मृगा मृगैः संगमनुव्रजन्ति गावश्चगोभिस्तुरगास्तुरंगैः ।
मूर्खैः सुधियः सुधीभिः समानशीलव्यसनेषु सख्यम् ॥ 801
Mruga mrugaih sangamanuvrajanti gavashchagobhisturagasturangaih
Murkhashcha murkhaih sudhiya sudhibhih
samanashilavyasaneshu sakhyam ॥
Deer enjoy company of other deer, cows of other cows,
horses of other horses,
fools of other fools, intelligent ones of other intelligent ones, beings of equal
qualities always get along well.
मार्गाभ्यां वहन्ती वासनासरित् ।
प्रयत्नेन योजनीया शुभे पथि ॥ 802
margabhyam vahanti vasanasarit ।
prayatnena yojaniya shubhe pathi ॥
The impressions (Vasana) of prior births flowing in a
river of two streams, good
and evil, should be turned into one stream, the good one,
by human effort.
अशनं मे वसनं मे जाया मे बन्धुवर्गो मे ।
इति मे मे कुर्वाणं कालवृको हन्ति पुरुषाजम् ॥ 803
Ashanam me vasanam me jaya me bandhuvargo me ।
Iti me me kurvanam kalavruko hanti purushajam ॥
Food is mine, house is mine, wife is mine, relations are mine,
One who
keeps saying mine, mine (May, May) is killed by the wolf
of time like a goat.
सर्पः क्रूरः खलः क्रूरः सर्पात् क्रूरतरः खलः ।
मन्त्रौषधिवशः सर्पः खलः केन निवार्यते ॥ 804
Sarapah krurah khalah krurah sarpat kruratarah khalah ।
Mantraushadhivashah sarpah khalah kena nivaryate ॥
A snake is cruel, a wicked man is cruel, the wicked man
is crueler than the snake.
A snake bite can be controlled by chants and herbs, who
can control a wicked man?
क्रियमाणानि गुणै: कर्माणि सर्वश: |
अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते ॥ 805
Prakruteh kriyamanani
gunaih karmani sarvashah ।
Ahankaravimuddhatma kartahamiti
manyate ॥
activities happen because of actions and qualities of nature.
The arrogant
unknowing soul thinks he is the cause.
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