind wealth when he dies I consider one who does charity as a miser as he takes with him the merits of his charity


सर्वे यत्र विनेतारः सर्वे पंडितमानिनः ।

सर्वे महत्त्वमिच्छन्ति राष्ट्रं तदवसीदति ॥ 778


Sarve yatra vinetarah sarve panditamaninah

Sarve mhatvamichchanti rashtram nadavasidati


Where everyone is a leader, everyone considers himself a pandit and everyone desires importance, that nation is doomed to destruction.


नह्यतः परमपरं कष्टतरं किञ्चिदपि पीडाकारणम् ।

यद् गुणेषु वर्तमानो दोषेषु सम्भाव्यते ॥ 779


Nahyatah paramaparam kashtataram kinchidapi pidakaranam

Yad guneshu vartamano dosheshu sambhavyate


There is no other cause of pain more distressing than when the person

practicing good qualities is accused of following evil ways.


अतिथिश्चापवादी च द्वावेतौ मम बान्धवौ ।

अपवादी हरेत् पापम् अतिथि: स्वर्गसंक्रम: 780


Atithishchapavadi ca dvavetau mama bandhavau
apavadi haret papam atithi: svargasamkrama:


The guest and the faultfinder are my best friends. The faultfinder prevents committing offences, the guest is the bridge to heaven.

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