Saturday, 27 February 2021

 नरत्वं दुर्लभं लोके विद्या तत्र सुदुर्लभा

शीलं दुर्लभं तत्र विनयस्तत्र सुदुर्लभः 846


Naratvam durlabham loke vidya tatra sudurlabha l

Sheelam chadurlabhaM tatra vinayastatra sudurlabhah ll


Being born a human is rare in this world, being educated is rarer still.

Having good qualities is rare and rarer still is being modest.


सहजं वपुरात्मीयं पृथग्यत्र विलोक्यते ।

साक्षान्मृत्यादिके तत्र किं स्वकीयं गृहादिकम् ॥ 847


Sahajam vapuratmiyam pruthagyatra vilokyate l

sakshanmrutyadike tatra kim svakiyam gruhadikam ll 


When at the time of death one’s very body appears distinct,

how then can such things as house be one’s own?


भारस्योद्वहनार्थं च रथाक्षोऽभ्यज्यते यथा ।

भोजनं प्राणयात्रार्थं तद्वद्विद्वान्निषेव्यते ॥ 848


Bharasyodvahanartham cha rathaakshobhyajyate yatha l

bhojanam pranayatrartham tadvadvidvannishevyate ll


Just as wheels of the cart are oiled for bearing the load,

a learned person consumes food for life’s journey.


सन्निकर्षोऽत्र मर्त्यानामनादरणकारणम् ।

गांङ्गं हित्वा यथाऽन्यांभस्तत्रत्यो याति शुद्धये ॥ 849

Sannikarsho atra martyaanamanadarakaranam l

Gangam hitva yatha anyambhastatratyo yati shuddhaye ll


Being too close to anything will cause disrespect.

People living on the banks of Ganga go to other rivers for purification.


सर्वे यत्र विनेतारः सर्वे पण्डितमानिनः

सर्वे महत्वमिच्छन्ति तद् वृन्दमवसीदति 850


Sarve yatra vinetarah sarve panditamaninah l

Sarve mahatvamichchanti tad vrundamavasIdati ll

Sunday, 21 February 2021

 नाकाले म्रियते कश्चिद्वज्रेणापि समाहतः

मृत्युकालेऽमृतं जन्तोर्विषतां प्रतिपद्यते 841


Nakale mriyate kashchidvajrenapi samahatah l

Mrutyukale amrutam jantorvishatam pratipadyate ll


If the time has not come one does not die even if struck by lightening.

When it comes, even nectar turns into poison for beings.


कस्यापि कॉऽप्यतिशयोऽस्ति स तेन लोके ख्यातिं प्रयाति नहि सर्वविदस्तु सर्वे

किं केतकी फलति किं पनसः सपुष्पः किं नागवल्ल्यपि पुष्पफलैरुपेता 842

Kasyapi ko api atishayo asti sa tena loke khyatim prayati nahi sarvavidastu sarve l
Kim ketaki phalati kim panasah sapushpah kim nagavallyapi pushpaphalairupetaa ll

One becomes famous because of the particular skill one possesses.No one has all the skills. Kewra is well known for its fragrance but does not bear fruits. Jackfruit tree does not flower and Betel leaf does not bear fruits or flowers.


अनागतविधात प्रत्युत्पन्नमतिश्च यः

द्वावेव सुखमेधेते दीर्घसूत्री विनश्यति 843


Anagatavidhata cha pratyutpannamatishcha yah l

Dvaveva sukhamedhete dirghasutri vinashyati ll


Only the two, one who provides for the future and one who has

presence of mind will flourish while an idle man comes to ruin.


यदि वहसि त्रिदण्डं नग्रमुंडं जटां वा यदि वससि गुहायां पर्वताग्रे शिलायाम् ।

यदि पठसि पुराणं वेदसिध्धान्ततत्वम् यदि ह्रदयमशुध्दं सर्वमेतन्न किज्चित् ॥ 844


Yadi vahasi tridandam nagramundam jatam va yadi vahasi guhayam parvatagre shilalayam l

Yadi patthasi puranam vedasiddhantatatvam yadi hrudayamashuddham sarvametanna kinchit ll


If you carry the tridanda, shave your head, grow dreadlocks, live in a cave or on a mountain rock, read Puranas, Vedas, but if you heart is not pure, all will be useless.


यत्रात्मीयो जनो सन्ति भेदस्तत्र न विद्यते l
कुठारे दण्डनिर्मुक्ते भिद्यन्ते तरवः कथम् ll 845 

Yatratmiyo jano santi bhedastatra na vidyate l
Kutthare dandanirmukte bhidyante taravah katham ll 

Where there is intimacy among people, no differences exist.

Can an axe cut down trees if its wooden handle is removed?

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

 दुष्टा भार्या शटं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः ।

ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ॥ 836


Dushta bharya shatam mitram bhrutyashchottaradayakah l

Sasarpe cha gruhe vaso mrutyureva na samshayah ll


A wicked wife, a false friend, a saucy servant and living

In a house with a snake in it are nothing but death.


ज्योतिषं व्यवहारं च प्रायश्चित्तं चिकित्सितं ।
अजानन् यो नरो ब्रूयात् साहसं किमतः परम् ॥ 837


Jyotisham vyavaharam cha prayashchchittam chikitsitam l

Ajanan yo naro bruyaat sahasam kimatah param ll


There is no felony greater than pretending to know astrology, be a judge, suggesting ways of redemption and practicing medicine without having enough knowledge.


गुणानामन्तरं प्रायस्तज्ञो वेत्ति न चापरः ।
मालतीमल्लिकामोदं घ्राणं वेत्ति न लोचनम् ॥ 838


Gunanamantaram prayastajno vetti na chaparah l

Malatimallikamodam ghranam vetti na lochanam ll


Only a wise man can appreciate good qualities, not every one.

Only the nose knows the difference between jasmine and imitations, not the eyes.

श्रियः प्रदुग्धे विपदो रुणद्धि यशांसि सूते मलिनं प्रमार्ष्टि ।

संस्कारशौचेन परं पुनीते शुद्धा हि विद्या किल कामधेनुः ॥ 839


Shriyah pradugdhe vipado runaddhi yashamsi sute malinam pramarshti |

Samskarashauchena param punite shuddha hi vidya kila kamadhenuh ||


Makes the milk of riches flow, saves one from disaster, washes away dirt,

purifies all with tradition & cleanliness, education is like the wish-granting



अर्थेन भेषजं लभ्यमारोग्यं न कदाचन
अर्थेन ग्रन्थसंभारः ज्ञानं लभ्यं प्रयत्नतः 840

Arthena bheshajam labhyamarogyam na kadachana l
Arthena granthasambharah jnanam labhyam prayatnatah ll

Money can buy medicines but not health. Money can buy a stack of

books but not knowledge which one can get only through efforts.

Saturday, 6 February 2021

 यस्तु सञ्चरते देशान् सेवते यस्तु पण्डितान् ।

तस्य विस्तरिता बुद्धिस्तैलबिन्दुरिवाम्भसि ॥ 826


Yasya sancharate deshan sevate yastu panditan l

Tasya vistarita buddhistailabindhurivambhasi ll


The knowledge of a person who travels in many countries and

keeps company of the learned will spread like a drop of oil on water.


अद्भिर्गात्राणि शुध्यन्ति मनः सत्येन शुध्यति ।

विद्यातपोभ्यां भूतात्मा बुद्धिर्ज्ञानेन शुध्यति ॥ 827


Adbhirgatrani shudhyanti manah satyena shudhyati l

Vidyatapobhyam bhutatma bhuddhirjnanena shudhyati ll


The body is purified with water, mind with truth, the soul with

education and penance and the intellect with knowledge.


छिन्नोऽपि रोहति तरुः क्षीणोप्युपचीयते पुनश्चन्द्र: 

इति विमृशन्तस्सन्तः सन्तप्यन्ते न विलुप्ता लोके ॥ 828


Chchinno api rohati taruh ksheenopyupacheeyate punashchandrah l

Iti vimrushantassantah santapyante na viluptaa loke ll


A tree sprouts again after it is cut, the moon waxes again after waning. 

Contemplating this, good men do not grieve in times of misfortune.


यादृषं वपते बीजम् क्षेत्रमासाद्य कर्षकः ।

सुकृते दुष्कृते वाऽपि तादृषं लभते फलम् ॥ 829

Yadrusham vapate beejam kshetramasadya karshakah l

Sukrute duskrute va api tadrusham labhate phalam ll

 A farmer plants seeds which are suitable to the soil.

Fruits of any effort depend on whether they are for good or evil.

विद्याविनयोपेतो हरति चेतांसि कस्य मनुजस्य

काञ्चनमणिसंयोगो नो जनयति कस्य लोचनानन्दम् 830


Vidyavinayopeto harati na chetamsi kasya manujasya l

Kanchanamanisamyogo no janayati kasya lochananandam ll


One who is both educated and humble, does he not win hearts of people?Isn’t the combination of gold and beads a delight to everyone’s eyes?