असम्भ्रमो विलज्जत्वमवज्ञा प्रतिवादिनि ।
हासो राज्ञः स्तवश्चेति पञ्चैते जयहेतवः ॥ 781
Asambhramo vilajjatvamavajna prativadini ।
Haso rajnah stvashcheti panchaite jayahetavah ॥
Not to go in a tizzy, not to feel shy, not to
ignore an opponent,
to laugh and to praise the king are the five causes for
प्रभातं पुनरेव शर्वरी पुनः शशांकः पुनरुद्यते
रविः ।
कालस्य किं
गच्छति याति यौवनं तथापि लोकः कथितं न
बुध्यते ॥ 782
prabhaatam punareva sharvaree punah shashaankah punarudyate ravih ।
kim gachchhati yaati yauvanam tathaapi
lokah kathitam na budhyate ॥
Again, the morning, again the night! Again, the Moon, again the rising Sun!What does time lose in all these? Nothing! It is the youth that is being lost. But people do not understand this.
कुर्वन्नपि व्यलीकानि यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः ।
कायः कस्य न वल्लभः ॥ 783
vyalIkani yah priyah priya eva sah ।
Ashesha doshadushto api kayaH kasya na vallabhah ॥
Inspite of having innumerable defects, our
loved ones remain loved.
Similarly, everyone likes their own imperfect
अहेरिव गणाद् भीतो मिष्टान्नाच्च विषादिव ।
राक्षसीभ्य इव स्त्रीभ्यः स विद्यामधिगच्छति ॥ 784
Aheriva ganad bhito mishtannachcha vishadiva ।
Rakshasibhya iva stribhyah sa vidyamadhigachchati ॥
One who is fearful of crowds as of snakes,
sweets as of poison,
women as of demonesses, will acquire
दुःखे दुःखाधिकान्पश्येत् सुखे पश्येत्सुखाधिकान् ।
शोकहर्षाभ्यां शत्रुभ्यामिव नार्पयेत्
॥ 785
duhkhadhikanpashyet sukhe pashyetsukhadhikaan ।
Atmanam shokaharshaabhyam shatrubhyamiva narpayet ॥
in sorrow, see those who are in more sorrow, in times of pleasure, see those who
have more pleasure. Just as you wouldn’t offer yourself to enemies, do not give
into pleasures and sorrows.
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